T renten Doxey
814-***-****, ******@*****.***, 139 Niagara Falls Blvd B uffalo, NY 14214 PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY
I a m a recent college graduate at The University at Buffalo. I have gained invaluable insight in many critical areas of l aw through my academic curriculum at SUNY Buffalo. In addition, I worked as a legal assistant in a small law firm where I gained invaluable experience in a paralegal procedures a nd policies. I bring a well prepared academic background and proven work ethic to my employer. I am dedicated, responsible and, am able to execute my job responsibilities with little supervision. I will exceed my employer's expectations.
Key Strengths:
●P reparation of standard legal contracts, briefs, motions, summons, etc; through transcription of written or recorded documents.
●A ble to review other non-legal related contracts as well; accounting and b illing
●C ritical thinking and problem solving skills; able to render sound j udgment
●A m dedicated and hardworking; conduct all my interactions with a p ositive, professional attitude
●W ell rounded individual; able to prioritize work responsibilities
●E xceptional communication skills
●W ork related contacts
University at Buffalo, the State University of New York A ugust 2012 - May 2016 Bachelor of Science in Political Science/Minor in Pre Law GPA: 3.2 Relevant Courses:
- L egal Profession - C riminal Law
- R eal Estate Law/Foreclosure - P roperty
- C ivil Procedure - D ebt Collection Law
- L itigation - C ontracts
- L egal Analysis Writing & Research
- Environmental Law
- S ports Management Law
●E xperience as legal assistant: will bring those skills to my employer
●F ast learner; Able to assume new responsibilities quickly with no s upervision
●T he ability to work within a team as well as a cross-team
●G reat communication skills with customer and other professionals
●V ery good verbal and written communication skills; able to relate well in g roup settings
T renten Doxey
814-***-****, ******@*****.***, 139 Niagara Falls Blvd B uffalo, NY 14214 Office Skills:
Office Software: Microsoft office 2017(Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, E xcel, OneNote) Other Skills: Public speaking, Accounting, Customer Service, Web D esign WORK EXPERIENCE
Law Office of Norm Bennett-Amherst, New York
Dec 2012-July 2017
Practice: Business Law, P ersonal I njury, L itigation, C orporate F inance Position: Paralegal/Legal Assistant
●P reparation of legal documents: contracts, brief, motions, summons, etc. through transcription of written recorded documents
●D rafting pleadings and correspondence, trail preparation and general c ase organization A ssist i n i nvestigations, including p reparing a nd m anaging F OIL r equest a nd s ubpoenas, p erforming d ocument r eview a nd m anagement, coordinating w itnesses, p reparing c hronological a nd r eports, e tc.; a ssist i n r esearch a nd o ther c ase p reparation a s directed b y a ttorney
●W orked closely with Attorney by helping him managing calendars, s chedule appointments and court appearances
●C oordinate depositions and appearance: establishes, maintains and when necessary, revises Attorneys files
●A nswer phones and kept in touch with clients for the firm
●F ile management and organizing of paperwork in chronological order Buffalo Police Athletic League-Buffalo, New York
Jan 2017-Present
Position: Lacrosse Coach (Full Time)
●V isit inner city public schools to teach and speak to kids about sports and the importance of health and k eeping active t hroughout l ife
●W ork side by side with school principals to implement a system to improve their after school programs
●G iving back to the community and playing a big part of uplifting kids of all ages Young Stunnaz Lacrosse-Buffalo, New York/Erie, Pennsylvania Feb 2017-Present
Position: Founder, Director of Operations
●Y oung Stunnaz Lacrosse is a program that boys and girls ages 6-18 get the opportunity to play lacrosse year-round
●V isit intercity public schools to teach and speak to kids about sports and t he importance of health and keeping active in life
●W ork side by side with other lacrosse foundations threw out WNY to c reate a new sports culture
●G iving back to the community and playing a big part of uplifting kids of all ages
●T raveling to different cities in New York and Pennsylvania competing in s killed tournaments
●I nstructions a nd s eminars f rom t he b est p layers a nd c oaches i n B uffalo Page 2
T renten Doxey
814-***-****, ******@*****.***, 139 Niagara Falls Blvd B uffalo, NY 14214 Buffalo Youth Lacrosse-Buffalo, New York
Dec 2015-Present
Position: Assistant Head Coach/Mentor (Part Time)
●B uffalo Youth Lacrosse is a program for boys and girls emphasizing high skill level, teamwork, and good sportsmanship
●O ur goal is to provide a sense of belonging, motivation and a ccomplishment to this population
●B YL provides the most comprehensive year-round lacrosse and fitness p rograms Altitude Marketing-Lockport, New York
May 2015-Aug 2015
Position: Sales Associate (Summer Internship)
●E nsure high level customer satisfaction through excellent sales service
●A ssessed customer needs and provided assistance and informations on p roducts and service
●B uilt productive trust relationship with customers; received very good employee evaluation East High School-Erie, Pennsylvania
Aug 2009-Dec 2009
Position: Defensive Line Coach
●C ontrol the defensive line and play calling during games
●W ork on individual technique (run stopping, gap control, and p ass rushing)
●B uilt a new system to create a goal oriented football team Fraternity
● A lpha Phi Alpha
Reference Upon Request
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