Automobile I ndustry & F unction P roduct D evelopment P roject M anagement
● A competent, proactive and result-driven manager with a successful background of 11+ years in driving & managing in Product Development and Project Management in the Automobile Sector.
● Presently w orking a t R AMKRISHNA F ORGING L IMITED.(development o f F orging c omponents)
● as a f ull-timer i n J amshedpur.
● Possess Post Diploma in Computer Aided Tool Design and Diploma in Mechanical Engineering; earlier a ssociated w ith S atellite F orging ( AMTEK G roup) a s H ead o f T ool R oom.
● Leadership abilities with experience of cross-functional team management (Team Size: 5), cost and r isk m anagement, p rocess i mprovements a nd m anaging t eams t o m eet s et o bjectives.
● Possess extensive background in complex and challenging environments with proven ability to represent t he c ompany w ith c ustomers a nd s trategic v endor p artners.
● Proficient in managing Production Engineering operations involving design & development, process d evelopment, c oordination w ith i nternal d epartments a nd i nteracting w ith v endors.
● Expert i n m onitoring t he m achine p erformance t o d eliver t he p roduct o f d esired q uality.
● Resourceful at strategizing techniques for maximum utilization of resources, manpower and machinery.
● Possesses excellent interpersonal, communication and negotiation skills and the ability to develop a nd m aintain m utually b eneficial i nternal a nd e xternal r elationships.
● Excellence in addressing operational issues, resolving performance bottlenecks and achieving desired o bjectives.
ToolEngineering(2D,3D,ASSLY.,DRAFTING&CAM),SYSTEM-DOCUMENT- APQP,PFD,FMEA,CONTROL PLAN, ■ T eam Management ■ Strategic Planning ■ Shop Floor Management ■ Process Improvement ■ Leadership & Team Management ■ Project Coordination ■ Loss Analysis & Prevention ■ Cost Saving Initiatives ■ Operational Management ■ Process Enhancement C ompliance & Q uality V endor/People I nteraction WORK E XPERIENCE
Senior D esigner/Die M anufacturer ( CAD/CAM)
SHAH H ITECH A UTO A LCAST C O. P VT. L TD, J AMSHEDPUR, I NDIA Die D esigner/Die M anufacturer/Die-Casting ( CAD/CAM) AUTO P ROFILS L TD ( SHEET M ETAL C O J AMSHEDPUR, I NDIA Trainee E ngineer – D ie D evelopment a nd M aintenance S P S E NGINEER L TD, M UMBAI, I NDIA
Supervisor ( Fabrication Y ard & D rawing S ection)
A pril 2 012 – A pr2013
Dec 2 007 – A pr 2 012
Jun 2 003 – J un 2 007
Jan 2 003 – J un 2 003
F eb 2 000 – N ov 2 002
● ITEM : B FB D rum ( Honda M otors - 2 W heeler)
● COMPANY: S atellite F orging(PRESS F ORGING)
● PROBLEM : Observed lapping on the side wall of two pockets after 50 to 100 Nos. of pieces of production and centre distance (CD) between 2 - boss found oversize after trimming operation. After forging CD is found to be within tolerance range. Furthermore trimming component undergo c oining o peration t o m aintain t he C D.
● ROOT CAUSE: For lapping peg radius was found 5 MM and during trimming operation small boss i s p ushed f urther d ownward r esulting o versize o f C D.
● ACTION TAKEN : For lapping radius is increased to 8 MM from 5 MM in both peg. and to maintain t he C D w ithin t olerance l imit t he s mall b oss p rofile h eight i s i ncreased b y 0 .5 M M
● RESULT : Lapping is observed in between 3000 to 4000 Nos. of pieces. The die is further polished to maintain the Required radius and for the 2nd case CD problem avoided. Rejection reduced a nd e liminated t he c oining o peration.
● ITEM : S hifter F ork U pper/Lower ( Tata M otors - T ruck I tem)
● COMPANY: Z enith F orge L td(HAMMER F ORGING)
● PROBLEM : U nder f illing f ound a t f ork e nd p ad.
● ACTION TAKEN : A lip angle is provided of size 15 MM long & 1.5 MM deep at the end of pad in top & b ottom d ie i n b loker i mpression.
● RESULT : U nder f illing a voided.
Projects H andled : F orging
●,Defence C omponent - Truck(TML,HVF-AVADI,MEDAK HAMMER F ORGING)
● Ball Head (25 KG CUT WT), Support Sleeve, Spring Saddle, Guide Plate Rear, Differential Fork Upper/Lower, DIFFERENTIAL CASE,DIFFERENTIAL COVER,SADDLE B OTTOM e tc.
