varskar J oshi B uilding,
Near n ew g avdevi M andir,
Dombivali(W).Pincode - 4 21202
Mobile: 7-738******/982*******
E-mail: k ****.*.*.***@*****.***/
k ************@*****.*** Mr K iran M ohan M ore
T o o btain p osition w ithin a n o rganization t hat w ill a llow m e t o u tilize m y t echnical s kills, experience a nd w illingness t o h elp o thers. C
Educational Q ualifications
of C ommerce(B.Com)
Sikkim M anipal – E llim
Dec-2013 First C lass
H.S.C. Saraswati J unior
College,Dombivali(W) –
Mumbai B oard
Feb-2007 35.00%
S.S.C. S.V.Joshi
School,Dombivali(E) –
Mumbai B oard
March-2005 35.00%
Work E xperience :
1) Ecom E xpress, M umbai a s A ssociate O perations. F rom 0 8-June-2015 t o 2 9-Feb-2016. 2) All I ndia R oadway T ransport, M umbai a s O ffice A ssistant F rom M arch-2016 t o August-2016.
3) Nibras F ood P vt L td, P une a s C ash c ollector F rom S ept-2016 t o M ay-2017 Other A ctivities :
1) DMLT A ppearance
Technical E ducation :
Course Institute Year
MS-CIT Kelkar I nstitute o f T echnology 2010
MS-OFFICE Kelkar I nstitute o f T echnology 2010 Language P roficiency :
Language Read Write Speak
Marathi Yes Yes Yes
English Yes Yes Yes
Hindi Yes Yes Yes
Personal P articulars:
Name : Kiran M ohan M ore
Date o f B irth : 07t h J uly 1 986
Gender : Male
Marital S tatus : Married
Languages K nown : English, M arathi, H indi
Permanent A ddress
Room N o 4, 1 st F loor,
varskar J oshi B uilding,
Near n ew g avdevi M andir,
Pincode - 4 21202
I h ereby d eclare t hat t he a bove-mentioned i nformation i s c orrect t o t he b est o f m y k nowledge and b elief.
Date: S ignature Place: ( Mr K iran M ohan M ore)