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Mobile, AL
October 28, 2017

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Sam C ockrell

B.S. M echanical E ngineering a nd M athematics M inor, U niv. o f S outh A labama Class o f 2 018, G PA 3 .3

** * ******* * *ne, M obile, A l, 3 6608





Honor S ocieties

and S tudent




A irbus D efense a nd S pace, P roduction C ontrol I ntern 1 /17 t hrough 5 /17

•Created d ocumentation a nd i nstructions f or p arts a nd a ssemblies r equiring outside r epairs. E xtensive w ork i n r eading e ngineering d ocuments a nd e xplaining requirements t o a viation m echanics. W orked w ith b oth p roduction c ontrol a nd quality a ssurance p ersonnel t o e nsure a ll r epairs m et a nd e xceeded r equirements. Substantial e xperience i n W ord, E xcel, a nd P 2K i nventory s ystem.

I nternational P aper, E ngineering I nternship 5 /17 t hrough 8 /17

•Extensive e xperience i n c apital p roject m anagement a nd p roject r eport c reation and p resentation t o m anagement. A dditionally, t rained i n L ean a nd S ix S igma manufacturing p rocess i mprovement s trategies. C oordinated w ith m ill o perators and c ontractors t o i mplement e ngineering c ost r eduction p rojects. H ands o n experience i n E xcel, W ord, S AP, a nd U nifier p rograms.

A merican H eart A ssociation, 2 014 K eynote S peaker

•Presented s peeches f or b oth t he M obile a nd t he B aldwin C ounty H eart w alks, events w hich r aised o ver $ 200,000 f or t he A merican H eart A ssociation.

I nformation C enter U niv.of S outh A labama, 9 /15-present

•Answering p hone c alls, d irecting U niversity g uests a nd n ew s tudents a round campus, a nd s haping v isitors f irst v iew o f t he u niversity b y p roviding e xcellent a nd helpful s ervice.

M ath T echnology L ab A ssistant, T utor a nd S hift L eader, 8 /14-present

•Trouble s hooting c omputer i ssues, p roctoring e xams a nd m ath p lacement t ests, tutoring a lgebra t hrough c alculus m ath c ourses, a ssisting t eachers.

U niv. S outh A labama S tudent A mbassador, 2 013 t hrough 2 017

•Responsible f or w elcoming h onored g uests a nd p ublic o fficials, p articipating i n numerous f undraising e vents, a s w ell a s w orking w ith t he p resident's o ffice.

C ivil A ir P atrol E ncampment C adet C ommander, 1 /13 t hrough 6 /13

•Chiefly r esponsible f or 6 m onth p lanning p rocess a nd e xecution o f a w eeklong training a ctivity f or 8 0 c adets f rom 5 d ifferent s tates. SGA F irst Y ear C ouncil, C ollege o f E ngin. R epresentative 2 013-2014 SGA S enator, C ollege o f E ngineering 2 014-2015 Pi S igma A lpha, M ortar B oard, N ational C ollege S enior H onor S ociety Pi T au S igma, M echanical E ngineering H onor S ociety

•D umas W esley C ommunity C enter J oseph P roject, W eekly V olunteer, responsible f or o rganizing a nd d elivering f ood p ackages.

•M ember o f t he S tudent S ustainability C ouncil a t S outh A labama, v olunteer at c ampus a nd c ommunity c lean-ups.

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