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C Mechanical

Framingham, MA
November 06, 2017

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Framingham, M A. * 1702



Sloan V alve, W est N ewton, M A

Mechanical E ngineer 1 O ctober 2 014 - C urrent Worked c losely w ith r esearch a nd d evelopment e ngineers t o r edesign c urrent p roducts i n S olidWorks. W rote a nd performed t est p lans t o c ollect d ata t o v alidated F EA a nalysis a nd/or t olerances s tudies. A ssisted q uality d epartment w ith validation t estings, n on-conforming m aterials, a nd i ncoming i nspections. M aintained a nd u pdated m odels/drawing t o match c urrent r eleased p roducts.

Lytron, W oburn, M A

System E ngineer C o-op S eptember 2 013- J anuary 2 014 Worked u nder s ales a nd p roduction t eam o f e ngineers i n c ustom l iquid c ooling s olutions. H elp f acilitate d esign a nd manufacturing o f c hillers, c ooling s ystems, a nd h eat e xchanger. S ourced a nd q ualified c omponents t o r eplace i n c urrent systems t o m eet w ith c ompliance. A ssisted m echanical e ngineers w ith t est p ressure f or h eat e xchangers. Mersen, N ewburyport, M A

Manufacturing E ngineer C o-op J anuary 2 013 - A pril 2 013 Worked u nder m anufacturing e ngineers t o d esign t ool f ixtures u tilizing S olidworks. R everse e ngineering e xisting b razing machine t o c reate 3 D m odels. A ssisted e ngineers w ith r edesigning e xisting r ubber g asket t o u sed i n p roduction. EDUCATION

Wentworth I nstitute o f T echnology, B oston M A G raduation: A ugust 2 014 Bachelor o f S cience i n M echanical E ngineering T echnology

● American S ociety o f M echanical E ngineers ( ASME) M ember ACADEMIC P ROJECTS:

Ez-Smoke- S enior D esign P roject

For m y s enior d esign p roject, w e w orked i n a g roup o f f our t o d esign a t emperature c ontrol s moker. O ur g roup a pplied what w e h ad l earned f rom h eat t ransfer, a uto c ontrol s ystem, a nd m echanical C AD a pplication t wo. M y p rimary responsibility i s t o w ork o n t he s imulation, t est, a nd d ocument t he p roject. M y t eammate a nd I u sed b asic f low a nalysis on t he s moker w ith S olidWorks f low s imulation t o v iew t he f low p attern. T he t ests I w ork o n a re t o c alibrate thermocouples a nd t est t he d ifferent p arameters o f t he s moker. T he d ocumentation w ork I h ad d one f or t his p roject w as to o rganized a nd g ather a ll g roup m embers f iles a nd e mails f rom g roup m embers’, v endors, a nd p rofessor a ids. Single S tage R eduction G earbox– Machine D esign 2 This p roject a pplied w hat I h ave l earn f rom m achine d esign 2 t o d esign a s ingle s tage r eduction s pear g ear b ox. S ome o f the d esign s pecification a re d erivable p ower, g ear r atio a nd t he d esign l ife. T he p rocess o f s tarted f rom g ears a nd e nding off w ith t he b earing. T hroughout t he d esign I h ad t o c heck m y f orce t o m ake s ure t he d esign w as p ossible. RELATED C OURSEWORK

Mechanical G raphics; M echanical C AD A pplications 1 -2; T hermodynamics; S tatics; M echanical D esign 1 ; S trength o f Materials; F luid M echanics; M anufacturing P rocesses; C omputer A ided M anufacturing; M achine D esign 1 -2: C alculus 1-3; D ifferential E quation; M aterial S cience; E lectricity & E lectronics; H eat T ransfer; A uto C ontrols S ystem; Instrumentation & M easurements; D ynamics


SolidWorks A ssociate L evel C ertified; C reo/ProE; A utoCAD; C AMWorks ; M icrosoft O ffice S uite

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