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Houston, TX
October 31, 2017

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Mobile N o: +1-682-***-**** E -mail: v ****************@*****.*** SUMMARY

● Master o f S cience g raduate i n B ioengineering w ith e xceptional r esearch s kills i n d rug d elivery, s caffold generation, s tem c ell c ulture, D NA e xtraction a nd a ssay v alidation a mongst o thers.

● Strong t heoretical a nd l aboratory r esearch i n a reas s uch a s b iomaterials, t issue e ngineering, d rug d elivery, human a nd c ell p hysiology, i nstrumentation a nd i maging t echniques.

● Possess p owerful o rganizational s kills a long w ith e ffective t eamwork a nd c ommunication.

● Strong p resentation s kills u sing E xcel, P owerPoint, W ord.

● Will n ot r equire s ponsorship a nd c an w ork f or a ny e mployer.

● Willing t o r elocate a nywhere i n t he U SA. TECHNICAL S KILLS

Laboratory s kills: D evelopment o f d rug d elivery s ystems l ike s caffolds, h ydrogels, n anoparticles. S caffold generation w ith t he h elp o f 3 D p rinting a nd s tem c ell c ulture, l aboratory e quipment l ike c olorimeters a nd Spectrophotometers, P CR, C hromatography ( including H PLC), B lood c ell c ounters e lectrophoresis, b lood a nd urinalysis, F TIR, S EM, c ell a ssay, t issue s ampling. Computer a pplications: I mageJ f or i mage p rocessing o f s caffolds, S olidworks a nd A utoCAD, L abview a nd Simulink m odelling, C, R p rogram, M S O ffice ( Excel, W ord, P owerPoint) Bioinformatics T ools: L INUX, P ERL, B asics o f m icroprocessor a nd c ontroller Coursework: T issue e ngineering, d rug d elivery, n anobiomaterials, b iomaterials a nd l iving s ystem i nteraction, cardiovascular s ystem a nd d ynamics, t ransducers a nd b iosensors, m edical i maging a nd a dvanced m edical imaging, n eural e ngineering a nd f uzzy l ogic, b iological d igital i mage p rocessing, b iometry a nd v arious o thers. EDUCATION

University o f T exas A rlington & U T S outhwestern, T exas, U SA A ugust 2 015- D ec 2 016 Master o f S cience i n B ioengineering(M.S 3 .4 G PA Ganpat U niversity, U .V.Patel C ollege o f E ngineering, G ujarat, I NDIA A ugust 2 010 – May2014 Bachelor o f T echnology i n B iomedical a nd i nstrumentation ( B.Tech) WORK E XPERIENCE

BIOMEDICAL D EPARTMENT, S terling H ospital, A hmedabad, I NDIA J une 2 013- J uly 2 013 Intern

● Explored a nd l earned a bout t he w orking o f t he b iomedical d epartment c oordinated w ith t he b iomedical a nd the l og k eeping d epartment f or t he h ospital.

● Assisted t he e ngineers i n t roubleshooting o f t he m achines a nd h elped i n c onducting s afety c hecks f or t he equipment d aily f or a m onth.

● Assisted t he p athology d epartment i n p reparing s amples a nd c reating E xcel l ogs o f t he s ame. VEDANT S URYAVANSHI

Mobile N o: +1-682-***-**** E -mail: v ****************@*****.*** Research p rojects

Designed 3 D p rinted s caffolds f or t racheal g rafts: T he g oal o f t he p roject w as t o d esign a 3 D p rintable trachea m odel t hat h as s pecific p ores t o a llow c ell i nfiltration. Project P resentation o n D igital G oniometer: T he p rototype o f d igital g oniometer w as p repared t o d etermine the c urrent s tatus o f t he r ange o f m otion w hen b ending t he a rm a t t he e lbow, b ending a t t he k nee o r b ending a t the w rist.

Bioengineered I mplant f or T emporomandibular J oint: I p roposed t o m ake a 3 D p rinted s caffold f or j aw bone u sing N ano-Hydroxyapatite ( NHAP)/polymer c omposition t o r eplace t he l ower j aw b one t o t hose a ffected for i mproving t heir h ealth a nd l ifestyle. Inhalation D rug D elivery v ia N anoparticles t o t reat L ung C ancer: D OX-loaded M -PLGA-b-TPGS Nanoparticles w ere i ncorporated i nto i nhalable c arrier p articles b y s pray f reeze d rying t echnique t o t reat l ung cancer.

Treating A LS b y t argeting S OD1 p rotein a ggregation u sing a rginine l oaded n anoparticles: D esigning t he liposome n anoparticles e ncapsulating a rginine a nd S OD1 l igand 5 -fluorouridine c onjugated w ith T Axl

(Targeted a xonal i mport) p eptide t o t arget t he S OD1 p rotein i n t he m otor n eurons t o s uppress t he a ggregation o f the S OD1 p rotein.

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