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Cincinnati, OH, 45220
October 29, 2017

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Deborah L . N athan RESUME



I A M A L OCAL A RTIST A ND M USICIAN W HO H AS A TTENDED T HE U NIVERSITY O F C INCINNATI ( OHIO) FOR F INE A RTS/ART H ISTORY. Y ET, I S TILL H AVE S UBSTANTIAL E XPERIENCE I N A DMINISTRATION IN M ANY C APACITIES-- E SPECIALLY I N D ATA E NTRY A ND R EPORT M ANAGEMENT, A CCOUNTING, OFFICE O RGANIZATION, A DMINISTRATION, A ND C USTOMER S ERVICE. I A M C URRENTLY SEARCHING F OR C LERICAL, A DMINISTRATION, A ND C USTOMER S ERVICE P OSITIONS T O SUPPLEMENT M Y C REATIVE A ND C OMMUNITY P ASSIONS 12/2015 - P resent I h ave b een a p art-time p rivate N ANNY f or a s pecial f amily i n C incinnati, O hio In w hich I h ave b een w ith C ( a N ational/Int’l C are a gency) p art-time a nd f ull-time since F all 2 011. M y r ecent r ole w ith t his h ighly p rofessional f amily r equired t hat I h ad a high l evel o f u nderstanding i n c hild e ducation, d evelopment, a nd n utrition. I a lso a ssisted in h ousecleaning a nd o rganization. I c ared f or t heir n ewborn t hrough t oddler-hood d uring the w ork w eek a s w ell a s m any e vening & w eekend s pecial o ccasions. T hey a re currently s ending t heir c hild t o p reschool f ull-time. I h ave a nother p art-time c lient a s w ell.

***This p osition w as d oubled w ith a nother p art-time p osition i n t he c aring i ndustry: June 2 015 - F ebruary 2 016 L IVE-IN C ARETAKER f or a c ancer p atient, m anaging t he cleaning a nd o rganization o f t he h ouse, c ooking, a nd y ard m aintenance, i n a ddition to t he o verall h ealthcare o f t he p atient b y c ontacting t he n ecessary c are p rofessionals and a ssistants f or t he c ritical c are o f t he p atient. I w as h ired p rivately b y t he f amily. 12/11 - 1 1/15 A gain, w orked f or C p art-time f or 2 - 3 d ifferent f amilies w hile a lso working f or t he f ollowing p art-time p ositions: U.S. B ank, D ATA E NTRY C LERK ( Randstad T emp A gency-- M arch/April 2 015) Vintage C lothing R ETAIL M ANAGER f or M t. L ookout r etail s tore ( April - D ec 2 014) Cincinnati A rt M useum P -T S ECURITY G UARD ( Jan 2 013 - S EPT 2 014) 06/10 - 1 1/11 Hyde P ark F lorist & G arden C enter S UMMER S EASON G ARDEN/CUST. S ERV. AND S tarbucks H yde P ark, B ARRISTA

This w as a s pecific t ime t hat I s pent t raveling a round t he U .S. f or a rt e xperience a nd t o spend t ime w ith f amily i n C alifornia, w orking v ery p art-time a nd f or s hort a ssignments. 12/08 - 0 7/10 U.S. C ensus B ureau ( Cincinnati, O H D ATA E NTRY & A DMINISTRATION, E ntered personnel i nformation, o rganized m aterial f or f ield e mployees g oing o ut, a nd o rganizing critical i nformation w hen r eturning, m anaging d ata r eports, a nd t he o ffice s ystems through m any d ifferent p hases ( building u p a nd b reaking d own f rom b eginning t o e nd). Proficient i n c ustomer s ervice t o r esolve m any q uestions a nd c oncerns w ith p ublic a nd Personnel-- A nd o btaining t he o pportunity t o l earn t he m any d ata o rganizing p rograms. 09/08 - 1 1/08 5th/3rd B ank M ORTGAGE A DMINISTRATOR ( Addecco T emp A gency), O rganized and p rocessed c lient f iles f or m ortgage r e-evaluation. T his r equired c onstant r esearch and m aneuvering t hrough m any d ata r eports a nd p rograms i n t he c omputer a s w ell as h uge f iling s ystems, e specially t o r esolve g aps o f i nformation/case r esolutions OTHER

EXPERIENCES: Before a ttending s chool, w orked f or C ityBeat N ewspaper M GR M ARKETING/PROM, The D esign C entre ( graphics f irm) a s M GR M KTG/PR, a nd a t U niv. o f C incinnati’s Marketing D ept. S ECRETARY, a nd t he A rchitecture/Urban D esign S ECRETARY CURRENTLY Finishing N utrition C ertification ( Integrative I nst. o f N utrition-- I nt’l), c urrent a rt exhibit, a nd p roducing n ew a rt f or u pcoming s how, p erform a s l ead s inger i n a b and, volunteer t o h elp f eed h ungry c hildren a t F reestore F ood B ank, a nd f reelance w rite. MISC. Wrote o ver 5 0 f ilm r eviews f or C incinnati F ilm S ociety ( 2012), v olunteered a t l ocal a rt venues f or s pecial e vents, e specially a t t he C AC, F oto F ocus, a nd K now T heater, . . .

A LSO w orked f or A rthur A ndersen & C o. & A ccounting f or C in. C hamber o f Commerce

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