● Housing Planet Pinion (14 KG CUT WT), Steering Arm LH/RH/TOP, Pitman Arm
(Many Type), Pinion (Many Type), Fork Inter Axle Differential Lock, CRF (3 - Type), Engine Mounting Arm LH/RH (4 - Type), Engine Mounting Arm Front, Differential Cover, Bracket Lower/Upper, Toe Hook Yoke, S-Cam Bracket, Back Head, Spider, Cylinder a nd F ront H ead.
● Gear I tems ( Up T o - 1 0 K G. C UT W T) A ND j obs f rom J ost I ndia L imited, e tc. Projects H andled : D ie-Casting
● Pressure D ie C asting: R ear C over U pper; T iming G ear H ousing.
● Gravity Die Casting: Air Intake Pipe, Air Intake Elbow, Air Intake Pipe, Housing Gear Air Intake Elbow, Top Cover Upper/Lower, Air Intake Pipe and Manifold Oil and m any m ore c omponents.
● Undertaking Part Modelling, Surface Modelling (any type), Drafting, Assembly Design, Core & Cavity Extraction & Fixture making of automotive parts (Aluminium
& Cast Iron) Gravity Die Casting and Pressure Die Casting with Multi Cavity Exposure.
● Carrying o ut g eneration o f M achining P rogram o f a ny D ie ( NC-CODE). Others:
● Received " Best Q uality A ward" f rom T ATA M otors i n 2 011.
● Exposure to projects for TATA Motors Ltd, TATA Cummins Ltd, Tyco Electronics Ltd and Diesel Locomotive w orks.
● Actively p articipated i n T S-16949 A udit. KEY P ERFORMANCE A REAS
New P roduct D evelopment
● Spearhead responsibilities for coordinating with the Engineering Team for the purpose of and conducting feasibility study of new drawings, assessing requirements & evaluating new product.
● Perform e xecution o f a ll s orts o f d ies w ith t he h elp o f o ther t eam m embers.
● Identify, investigate and resolve technical issues related to new model component development.
● Address q uality i ssues d uring t rial b uild a nd r esolve b y a pplying Q C t ools.
● Stabilize q uality o f n ew p roducts a s p er s pecification d uring i nitial p art p roduction. Operations M anagement/Value E ngineering
● Drive continuous improvements through best practices for executing cost savings & modifications t o a chieve s ubstantial r eduction i n e xpenditures a nd w ork w ithin t he b udget.
● Ensure c ontinuous u pgrade o f t he e xisting P roduction l ine w ith m inimal c apital e xpenditure.
● Analyze various processes/applications and recommending modifications to enhance operational e fficiency.
● Coordinate with other department for maximum output with optimum utilization of available resources.
People/Vendor S upport
● Facilitate i n c onclusion o f a ll d esign r elated q ueries w ith v endors a nd c ustomers.
● Conduct product specification review meetings with local as well as international customers/vendors.
● Conduct the counter measure verification audit at vendor end & in-house and monitoring its effectiveness.
● Coordinate with customers for tool development & design development and with Tool Room for production.
Project M anagement
● Supervise project activities and handle the complete project management cycle entailing requirement g athering a nd f inal e xecution o f p rojects.
● Finalize requirements and specifications in consultation with engineering consultants/ collaborators, e xternal s uppliers, c ontractors & c lients.
● Control t he p roject s chedule & s hare p roject p rogress w ith s takeholders.
● Ensure n o d elay d elivery & t imely c ompletion o f p roject a t c ustomer w orks. Quality& T est A udits/Process I mprovements
● Monitor adherence to quality systems and comply with quality standards and maintain requisite documents.
● Perform Prototype test, Operational test, Alignment test, Standard tests & Customer component t est f or f ull s atisfaction a nd t o a chieve l ong l ife o f q uality p roducts.
● Plan & execute operations with focus on cost control, enhancing efficiency, optimizing resource utilization & r educing w astage.
Team M anagement
● Manage a t eam a nd a llocating & m onitoring t he d ay t o d ay w ork.
● Conduct employee training in equipment operations or work and safety procedures, or assign employee t raining t o e xperienced w orkers.
● Confer with management or subordinates to resolve worker problems, complaints or grievances.
Post D iploma i n C omputer A ided T ool D esign Indo D anish T ool R oom, J amshedpur, I ndia Diploma i n M echanical E ngineering ( DME)
State C ouncil f or E ngineering & T echnical E ducation, W B
● Available o n R equest
● PASSPORT N O. Z 2703369