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Ballwin, MO
October 30, 2017

Contact this candidate


Christopher Y oungman

***** * ***** * ***

Unit * 211

Ellisville, M O 6 3011

Cell 6-36-634-****


Personal P rofile

Working i n t he f ield o f M erchandising h as b een v ery r ewarding a nd h as a llowed m e t o u tilize a h ost o f s kill s ets. I have l earned h ow t o b e a daptable i n a f ield t hat d emands f lexibility a nd t he w illingness t o g et t he j ob d one. Y ou will f ind t hat I a m c omfortable w orking w ith m any c ompanies a t t he s ame t ime, a nd k now h ow t o l everage m y time m anagement s kills t o e nhance m y p erformance a nd b ecome a t op p erformer i n t his u nique a nd r ewarding field. P rior t o w orking i n M erchandising, I h ave h oned a dditional s kills s uch a s H ospitality C oncierge ( Team Manager) f or t he H oulihan R estaurant c hain ( four y ears). I w ould w elcome t he o pportunity t o s hare m ore a bout my q ualifications a nd l earn m ore a bout y our n eeds a nd h ow I m ight m ake a d ifference. Highlights o f Q ualifications:

● Articulate, w ith s trong v erbal a nd w ritten s kills

● High l evel o f e motional i ntelligence

● Creative p roblem s olving

● Organized a nd d etail o riented; g ood d ocumentation s kills

● Flexible; a ble t o m ulti-task

● Team p layer

● Positive a ttitude; d edicated t o t he m ission

● Proactive; w illing t o t ake i nitiative a nd f ollow t hrough

● Capable o f p erforming j ob f unctions f ree f rom i mmediate d irection o r s upervision

● Exercise d iscretion a nd i ndependent j udgement i n t he p erformance o f j ob f unctions Professional E xperience:

Strategic R etail S olutions, M erchandiser St. L ouis, M O March 2 017 – P resent

● Build s trong r elationships w ith s tore p ersonnel, k eep b usiness r eferrals c onsistently a t a h igh production v alue

● Strategize t imely a nd e ffective s tore s chedules

● Coordinate a nd t rain e mployees t o e ffectively f acilitate d ay-to-day o perations

● Responsible f or i dentifying a ll n ecessary p rojects t o e nsure s uccess ( planograms, p op, a udits, a nd electronics)

● Demonstrates p rofessionalism i n h andling v arious m anagement f unctions c ritical t o organizational s uccess w ith p roven a bility t o b alance m ultiple r esponsibilities InStore G roup, M erchandise R epresentative St. L ouis C ounty, M O October 2 016 – P resent

● Responsible f or o rganizing a nd b reak d own o f d isplays ( planograms, p op, a udits, a nd e lectronics)

● Implement s urveys o n e ach p roject; c ompiling d ata, t ransmitting r eporting t o m anagement

● Build s trong r elationships i nternally w ith a ll c ase m anagers, s taff a nd c lients

● Manage a nd t rain s taff a s r elated t o i ndividual p lans, g oals a nd u tilizing s upport d ocumentation Signature R etail S ervices, P roject V endor R epresentative St L ouis C ounty, M O August 2 015 - P resent

● Responsible f or p romoting s pecial p roducts f or m ultiple c ompanies w ithin L owe’s a nd H ome Depot

● Facilitated t he p roducts a ppearance; d isplay s et-ups, e xhibit d esign

● Implement a nd t rain a s t eam l eader, m y g roup a s w ell a s t he s tore’s e mployees r egarding v endor product u pdates a nd n ew p roduct l ines

● Generated m aximum g rowth f or p rojects ( planograms, p op, a udits, b reakdown, r epair o f d isplays and e lectronics)

● Build a nd e stablish a s trong b usiness p resence a t t he s tores; m aintain r etail p rices a nd management r eporting

BDS M arketing, M erchandiser St L ouis C ounty, M O January 2 017 - M ay 2 017 ( Completed A ssignment)

● Facilitated t he p roducts a ppearance; d isplay s et-ups, e xhibit d esign

● Generated m aximum g rowth f or p rojects ( planograms, p op, a udits, b reakdown, r epair o f d isplays and e lectronics)

● Build a nd e stablish a s trong b usiness p resence a t t he s tores; m aintain r etail p rices a nd management r eporting

Retail D ata, P roject V endor R epresentative St L ouis C ounty, M O May 2 015 - D ecember 2 016 ( Completed A ssignment)

● Facilitated a nd c aptured d ata f or v arious c ompanies t o o btain c ompetitors p rice c omparisons

● Generated a nd t ransmitted s urvey d ata t o u pper m anagement Education:

South U niversity, I nformation T echnology Savannah, G A 2012 - 2 015

● Online C ourses ( while w orking f ull t ime) Ashworth U niversity, P rivate I nvestigation Norcross, G A 2009 G raduated

● Online C ourses ( while w orking f ull t ime) Irvine V alley C ollege, B usiness M anagement Irvine, C A 1994 - 1 996

● Business c ollege c ourses ( focus o n B usiness d evelopment a nd I T c ourses) Skills:

Office S uite: E xcel, W ord, e xcel, P owerpoint References b y R equest

Shannon B riscoe 6-36-634-****

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