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jkpHehL muRggzpahsh njhthizak
tpzzggjhuhfSffhd mwpt[iufs
(07/11/2016 Kjy jpUjjpaikffggllJ)
(Revised w.e.f 07.11.2016)
The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission notifies vacancies for various posts in the Commission’s Website and Newspapers. The number of such vacancies notified by the Commission is only approximate and is liable for modification with reference to vacancy position at any time before or at the time of actual recruitment. 1/ fhypggzpapl’fs mwptpgg[:-
jkpHehL muRggzpahsh njhthizak. muRggzpfspyl’fpa gyntW gjtpfSffhd fhypggzpapl’fis epugg[tjwfhd mwptpfiffis njhthiza,izajsjjpYk. brajpjjhsfspYk btspapLfpwJ/ mtthW btspaplggLk fhypggzpapl’fSffhd vzzpfif njhuhakhdjhFk/ bjhpt[ggzpfs,WjpahffggLk tiu mit vej neujjpYk khWjYfFlglljhFk/ 2. HOW TO APPLY THROUGH ONLINE,iணயவழ apy
1. Applicants should apply only through online mode in the Commission's Websites tpzzggjhuufs / Mfpa njhthizajjpd,izajs’fs K:yk klLnk tpzzggpff ntzLk/
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2. One Time Registration (OTR) and applicant Dashboard are mandatory before applying for any post. One Time Registration is valid for 5 years from the date of registration. vejbthU gjtpfFk tpzzggpfFk Kdg[ xUKiwggjpt[ vdggLk epuejuggjpt[ kwWk jdtptuggffk(Dashboard) Mfpad fllhak MFk/ xUKiwggjpt[. gjpt[ braj ehs Kjy IeJ MzLfs eilKiwapypUfFk/
3. For applying in One Time Registration, the applicants should have scanned image of their photograph and signature in CD/DVD/Pen drive to upload the photo and signature. xUKiwggjptpy gjpntwwk braa. tpzzggjhuufs j’fsJ g[ifgglk. ifbahggk Mfpatwiw CD/DVD/Pen drive nghdw VnjDk xdwpy gjpt[ braJ jahuhf itjjpUff ntzLk/
4. Applicants who have already registered in One Time Registration on or before 29.09.2015 shall use their existing user ID and Password to create applicant Dashboard in the new One Time Registration system. No applicant is permitted to create more than one registration ID in one time registration.
29/09/2015 mdnwh myyJ mjwF Kddnuh xUKiwggjpt[ braJss tpzzggjhuufs. Vwfdnt mtufs bgwWss gadhsh FwpaL kwWk flt[rbrhy Mfpatwiwg gadgLjjp g[jpa xUKiwggjpt[ Kiwapy j’fspd jd tptug gffjjpid VwgLjj ntzLk/xU tpzzggjhuh xdWfFk nkwgll xUKiwg gjpt[f fzfif (One Time Registration ID) cUthff mDkjpapyiy/ 5. One Time Registration is not an application for any post. It is just collectionof information from the applicants and giving a separate dashboard to each applicant to facilitate them to maintain their own profile. Applicant who wishes to apply for any post shall click “Apply” against the post Notified in the Commission’s Website and use the same USER ID and PASSWORD given for ONE TIME REGISTRATION. USER ID and PASSWORD are created by the applicants themselves. Incase, if the applicant forgets the USER ID and PASSWORD, he can change or reset them using “FORGOT PASSWORD AND FORGOT LOGIN ID, OTR ID” Options. The Commission will not furnish USER ID and PASSWORD details to the applicants.
[xUKiwggjpt[ vdgJ vejbthU gjtpffhd tpzzggk myy/,J tpzzggjhuufspd tptu’fisg bgwW mthfSfF jdtptug gffk xdwpid cUthff klLnk gadgLk/ vejbthU gjtpfFk tpzzggpff tpUkg[k tpzzggjhuufs. njhthiza,izajsjjpy mwptpffgglLss mggjtpfFhpa mwptpfifapy “Apply” vdw cssL tHpna epuejuggjpt[fFhpa gadhsu FwpaL kwWk flt[rbrhy Mfpatwiw cssL braJ tpzzggpff ntzLk/ tpzzggjhuufs. gadhsh FwpaL kwWk flt[rbrhy Mfpatwiw jh’fns cUthffpf bfhss ntzLk/ tpzzggjhuu Vwfdnt VwgLjjpa gadhsu FwpaL kwWk flt[rbrhy Mfpa tptu’fis kweJtpllhy mtwiw “FORGOT PASSWORD, FORGOT LOGIN ID, OTR ID”Mfpa tpUggj bjhpt[ K:yk kzLk cUthffyhk / khwwpf bfhssyhk/ tpzzggjhuufSfF gadhsu FwpaL kwWk flt[rbrhy Mfpa tptu’fs njhthizajjhy tH’fgglkhllhJ/ Page 3
6. Applicants have to furnish their correct SSLC Register Number, Month and Year of Passing and Name of the Board which issued the certificate, while registering online. If any detail furnished is found to be wrong, both One Time Registration and Online Application will be rejected at any stage.
