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Engineer Test Cases

Bothell, WA
July 29, 2017

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Stanley T. Takemoto Cell: 206-***-****


Highly skilled, dependable, savvy Quality Assurance Engineer with 10+ years of experience testing software, hardware, websites and mobile apps. Communicates well, good team member with a great attitude.


Software Development Life Cycle, Defect-tracking software programs, Test Case Management software, Comprehension of constantly changing environments and testing needs, Understanding the needs of end-users, Web page testing, Testing with multiple Internet browsers, Some XML and HTML, UNIX/Linux, Hardware testing (mobile devices, computers, DVRs, printers), Android Operating System and SDK


Google Mar 2015-May 2017

Contract QA Engineer with Quardev

Testing Hangouts for Android

Worked with various Android devices and Android versions from ICS – Android O

Owned various features in the product – such as attachments, Peer to peer messaging, Android Wear & Android Auto. Generalist on the rest of the product

Used ADB and Google in-house tools for OS and application install

Wrote bugs and test cases for the product features

Did Accessibility testing for Hangouts as part of release testing

Climate Corporation Sept-2013 –Feb-2015

Contract QA Engineer with Quardev

Tested – Creating Insurance Quotes for Corn & Soybeans using Web Browsers & Mobile application

Tested Android and iOS application for Growers

Tested Climate Basic and did CLU testing

Used Jira and Pivotal Tracker as bug-reporting websites

Used ADB to test Android issues and install the app being tested

Used XCode for iOS testing

Used iTunes to see user logs

HTC, Seattle, WA May 2011 – Sep-2013

QA Engineer

Tester for Ready2Go, setup app for test, managed and created test reports using templates created in our Wiki

Tested Ready2Go website using multiple web browsers

Tested Ready2Go application on various AT&T handsets

Managed test devices from various OEMs

Downloaded and updated ROM for mobile devices. Maintained a backlog of OEM ROMs for the team

Prepared devices for handoff to devs & other QAE

Managed inventory and device checkouts – Labeled each device with a scanable tag

Used ADB as a tool for testing devices and updating hardware

Used Jira for bug reporting

Used Testopia for test case management

Used Scrumworks for task management

Used VirtualBox for Virtual Machines

Digeo/ARRIS, Kirkland, WA Jun 2009 – May 2011

Software Test Engineer contractor with CoreTechs

Sole tester for the Portal Team, working closely with developers and marketing

Testing website

Tested Moxi iPhone application

Tested RMA Procedure Turn-Key solution

Did eCommerce and functionality testing

Testing web-based internal tools

Writing defects in Bugzilla

Test cases updated and written in DevTest (an in-house application)

Wrote Test Summaries as appropriate

Tested using multiple browsers/operating systems on PC & Macintosh

Focus is on quick turnaround in testing and validation

Suggested solutions to issues when appropriate

Also testing ARRIS DVR solution when needed

Microsoft, Redmond, WA Aug 2008 – Dec 2008

Senior Software Test Engineer contractor with Volt

Tested MSN America homepage (Canadian English & French)

Wrote bug reports in Product Studio

Wrote Test Plan for future Venezuela & Peru testing project

Created bug tracking spreadsheet for release of Canada project

Did editorial fixes via Microsoft’s “Bedrock” file management system

Worked in Scrum-style development

Tested using browsers: IE7, IE6, IE8 (beta), Firefox 2.0 & 3.0.4

Also: Safari, Opera, Netscape Navigator, Flock, Mosaic

Operating systems: Windows XP, Vista

Used Microsoft Virtual Machine

CSS Probe tool: XSSProbe v2

CSS Verification:

DOM Leak detection: Drip 0.4 & 0.5

Javascript verification: Analyzejs

Link Checker: W3C-LinkChecker

Design Validator:

Digeo, Kirkland, WA Jul 2007 – Jul 2008

QA Engineer contractor with CoreTechs

Tested Moxi all-in-one Digital Media Recorders:

MC1 for Motorola & Scientific Atlanta (SA)

MC3C for Motorola & SA



Windows XP client

MCR for Motorola & SA


Responsible for testing key areas of the Moxi Digital Media Recorder:

-Transport Control Bar – Live & Recorded TV

-Channel Tuning

-DVR – Recorded TV


-New Menu UI

-Front Panel functionality

-Usage Tracking


-Flip Bar



Assisted in Stability Lab testing check out by running automated scripts and observing results.

Acted as a generalist for the entire product and wrote bug reports across all areas as necessary.

Wrote clear and concise bug reports using Bugzilla.

Updated and wrote new test cases

Directly affected testing by pushing for more accurate specification documents.

Made use of UNIX-skills navigating through file system and installing releases.

Vulcan, Seattle, WA Mar 2007 - Jul 2007

Quality Engineer contractor with Parker Services

Tested FlipStart UMPC, specific features and associated software.

Tested website for functionality and content

Tested e-Commerce website for functionality and content

Tested peripheral, driver and supporting software for the FlipStart computer

Wrote clear, concise defect reports using Test Track Pro

Wrote brief test summaries at conclusion of test passes

Tested Service Pack 1 release of FlipStart software

Tested with a large number of browsers and messengers:

Internet Explorer 6 & 7

Mozilla Firefox 1.5 & 2.0

Opera 9.2.1

Netscape Navigator, Browser 8.1

Apple Safari, Beta 3.0

Mosaic 3.0

Windows Live Messenger 8.1

AIM 6.0

Yahoo Messenger 8.1

Skype 3.1

Trillian 3.1

Motorola, Seattle, WA Oct 2006 – Feb 2007

Software Test Engineer contractor with Global Consultants, Inc.

Tested Screen3 application. Motorola’s application for mobile devices takes RSS feeds and turns them into channels on the wireless device. Our job was to test the server, but using the client was part of validating server operation

Tested Screen3 Server AdminUI

Tested Screen3 Channel Feed Validation Tool. The Validation Tool verified that RSS feeds conformed to Screen3’s requirements and would display any problems encountered in the feed

Edited HTML, XML and XHTML to create test channels

Wrote test one-liners (test case ideas)

Wrote test cases – updated existing test cases where appropriate

Wrote clear and concise defect reports in Motorola’s defect database

Worked with developers to drive defects to their termination, either getting them fixed or closing as won’t fix

Tested Screen3 Version 2 & 3 using the following tools:




Motorola Internal Tools

TestCentral (Test Case Repository)

DDTS (Defect Database)

MotoSEEM P2K (Application Used to reprogram mobile devices)

RadioComm (Application Used to reprogram mobile devices)

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