Curriculum Vitae
Khaled Hasan
Cell Phone
: Visiting Scholar, Department of International Health Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
*** *. ****e Street, Room E5539
Baltimore 21205-2103, Maryland, USA
: *******@***.***
1994-1995 Dhaka College, National University Bangladesh, Masters in Commerce 1991-1994 Dhaka College, National University Bangladesh, Bachelor in Commerce PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Visiting Scholar
September 2016 – present
In my current position, I oversee the following activities for three randomized controlled trials. One USAID funded RCT in Bangladesh (PI George) of a water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) intervention, an NIH funded RCT of participatory interventions to reduce arsenic exposure in American Indian Communities
(R01 Grant: PI George and Navas-Acien), and a USAID funded RCT in the Democratic Republic of the Congo of Baby WASH interventions (PI George).
Data Analysis and Manuscript Preparation:
• Conducting quantitative data analysis using SAS, Stata, R, or SPSS (Regression models and descriptive statistics)
• Preparing lead author manuscripts for publication Database Design and Development
• Creating codes for study questions, creating access database for demographic and clinical questions
• Barcode system for participants and bio specimen tracking
• Bio-specimen tracking databases
• Validation checks for access database using programming code
• Trainings on study protocols and the use of study database for field teams Database Management
• Quality control protocols for data management
• Troubleshooting database throughout study period and resolving queries
• Tracking barcode system for bio-specimens
• Data cleaning for all study data collected, sending queries to field team when needed Evaluation of a Baby WASH Intervention to Reduce Environmental Enteropathy and Impaired Growth in Young Children in Democratic Republic of Congo: The objective of our study is to develop and evaluate effective intervention approaches to reduce pediatric exposures to fecal pathogens and environmental enteropathy and impaired growth in this highly susceptible population in rural Democratic 2
Republic of Congo. We will conduct a cluster randomized controlled trial of the developed intervention approaches.
CHoBI7: An Innovative Hospital Based WASH Intervention for Hospitalized Diarrheal Patients in Bangladesh: The objective of our randomized controlled trial is to develop and evaluate scalable approaches to integrate the CHoBI7 intervention, a hospital based handwashing with soap and water treatment intervention, into the services provided for hospitalized diarrhea patients at health facilities in Bangladesh; and evaluating the ability of the CHoBI7 intervention to lead to a sustained reductions in pediatric diarrheal disease over time.
Participatory Interventions to Reduce Arsenic Exposure in American Indian Communities: The objective of our study is to develop and evaluate by conducting a randomized controlled trial the effectiveness of an evidence-based, theory-driven, multi-level participatory intervention to reduce arsenic exposure in American Indian communities enrolled in the Strong Heart Study (SHS) in North and South Dakota.
International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b). Senior Data Manager
January 2011 – August 2016
At icddr,b I developed and managed data collection systems for all studies for the Initiative for Noncommunicable Diseases. This included relational databases, quality control procedures, standard operating procedures (SOP) for data management, study questionnaires, code books, and data analysis tools. This included the following studies:
• Bangladesh Risk of Acute Vascular Events (BRAVE): A case-control study of 10,000 acute vascular event case and 10,000 controls examining environmental, genetic, lifestyle and biochemical factors for Acute Myocardial Infarction. I oversaw all data collection and management.
• Control of Blood Pressure and Risk Attenuation- Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Feasibility
(COBRA-BPS) study: This is a multi-country cluster randomized controlled trial of integrated primary care strategies to reduce high blood pressure. These findings will inform policies that will be integrated into the primary care infrastructure in rural communities in Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. My role was managing entry of this large dataset in REDCap and generating maps using QGIS software with GPS coordinates to visualize field cluster distribution.
• Establishing GeoHealth Hub: An international consortium of environmental health researchers investigating the health effects of water pollution, air pollution, and climate change in Bangladesh. My role was to manage this dataset and download data collected by a MicroPEM PM 2.5 machine from the field for indoor air pollution monitoring.
• Hypertension Study: A population-based study of arterial hypertension prevalence and management and its risk factors among adults 20 years of age or older in rural and urban Bangladesh. My role was to manage the study data and oversee and coordinate with the NHLBI Biolincc data management team.
• Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Study: A population based study of the prevalence and determinants of COPD and assessment of the rate of decline in pulmonary function in COPD cases in rural and urban settings in Bangladesh. My role was to manage this study data and coordinate with the data management team.
• Indoor air pollution (IAP) study: Evaluation of the use of cook stoves, indoor air pollution, and the prevalence of respiratory morbidity and cardiovascular risk factors in three cohorts of women and children under-five years of age in rural Bangladesh. My role was to manage this study data and supervise the data management team.