tpzzggjhuhfs,iza tHpapy tpzzggpfFk bghGJ gssp,Wjprrhdwpd gjpt[ vz. njurrpbgww tUlk kwWk khjk. rhdwpjH tH’fpa FGkk Mfpa jftyfis mjwfhd fll’fspy rupahfg gjpt[ braa ntzLk/ nkwgo tptu’fs jtwhf gjpt[ brajpUggpd xUKiwg gjpt[k. njut[ffhd tpzzggKk vejbthU epiyapYk epuhfupffggLk/
7. Applicants who have more than one SSLC mark sheets, should enter the details available in the mark sheet issued on final attempt in which he had passed the SSLC Examination.
gssp,Wjp njhrrpfF (S.S.L.C) XdWfF nkwgll kjpgbgz rhdwpjH itjjpUfFk tpzzggjhuhfs. jh’fs,Wjpahfj njubtGjp njurrp bgww rhdwpjHpy css tptu’fisg gjpt[ braa ntzLk/
8. A valid e-mail ID and Mobile Number is mandatory for o n e t i m e registration. E-mail ID and Mobile Number are to be kept in active mode. TNPSC will send all communications and messages only to the registered email ID and Mobile. xUKiwggjpt[ (OTR) bratjwF gadghloy css kpdd”ry Kfthp kwWk miyngrp vz Mfpait fllhakhFk/ kpdd”ry Kfthp kwWk miyngrp vz Mfpatwiw bjhlueJ gadghloy itjjpUff ntzLk/ njut[ bjhlughd brajpfs midjJk tpzzggjhuu gjpt[ braJss kpdd”ry Kfthp kwWk miyngrpfF klLnk mDggggLk/ 9. Though the applicants furnish details / information in the One Time Registration, the details furnished in the application for the recruitment concerned alone will be taken into consideration for that recruitment.
tpzzggjhuhfs xUKiwggjptpy j’fsJ tptu’fisg gjpt[ brajpUejnghjpYk. mtufs Fwpggpll njutpwF tpzzggpfFk bghGJ mejj njht[ffhd tpzzggjjpy gjpt[ braj tptu’fs klLnk mtufs jUk tptu’fshf vLjJfbfhssggLk/
10. Please note that all the particulars mentioned in the online application including Nam of the applicant, Post Applied for, Communal Category, Date of birth, Address, e-mail ID, Centre of Examination etc. will be considered as final. However, applicants can modify certain fields till the last date specified for applying online. Certain fields are fixed and cannot be edited even before the closing date. Applicants are hence requested to fill in the online application form with utmost care as no correspondence regarding change of details will be entertained after last date for applying.,izatHpapy rkhggpffggll tpzzggjjpy. tpzzggjhuufs jUk bgau. tpzzggpfFk gjtpapd bgau. rhjpggphpt[. gpwej njjp. Kfthp. kpdd”ry Kfthp. njht[ ikak nghdw tptu’fs,Wjpahditahff fUjggLk/ tpzzggjjpy mspjj rpy tptu’fis mjnjut[fF tpzzggpff bfhLjJss,Wjpehs tiu njitggllhy jpUjjpfbfhssyhk/ vdpDk. rpy tptu’fs jpUjj,ayhJ/ vdnt tpzzggjhuufs Page 4
j’fsJ tptu’fis cssL braa[k bghGJ kpFej ftdjJld cssL braJ tpzzggjij gjpt[ braa[khW mwpt[WjjggLfpwhufs/,WjpehSfFg gpddh xUKiwggjpt[ myyJ,izatHp tpzzggk Mfpatwwpy jpUjjknfhhp njhthizajjpy bgwggLk vejbthU nfhupfifa[k guprypffgglkhllhJ/ 11. The Instructions and Illustration regarding One time Registration are available in the website /
xUKiwggjpt[ Fwpjj mwpt[iufs kwWk tpsff’fs Mfpa,izajs’fspy bfhLffgglLssd/
12. An applicant already having user ID and Password, has to login. The available OTR particulars will be displayed on the screen. They have to fill up additional details required for specific recruitment application.
