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Data Computer Science

Naperville, IL
August 18, 2017

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Anirudh Tetali


Good analytical problem solving skills. Good at deducing patterns and meaningful insights from seemingly innocuous huge data sets to fuel business strategy. Updated with the latest technologies in market like Big Data Hadoop, spark, Hive, python pandas, Docker, C++ move semantics, Python3.6, Ipython notebook.


Computer Science with Data Science Certification

Master of Engineering, University of Cincinnati, GPA – 3.7/4.0 December 2017

Computer Science

Bachelor of Technology, CVR College, GPA – 3.6/4.0 June 2016


Programming Languages

Python, C++, C, Java

Web Technologies

JavaScript, HTML, CSS, XML


MySQL, Oracle DB-11g, Base SAS

Operating Systems

Microsoft Windows, Linux

Other Utilities

AWS EC2, Tableau, Restful API, Docker, Code-Deploy, GIT, google firebase, Visual studio Spark, Hive, MatLab, VMware Workstation, Eclipse, Pycharm, Cloudera CDH


Specialized in Python certified by coursera

Experience in python for data structures, to access web data, databases in python, retrieving,

cleaning up and modeling the data from Sakai open source project. November 2016

Partitioned MST based on 2 clustering techniques and measured similarity between clustering techniques

Implemented Kruskal’s algorithm to generate minimal spanning tree from a clique graph, using which compared

2 different clustering techniques by calculating coefficient of variation of edge weights. Implemented

BIRCH algorithm to merge the clusters by calculating CF factor of clusters. March 2017

Air Traffic Landing Data Analysis using Hadoop Map-Reduce Paradigm

Used Hadoop Map-Reduce paradigm to analyze Air traffic data to retrieve interesting Information like best

holiday destination in United States, major reasons for flight delays, busiest flight routes across United States

using Cloudera CDH Docker June 2015

Outlier Detection on huge Datasets using Hadoop Map-Reduce Paradigm in Multi-Node Environment

Succeeded in implementing outlier analysis on Massive Datasets using clustering techniques followed by

map reduce paradigm and the result is visualized graphically through ‘R’ December 2015

Data visualizations on various data sources using Tableau

Visualized and Analyzed data on Halloween trick or treat, Deaths caused by political conflicts,

superstore dashboard, Cincinnati non-emergency service ticket requests over the years. November 2016

Designed and implemented microwave oven application in C++ using concepts of multithreading here

The system built is implemented using asynchronous multithreading programming where the user can cook

for Specific time, extend the time while the microwave is running, terminate process anytime he wants. March 2017

Designed routing tool implementing Channel routing algorithm in C++

Performed Left Edge Algorithm in multi-layer Channel routing and has achieved 100% routing.

The tool is successfully tested against benchmarks of order 1000 nets and 1000 cells. March 2017

Presented a technical paper on "Federated, Available and Reliable Storage for an Incompletely

Trusted environment” by Microsoft corporation.

Efficient way to utilize the un-used computational power i.e. CPU cycles and free space in a Bunch of

laboratory computers, to create a federated, reliable, and trusted environment. I won first prize for

understanding and presenting this research paper where 80+ teams participated. March 2016

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