• A pilot cohort study for the CDRF (Chronic Disease Risk Factor Study): This was a pilot cohort study nested with the current demographic surveillance system in Matlab, Bangladesh to identify risk factors of chronic disease. For this surveillance system, we used netbooks to collect digital data directly in the field. My role was to manage this study data and coordinate with the SANCD (South Asia Network for Chronic Diseases) of PHFI (Public Health Foundation of India) data management team. Contractor for Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHBSPH) Contractor
January 2013- January 2014
Hospital Based Cholera Intervention for Household Contacts of Cholera Cases (PI George) Summary: I designed the digital data capture system, databases, and codebooks in Access for a cluster randomized controlled trial of household contacts of cholera patients conducted in Dhaka, Bangladesh entitled a “Hospital Based Cholera Intervention for Household Contacts of Cholera Cases.” The principal investigator of this study is Dr. Christine Marie George, and co-investigators are Drs. Bradley Sack and David Sack. In the role, I trained the study team on digital data capture, and oversaw the data management for a field team of 15 research assistants.
Columbia University Arsenic & Health Research in Bangladesh Informatics Manager and Database Coordinator
April 2003 – December 2010
Summary: I supervised data management for the Columbia University Arsenic & Health Research Office in Bangladesh. In this role I developed and managed the relational database system for a cohort study of 30,000 cohort study, and all sub-studies. This involved designing study databases, including data entry validations, generating eligible participant lists, tracking study bio-specimens, uploading data, data cleaning, and coordinating the activities of the data management team of 10 informatics officers, 4 data monitoring officers, and a study- pharmacist at the Columbia University Dhaka Office. This included the following studies:
• The Health Effects of Arsenic Longitudinal Study (HEALS): This is an ongoing prospective cohort study in Bangladesh of 30,000 individuals. The data collected from this study has resulted in over 22 publications. My role was to manage all study data collected.
• Bangladesh Vitamin E and Selenium Trial (BEST): The BEST trial is a 2 2 factorial design, double-blind, randomized controlled trial of 7000 adults with arsenical skin lesions evaluating the efficacy of supplementation with alpha-tocopherol (100 mg daily) and L-selenomethionine (200 μg daily) on the prevention of non-melanoma skin cancer. My role was to manage this study data and oversee the data management team.
• Water Arsenic Exposure and Intellectual Function in 6-Year-Old Children in Bangladesh: This study was conducted among arsenic exposed 6- year-old child using an abridged version of the Home Observation for the Measurement of the Environment (HOME) tool, to determine the relationship between water arsenic exposure and intellectual function. My role was to manage this study data and oversee the data management team.
• Water Arsenic Exposure and Children’s Intellectual Function in 10 year-old Children in Bangladesh: Exposure to arsenic has long been known to have neurologic consequences in adults, however there is limited studies assessing this among children. This cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the association between water arsenic exposure and intellectual function among children 10 years old. My role was to manage this study data and oversee the data management team.
• Folic Acid and Creatine as Therapeutic Approaches to Lower Blood Arsenic (FACT) Study: The objective of this clinical trial was to determine whether 400 or 800 μg of folic acid and/or creatine supplementation lowered blood arsenic in an arsenic exposed Bangladeshi population. Twelve and 24- week treatment with 800 μg of folic acid lowered blood arsenic to a greater extent than placebo; and this was sustained 12 weeks after FA cessation. My role was to manage this study data and oversee the data management team.
Relational Database Management System MS Access, SQL Server, MySql, Oracle Developer 11g.
Web Development (C++, HTML5, CSS3, Java Script, Joomla2.5 and WordPress)
Microsoft Visual Basic 6, Visual Studio 2012
ArcGIS Pro, QGIS 2.10.1
EndNote X
Server: Windows 2012 R2, VM.
1. “Statistical Reasoning in Public Health I”
June 12-21, 2017
Organize by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. 2. Online course on Epidemiology: Statistical Reasoning in Public Health I . June 2017
Organized by: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Coursera. 3. Online course on Epidemiology: The Basic Science of Public Health. May 2017
Organized by: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Coursera. 4. “Environmental Health Research”
January 5-6, 2016
Organize by University of Chicago
5. Training on “Creating a map using QGIS”
September 1-2, 2015
Organized by: The Statistical Unit of the CCD Training Support Group International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b). 6. Training on HTML5,CSS3, Joomla 2.5 and WordPress December 12 - January 1, 2015
Organized by: BASIS Institute of Technology & Management (BITM), Bangladesh 7. Training on Statistical Analysis-STATA
August 17 - 16 September, 2014
Organized by: International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b). 8. Scientific Project Management
May 13-14, 2014
Organized by: International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b). 9. Training course on Literature Search
March 20, 2013
Organized by: International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b). 10. Workshop on Electronic Data Capture for Health Research November 28, 2011
Organized by: South Asian Network for Chronic Disease (SANCD), Public Health Foundation of India.