gadhsu FwpaL kwWk flt[rbrhy bgwwpUfFk tpzzggjhuhfs mjidg gadgLjjp csEiHejt[ld xUKiwggjptpy Vwfdnt gjpt[braJss tptu’fs jpiuapy bjupa tUk/ njuthizajjhy mttgnghJ btspaplggLk xtbthU njut[fFk tpzzggpfFk nghJ mjwFhpa TLjyhf njitggLk tptu’fisa[k gjpa ntzLk/
13. After submitting the details in the application, applicants can choose any one of the following modes for making payment of examination fee. a. Net Banking
b. Debit Card / Credit Card
c. Remittance through Bank Chalan
d. Remittance through Post Office Chalan
tpzzggjjpy chpa tptu’fisg gjpt[ braJ rkuggpjjt[ld tpzzggjhuhfs j’fsJ njut[ffllz’fisr brYjj fHffhQqk VnjDk xU Kiwapidj njut[ braayhk
m/,izatHp brYjJk Kiw
M/ gwW mlil - fld mlil Kiw,/ t’fp brYjJr rlL Kiw
</ m”ryf brYjJr rlL Kiw
14. An applicant who wishes to have immediate fee reconciliation, shall make payment through net banking or Debit Card / Credit Card.,izatHpapy fllzk brYjJk Kiw:
tpzzggjhuu jhd brYjjpa tpzzggf fllzk cldoahf kW xjjpirt[ braaggl ntzLkhapd,izatHp t’fp nrit myyJ gwW mlil - fld mlil K:ykhf fllz’fisr brYjjyhk/
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15. Payment made through chalan would take atleast two working days for reconciliation. brYjJrrlL K:yk brYjjggLk fllz’fs xjjpirt[ bgw Fiwejglrk,uzL ntiy ehlfs MFk/
16. In case, an applicant chooses to pay fees through the online mode, an additional page of the application form will be displayed wherein applicants may follow the instructions and fill in the requisite details to make payment. There is a possibility for online payment failure. Hence, if the online payment fails, applicant can re-try to pay the fee again either by on-line mode or chalan mode. In case of online payment failure, the amount Debited from the applicant’s account will be reverted to his account automatically. tpzzggjhuh,izatHpf fllzk brYjJk Kiwia bjhpt[brajhy. tpzzggjjpy mjwFhpa TLjy gffk jpiuapy bjhpa tUk/ mej,izggpy bfhLffgglLss mwpt[iufisf ftdkhfg gpdgwwp njitahd tptu’fis gjpt[ braJ fllzk brYjj ntzLk/,iza tHpffllzk brYjJk Kiwapy gzgghpkhwwk jilgLk R{Hepiy Vwgl thagg[ssJ/,iza tHpffllzk brYjJk Kiwapy jil VwgLk epiyapy tpzzggjhuh kzLk,iza tHp fllzk brYjJk Kiwapidnah myyJ t’fp - m”ryf brYjJr rlL Kiwapidnah njhebjLjJ gzk brYjj ntzLk/,iza tHpffllzk brYjJk Kiwapy jil Vwgllhy tpzzggjhuh fzffpy gpojjk braaggLk bjhif tpzzggjhuh fzffpnyna jpUggp nrhffggLk/
17. After submitting the payment information in the online application form, wait for the intimation from the server. Meanwhile DO NOT press “Back” or “Refresh” button to avoid payment failure or double Payment.
tpzzggpfFk nghJ. fllz tptu’fisg gjpt[ braj gpddh. mjwfhd jfty jpiuapy tUktiu fhjjpUfft[k/,ilapy “Back” myyJ “Refresh” braahky fhjjpUff ntzLk.,yiybadpy gzgghpkhwwk jilgLk/,uzlhk Kiwahfg gzk brYjJk R{Hepiy VwgLk/,ijj jtphggjwfhf,ilapy fhjjpUff ntzLk/ 18. If the online transaction has been successfully completed an Application Number will be generated. Applicants should note the Application Number for future reference in respect of the recruitment applied for.,izatHpapy tpzzggk mDgg[k Kiw epiwt[ bgwwt[ld. mej tpzzggjjpwfhd vz jpiuapy njhdWk/ mjid tpzzggjhuhfs mejj njhtpd vjphfhyj njitffhf FwpjJitjJf bfhss ntzLk/
19. For offline mode of payment (Through Bank or Post Office Chalan) applicants have to select either Post Office or State Bank of India or Indian Bank. Page 6
t'fp -m”ryfjjpy fllzk brYjJk Kiw:,izatHpapydwp. fllzk brYjJk Kiwiaj njhebjLfFk tpzzggjhuhfs. m”ryfjjpidnah myyJ ghuj !nll t’fpapidnah myyJ,ejpad t’fpapidnah njht[ braa ntzLk/
20. On Submission, system will generate the payment chalan which the applicant needs to take print out and go to the nearest branch of State Bank of India or Post Office or Indian Bank to make the payment within two days.
t'fp-m”ryfjijj njhebjLjjt[ld fzpdp cUthfFk brYjJrrloid mrrplL.,uzL ehlfSfFs. mUfpYss,ejpad t’fpapnyh myyJ ghuj !nll t’fpapnyh myyJ m”ryfjjpnyh fllzjijr brYjj ntzLk/
21. Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission reserves the right to change the mode of payment at any time.
fllzk brYjJk Kiwia veneujjpYk khwwpaikfFk chpik njhthizajjpwF czL/
22. Applicant has to collect copy of the Fee Payment Chalan from the Branch concerned. The applicant has to verify the particulars that the chalan is properly signed and the details of Transaction Number, Branch Name and DP Code Number, Deposit Date have been noted in the chalan by the B a n k o r P o s t O f f i c e . t’fpapnyh myyJ m”ryfjjpnyh fllzjijr brYjjpa gpddh
tpzzggjhuUfFhpjjhd brYjJrrlod efypidg bgwWfbfhss ntzLk/ brYjJrrloy gzk bgWgthpd rhpahd ifbahggk. gzgghpkhww vz. fpisapd bgah. t’fpffhd FwpalL vz. gzk brYjjpa njjp nghdw tptu’fs rhpahf cssdth vdW rhp ghujJfbfhss ntzLk/
23. Online Application Registration will be considered as completed, only if the payment is made either in post office or in State Bank of India or in Indian Bank within two days from the date of registration.
tpzzggjij gjpt[ braj,uzL ehlfSfFs m”ryfjjpnyh myyJ t’fpapnyh fllzjijr brYjjpdhy klLnk,izatHp tpzzggk Kiwahf
gjpntwwgglljhff fUjggLk
24. Applicants need not send the printout of the online application or any other supporting documents to the Commission, unless asked for specifically. tpzzggjhuhfs tpzzggjjpd efypidnah myyJ bjhlhg[ila rhdwpjHfisnah njhthizajjpwF mDggjnjitapyiy/ mtwiw. njhthizak nfhUk neujjpy mDggpdhy klLk nghJkhdJ/
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Note: / :
I.Applicants are advised in their own interest to apply on-line much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date for depositing the fee to avoid the possibility of disconnection/inability/failure to log on to the TNPSC's website on account of heavy load on internet/website.
tpzzggjhuufs njht[fF tpzzggpff FwpggplLss filrp ehs tiu fhjjpUffhky mjwF Kddnu nghjpa fhy mtfhrjjpy tpzzggpfFkhW mwpt[WjjggLfpwhhfs/ Vbddpy filrp ehspy mjpfggoahd tpzzggjhuufs tpzzggpfFknghJ. tpzzggk rkuggpggjpy jhkjnkh myyJ bjhHpyElgr rpffyfnsh vH thagg[ssJ/
II.TNPSC does not assume any responsibility for the applicants not being able to submit their applications within the last date on account of the aforesaid reasons or for any other reason beyond the control of TNPSC.
nkwTwpa bjhHpyElgf fhuz’fshy myyJ ntW fhuz’fshy. tpzzggjhuufs j’fsJ tpzzgg’fisf filrp fll ehlfspy rkuggpff,ayhJ nghdhy mjwF njhthizak bghWgghfhJ/
III. Every applicant should have his own e-mail ID and Password. No applicant should share his e-mail ID, Password, Mobile Number with anyother person. In case an applicant does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he should create a new e-mail ID before applying on-line and must maintain that email account live. XtbthU tpzzggjhuUk jdffhd jdp kpdd”ry Kfthpiaa[k. flt[rbrhyiya[k cUthffp itjjpUff ntzLk/ mtwiw vejr R{HepiyapYk kwwthfSld gfpheJ bfhssf TlhJ/ tpzzggjhuufs j’fSffhd kpdd”ry Kfthp VJkpyiy vdpy mtufs tpzzggpfFk Kddh. g[jpjhf xU kpdd”ry Kfthpia cUthffp tpzzggjij rkhggpff ntzLk/ kpdd”ry Kfthpiaj bjhlueJ gadghloy itjjpUff ntzLk/
IV. Applicants should carefully fill in the details in the On-Line Application at the appropriate places and click on the "SUBMIT" button at the end of the On-Line Application format. Before pressing the "SUBMIT" button, applicants are advised to verify every particular field in the application. The name of the applicant or name of his /her father/husband etc., should be spelt correctly in the application as it appears in the certificates/mark sheets. Any change/alteration found may lead to disqualification of the candidature.