11. Short Courses in Geographic Information Systems, Earth Science, and Environmental Health on Geographic Information Systems (GIS), using ArcView Software October 2003
Organized by: Columbia University
1. George CM, Inauen J, Perin J, Tighe J, Hasan K, Zheng Y: Behavioral Determinants of Switching to Arsenic-Safe Water Wells: An Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial of Health Education Interventions Coupled With Water Arsenic Testing. Health education & behavior : the official publication of the Society for Public Health Education 2016. DOI: 10.1177/1090198116637604
2. Alam, D.S., Talukder, S.H., Chowdhury, M.A.H., Siddiquee, A.T., Ahmed, S., Pervin, S., Hasan, K., Khan, S., Koehlmoos, T.L.P., and Niessen, L.W. Overweight and abdominal obesity as determinants of undiagnosed diabetes and pre-diabetes in Bangladesh. BMC Obesity. 2016;3(19).
(DOI 10.1186/s40608-016-0099-z). 3. Chowdhury, R., Alam, D. S., Fakir, I. I. Adnan, S. D., Naheed, A., Tasmin, I., Monower, M. M., Hossain, F., Hossain, F. M., Rahman, M. M., Afrin, S., Roy, A. K., Akter. M., Sume, S. A., Biswas, A. K., Pennells, L., Surendran, P., Young, R. D., Spackman, S. A., Hasan, K., Harshfield, E., Sheikh, N., Houghton, R., Saleheen, D., Howson, J. M. M., Butterworth, A. S., Research Group, C., Raqib, R., Majumder, A. A. S., Danesh, J., Di Angelantonio, E. (2015). The Bangladesh Risk of Acute Vascular Events (BRAVE) Study: objectives and design. Eur J Epidemiol, 1-11. DOI 10.1007/s10654-015-0037-2.
4. Argos, M., Kalra, T., Pierce, B. L., Chen, Y., Parvez, F., Islam, T., Ahmed, A., Hasan, R. Hasan, K., Sarwar, G., Levy, D., Slavkovich, V., Graziano, J. H., Rathouz, P. J. and Ahsan, H. (2011). A prospective study of arsenic exposure from drinking water and incidence of skin lesions in Bangladesh. American journal of epidemiology, 174(2), 185-194. DOI: 10.1093/aje/kwr062 ABSTRACT PUBLICATIONS AS CO-AUTHOR
1. Dhillon, P.K., Hasan, K., Islam, S., Islam, S., Jha, D., Davey-Smith, G., Alam, D., Ebrahim, S.
(2012). Incidence of childhood diarrhea and blood pressure in later life: Matlab, Bangladesh, International Conference on Global Public Health 2012. Theme: Double burden of diseases. matlab-13-07-12-se
2. George, C. M., Islam, T., Hasan, K., Slavkovich, V., Levy, D., Liu, X., Factor-litvak, P., Moon- Howard, J., Tarozzi, A., Ahmed, K. M. U., Geen, A., Graziano, J. (2012). Designing Sustainable Local Approaches to Lower Arsenic Exposure in Bangladesh. American Public Health AssociatSession 3151: International Environmental Health Issues (ID=32324). REFERENCES
Name: Dr. Christine Marie George, PhD
Title/Company: Assistant Professor
Department of International Health
Program in Global Disease Epidemiology and Control Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Address: 615 N. Wolfe Street, Room E5535
Baltimore, Maryland 21205-2103
Telephone Number: 410-***-****
e-mail: ********@***.***
Relationship to Candidate: Current Employer
Name: Dr. Dewan Shamsul Alam, MBBS, MMedSc, PhD
Title/Company: Visiting Professor
School of Kinesiology and Health Science
Faculty of Health
York University
Address: 4700 Keele St. Toronto, Ontario
Telephone Number: 647-***-****
e-mail: ******@*****.**
Relationship to Candidate: Former Employer
Name: Dr. Muhammad Parvez
Title/Company: Research Scientist
Environmental Health Sciences
Columbia University
Address: Sph/Env Sci B-1
New York NY United States 10032
Telephone Number: Phone: 212-***-****
Relationship to Candidate: Former Employer
Name: Habibul Ahsan, M.D., MMedSc.
Title/Company: Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences, Department of Medicine - Section of Human Medicine, Committee on Cancer Biology
Associate Director, Cancer Research Center
Address: The University of Chicago
AMB N102A (MC 2007)
5841 South Maryland Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60637
Email: *****@********.***
Telephone Number: 773-***-****
Relationship to Candidate: Former Employer
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