tpzzggjhuufs tpzzggjjpy mspff ntzoa tptu’fis kpFej ftdjJld cssL braJ tpzzggjjpid rkuggpfFkhW nflLfbfhssggLfpwhufs/ rkuggpfFk Kddh jh’fs mspjj tptu’fs midjJk rhpahf cssdth vd
rhpghujJfbfhsSkhW nflLfbfhssggLfpwhufs/ tpzzggjhuufspd bgah mthfsJ bgwnwhh - fzthpd bgah Mfpatwiw rhdwpjHfspy cssgo kpfrrhpahf gjpt[ braa[khW mwpt[WjjggLfpwhhfs/ nkwgo tptu’fspy khwwkfhzggod mtufsJ tpzzggk epuhfhpffggl thagg[ssJ/
Page 8
V. There is a provision to modify the submitted Online Application. Applicants are requested to make use of this facility to correct their details in the Online Application, if any. This modification facility will be available up to the last date for applying online for the particular post. After this last date, no modification will be permitted. Applicants should take utmost care while filling in the Online Application. Certain fields are fixed and cannot be edited. Applicants are hence requested to fill in the online application form with utmost care as no correspondence regarding change of details will be entertained. TNPSC will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of furnishing of incorrect and incomplete details in the application or omission to provide the required details in the application form.
tpzzggjhuufs j’fsJ tpzzggjjpYss tptu’fis njht[fF
tpzzggpggjwfhd filrp ehs tiu khwwpfbfhss tHptif braagglLssJ/ filrp ehSfFg gpwF mthfs tpzzggjjpy vejbthU khWjiya[k braa,ayhJ/ rpy tptu’fis tpzzggjhuufs vej epiyapYk khww,ayhJ/ vdnt tpzzggjhuhfs jh’fs tpzzggpfFk nghJ kpFej ftdjJld tptu’fisg gjpt[ braa[khW nflLfbfhssggLfpwhhfs/ tpzzggjjpy jtwhf bfhLffggll tptu’fis khwwpfbfhss ntzo tpzzggjhuufsplkpUeJ bgwggLk vejbthU ntzLnfhSk ghprypffgglkhllhJ/ tpzzggjhuufs j’fsJ tpzzggjjpy jUk jtwhd. KGikaww tptu’fs myyJ tpLglLgnghd tptu’fSfF njhthizak bghWgghfhJ/
VI.Commission is not responsible for online payment interruption or failure.,izatHp fllzk brYjJk Kiwapy VwgLk,lhghLfSfFk njhytpfSfFk njhthizak bghWgghfhJ/
VII. Any clarification may be obtained from the Help Desks No.875-***-****. You can also send us your queries at *************@**********.**. bjspt[iu ntzLnthh 875-***-**** vdw vzzpy css cjtp ikajijnah myyJ *************@**********.** vdw kpdd”ry Kfthpianah bjhlh g[ bfhssyhk /
An applicant must satisfy the Commission on the following aspects:-
that he is –
(i) a citizen of India; or
(ii) a subject of Nepal or Bhutan; or
(iii) a Tibetian refugee who came over to India before the 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India; or Page 9
(iv) A person of Indian Origin who has migrated from Pakistan,Burma, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania
(formerly Tankanika and Zanzibar) Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia with the intention of permanently settling in India.
(v) An applicant belonging to categories (iii) or (iv) or a subject of Nepal or Bhutan should also obtain a certificate of eligibility given by the Government of Tamil Nadu.
(vi) An applicant in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary will be admitted to an examination or interview and he will provisionally be appointed subject to the necessary certificate being given to him by the Government of Tamil Nadu.
3/ jFjpffhd bghJthd epgejidfs:
xU tpzzggjhuh fHffhQqk jFjpfisg bgwwpUff ntzLk/
(m) tpzzggjhuhpd Foa[hpik:-
(i),ejpaf Fokfdhf,Ujjy ntzLk myyJ
(ii)neghsk myyJ g{llhd murpd Fokfdhf,Ujjy ntzLk myyJ
(iii),ejpahtpy epuejukhff FoakUk nehffjJld 1962 $dthp 1 Mk ehSfF Kdg[ jpbgjjpypUeJ,ejpahtpwF teJ tpll mfjpahf,Ujjy ntzLk myyJ
(iv),ejpahitg g{htfkhff bfhzL ghfp!jhd. ghkh. _y’fh. tpalehk. fpHfF Mggphpff ehLfshd bfdah. cfhzlh. jhdrhdpah Iffpaf FoauR (Kddhs j’fdpfh kwWk rhdrpghh). $hkgpah. khytp. rah. vjpnahggpah Mfpa ehLfs VjhtbjhdwpypUeJ,ejpahtpy epuejukhff FoakUk nehfFld,lk bgaheJ tejtuhf,Ujjy ntzLk/
(v)nkwTwpa K:dwhk myyJ ehdfhk tifiar nrhej tpzzggjhuh myyJ neghsjjpd myyJ g{llhd murpd Fokfd xUth jkpHehL murhy tH’fggLk jFjpr rhdwpjiHg bgw ntzLk/
(vi)jFjpr rhdwpjH bgw ntzoa tpzzggjhuh vGjJj njht[fF myyJ nehKfj njht[fF (Interview) mDkjpffgglL. njitahd rhdwpjH jkpHehL murh’fjjhy mtUfF tH’fggLtjwF clglL. mtUfFj jwfhypfkhf epakdk tH’fggLk/
That his character and antecedents are such as to qualify him for the appointment; Page
(M) xGffKk. KdtuyhWk:
epakpffggLtjwF mtUila xGffKk. KdtuyhWk (Antecedents) mtiuj jFjpggLjJtdthf,Ujjy ntzLk/
That he does not have more than one living wife or if such person is a woman, she is not married to any person who has a wife living; and,Ujhu kzk
Mz tpzzggjhuh. XdWfF nkwgll kidtpah cilatuhf,Ujjy TlhJ/ tpzzggjhuh bgzzhf,Uggpd. Vwfdnt kidtpa[ld thGk xUtiuj jpUkzk brajtuhf,Ujjy TlhJ/
That on the date of notification for the purpose of direct recruitment he was not in the service of the Indian Union or of a State in India. Note: -
For the purpose of this clause a person will be deemed to be not in the service of the Indian Union or of a State in India.
i. If a period of five years has not elapsed since his first appointment to a service of the Indian Union or of a State in India.
ii. If he belongs to one of the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Castes
(Arunthathiyars) or Scheduled Tribes or to one of the MBC/DC, Backward Classes and Backward Classes (Muslims),ejpa murpd - khepy murpd gzpapypUfFk tpzzggjhuhfs: neuo epakdk braaggLtjwFj njhthizajjpd mwptpfif - tpskguk btspahFk ehsdW mth,ejpa muRg gzpapnyh myyJ khepy muRg gzpapnyh,UejpUfff TlhJ/
Fwpgg[?,ttpjpiag bghWjjkloy fHffzlthfs,ejpa muR myyJ khepy muRggzpapy,Uggtuhff fUjggl khllhhfs/
(1)mth,ejpa muRg gzpapy myyJ khepy muRg gzpapy Kjypy nrhej ehspypUeJ IeJ MzLfs epiwtilahjpUejhy myyJ
(2)mth Mjpjpuhtpl tFggpduhfnth. Mjpjpuhtpl (mUejjpah) tFggpduhfnth. gH’Foapduhfnth. kpft[k gpwgLjjggll tFgg[ - rhkugpduhfnth myyJ,Ryhkpah myyhj gpwgLjjggll tFggpduhfnth kwWk gpwgLjjggll,Ryhkpa tFggpduhfnth,Uejhy
An applicant must satisfy the appointing authority that he is of sound mind, health, active habits and free from any bodily defect or infirmity unfitting him for the appointment. 4/ jplkhd cly eyKk gpwt[k.,
tpzzggjhuh. jplkhd kdk. cly eyk. RWRWgg[. eyk gafFk gHfftHff’fs cilath vdgJk. gzpfFj jFjpapyyhjtuhfr braa[k vejbthU clwFiwghL myyJ tYfFiwt[,yyhjth vdgJk. gzpakhjJk mYtyh VwFk tzzk,Uff ntzLk/
Save or otherwise stated in the Commission’s Notification / Advertisement, no person shall be eligible for appointment to any service by direct recruitment including appointment on compassionate grounds, unless he has completed 18 years of age on the first day of July of the year in which the vacancy is notified.
The maximum age-limit prescribed in the special rules shall not apply
(i) To the appointment of an applicant belonging to a Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Caste
(Arunthathiyars), Scheduled Tribes, Backward Class ( Muslims), Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes and Denotified communities or of destitute widows of all castes to a post included in a service for which the Special Rules prescribe a qualification lower than a degree (10,+2,+3) of any University mentioned in Schedule II to part-II of Tamil Nadu State and Sub-Ordniate Services Rules, if such applicant possesses a general educational qualification which is higher than that referred to in sub-rule (a) and he is otherwise qualified for appointment;
(ii) to the appointment to a post included in a service of an applicant belonging to any of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes (Muslims), Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes and Denotified communities or of destitute widows of all castes who holds a degree of any University mentioned in Schedule II to part-II of Tamil Nadu State and Sub-Ordniate Services Rules, if the degree (10,+2,+3) he holds is not lower than the degree prescribed in the Special Rules for appointment to such post and if he is otherwise qualified for appointment.
Provided that, for direct recruitment to a post included in a service for which the minimum qualification required is not higher than the minimum general educational qualification, the age limit prescribed shall be increased by five years in respect of applicants belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Castes (Arunthathiyars) or Scheduled Tribes or in respect of destitute widows of all castes, who do not possess a general educational qualification, which is higher than the minimum general educational qualification.
Provided further that for direct recruitment to a post included in a service for which the minimum qualification required is not higher than the minimum general educational qualification, the age limit prescribed shall be increased by two years in respect of applicants belonging to *Backward Class ( Muslims), Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities, who do not possess a general educational qualification, which is higher than the minimum general educational qualification. Note:
i. “A pass in Pre-University Examination or Higher Secondary Examination or Diploma awarded by the State Board of Technical Education and Training, Tamil Nadu or by any Institution or Board recognized by the Government of Tamil Nadu or any other State Government or the Government of India, shall be deemed to be a qualification higher than the minimum that has been referred to Instruction above”. ii.An applicant who has passed only one or two parts of the Pre-University or Higher Secondary Examination or Diploma will not be deemed to possess a qualification higher than the minimum general educational qualification. Note: “Destitute Widow” shall mean a widow whose total monthly income from all sources shall not be more than Rs.4,000/-(Rupees Four Thousand only), including any family pension or other receipts including income from private practice in the case of professionals. Such applicants should produce a certificate from the R.D.O or the Assistant Collector or the Sub-Collector concerned in the format prescribed. Destitute Widow shall not include a divorcee or any lady deserted by her husband (DW re-married are not eligible) 5/ taJ tukg[:
njhthiza mwptpfif - tpskgujjpy Fwpggplgglhj tiuapy fhypaplk Fwpjj mwptpfif btspaplggLk Mzod $iy khjk Kjy ehspdgo 18 tajpid epiwt[ braahjth. fUiz moggilapyhd epakdk csspll ahbjhU gzpj bjhFjpfFk neuo epakdk K:ykhf epakdk braagglj jFjpawwtuhthh/
rpwgg[ tpjpfspy FwpggplggloUfFk crr taJ tukg[ fHffzl,d’fSfF bghUejhJ/
(I) xU gjtpfF ephzapffggll fytpjjFjp,sepiy gllggogg[fF Fiwthf,Uejhy mggjtpfF. jhHjjggll tFggpdh (Scheduled Caste) myyJ jhHjjggll tFggpdh (mUejjpah) myyJ gH’Foapdh (Scheduled Tribes) myyJ kpft[k gpwgLjjggll tFggpdh-rhkugpdh (Most Backward Classes/Denotified Communities) myyJ,Ryhkpah myyhj gpwgLjjggll tFggpdh. gpwgLjjggll,Ryhkpah myyJ midjJ,djijr rhhej Mjutww tpjit Mfpnahh Fiwej mst[ bghJ fytpjjFjpfF nkwgll bghJffytpjjFjp bgwwpUejhy. mtUfF mggjtpffhd rpwgg[ tpjpfspy ephzapffggll crr taJ tukg[ tpjp bghUejhJ/ myyJ
(ii)xU gjtpfF ephzapffggll fytpjjFjp,sepiy gllggogghf ephzapffggloUejhy. mggjtpfF. jhHjjggll tFggpdh (Scheduled Caste) myyJ jhHjjggll tFggpdh (mUejjpah) myyJ gH’Foapdh (Scheduled Tribes) myyJ kpft[k gpwgLjjggll tFggpdh-rhkugpdh (Most Backward Classes/Denotified Communities) myyJ,Ryhkpah myyhj gpwgLjjggll tFggpdh myyJ gpwgLjjggll,RyhkpauhapUeJ jkpHehL khepy kwWk rhhepiyg gzp tpjpfspy mlltiz 2?,y FwpggplLss gyfiyffHf khdpafFGthy m’ffhpffggll gyfiyffHf’fs - fytp epWtd’fshy mspffggLk,sepiyggllk bgwwpUejhy mtUfF rpwgg[ tpjpfspy ephzapffggll crr taJ tukg[ tpjp bghUejhJ/ nkYk. neuo epakdjjpwF xU gjtpfF ephzapffggll fytpjjFjp Fiwej mst[ bghJffytpjjFjpfF nkwglljhf,yyhjpUejhy. jhHjjggll tFggpdh (Scheduled Caste) myyJ jhHjjggll tFggpdh (mUejjpah) myyJ gH’Foapdh (Scheduled Tribes) myyJ midjJ,djijr rhhej Mjutww tpjit MfpnahUfF mggjtpfF ephzapffggll crr taJ tukgpypUeJ IeJ MzLfs cahjjp mspffggLk/ nkYk. neuo epakdjjpwF xU gjtpfF ephzapffggll fytpjjFjp Fiwej mst[ bghJffytpjjFjpfF nkwglljhf,yyhjpUejhy. kpft[k gpwgLjjggll tFggpdh- rhkugpdh (Most Backward Classes/Denotified Communities) myyJ,Ryhkpah myyhj gpwgLjjggll tFggpdh myyJ gpwgLjjggll,Ryhkpah MfpnahUfF mggjtpfF ephzapffggll crr taJ tukgpypUeJ,uzL MzLfs cahjjp mspffggLk/ Page
(i)g[FKf tFgg[j njht[ (Pre-University Examination) myyJ nkyepiyf fytpj njht[ myyJ jkpHehL murpd bjhHpy Elgf fHfk kwWk gapwrpf FGkk myyJ jkpHehL muR myyJ gpwkhepy muR myyJ,ejpa murhy m’ffhpffggll VnjDk xU fytp epWtdk - FGkjjhy tH’fggll gllaggogg[ rhdwpjH bgwwthfs Fiwejglr fytpjjFjpiaf fhloYk TLjyhd fytpjjFjpiag bgwwthfshff fUjggLth/
(ii) gyfiyf fHfjjpy g[FKfj njhtpy (Pre-University Examination) myyJ nkyepiyggsspj njhtpy myyJ gllaggoggpy,uzL gFjpfspy myyJ xU gFjpapy klLk njwpa[ss tpzzggjhuh. Fiwej mst[ bghJf fytpj jFjpiaf fhloYk nkwgll fytpj jFjp bgwwpUggjhff fUjgglkhllhh/ Fwpgg[? @Mjutww tpjit@ vdgJ tpjit xUth midjJ tHpapypUeJk bgWk bkhjj khj tUkhdk U:/ 4.000-?fFk (U:gha ehdfhapuk klLk) Fiwthfg bgWfpdw xU tpjitiaf FwpggjhFk/,ttUkhdk. FLkg Xat{jpak myyJ bjhHpwfytp bgwwthfspd RabjhHpy K:yk <lLk tUkhdk csspll kww tUkhd’fs Mfpatwiwa[k csslffpajhFk/,jjifa tpzzggjhuhfs chpa tUtha nfhll mYtyh myyJ khtll cjtp Mlrpah myyJ rhh MlrpahplkpUeJ ephzapffggll gotjjpy rhdwpjiHg bgwW rkhggpff ntzLk/ tpthfujJ bgwwth. fztdhy iftplggllth Mjutww tpjitahff fUjgglkhllhh/ (kWkzk g[hpejth Mjutww tpjitahf fUjgglkhllhh)
i.Selection of an applicant by the Commission carries with it no guarantee for an appointment in a government department.
ii. The Number of vacancies advertised is only approximate and is liable for modification with reference to vacancy position as follows:-“In the case of selections based on Written cum Oral Test, the vacancies are liable for modification before admitting the applicants to oral test. In the case of selections based only on written test, the vacancies are liable for modification before actual recruitment or finalisation of results. Provided that, modification in the vacancy position will be made only when there is a change in the number of vacancies pertaining to the same year to which the notified vacancies are related”. iii. Any claim by an applicant that he belongs to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Caste (Arunthathiyars) or Scheduled Tribe or Most Backward Class / Denotified Community or Backward Class (other than Muslim) or Backward Class (Muslim) that he has obtained a higher or additional qualification made after the submission of an application will not be entertained.
iv. The claims of the applicants with regard to the date of birth, educational / technical qualifications, Community, special qualification like Persons Studied in Tamil Medium, Differently Abled, experience, optional subject, language, etc. are accepted only based on the details furnished by them in their applications. The admission of candidature therefore will be provisional and subject to satisfaction of the Commission about their above said criteria like age, educational / technical qualifications, community etc. Mere admission to the interview or inclusion of name in the list will not confer on the applicants any right for appointment. The candidature is therefore, provisional at all