I want to make this planet a better place for all the living beings and I’m trying my best to achieve it with technology.
Praneeth Peiris
Software Engineer
techwire.lk (Chief Editor)
+94-77-831**** No : 12, Dudley Senanayaka Rd, Panadura, Sri Lanka Millennium Information Technologies (Part of London Stock Exchange Group) C/C++, Qt, Oracle SQL, PL SQL, Socket Programming and Distributed Computing, Vaadin, Python, MFC (Microsoft Foundation Class), Shell Script, XML, UML, Fault Tolerant Systems, Performance Driven Programming As a Millennium Excellence (MX) Champion, I guided and monitored the scrum team to comply with company and international standards, from the Requirement Analysis phase to the Deployment phase.
C++, Qt, JavaSE, JDBC + iReport, Joomla, WordPress 2nd Upper Honors Degree ( GPA : 3.48 )
- University of Colombo School of Computing (UCSC) International Exchange Student
- Umeå University, Sweden.
Automated Deception Detection Based on Neuro-
feedback and Computational Techniques
Implemented a methodology to rectify the false positive errors in lie-detection tests, using EEG waves and Polygraph signals. Arduino Framework for robot navigation
Implements obstacle detection & avoidance, map-making and navigation on a grid based plane.
- https://github.com/UCSC-LK/SPAMbot
RaspberryPi based device to track fishing boats
Device : RaspberryPi, Iridium Go (Satellite Connection) Admin : HTML5 + Angular JS, MySQL
Middleware written with Java RMI
To manage registry management, leader selection and messaging between a group of computers in a P2P network.
- https://github.com/SamTube405/GCom
Public Discussion Forum to discuss and solve problems which the general public faces.
- https://sadisi.lk
An online platform to allow donors & beneficiaries to collaborate.
Contributor and a core organizer of the CSR Project done by MillenniumIT,
- http://mahoga.csrsrilanka.lk
Mahanama College, Colombo 03. ( Z-Score : 1.67 )
Chemistry : A Physics : B Mathematics : C Gen. English : B Good with
Worked with
: C/C++, Java SE
: Python, JavaScript, PHP, C#
Good with
Worked with
: Qt, Bootstrap, Joomla, WordPress
: OpenCV, OpenGL, Laravel, iReport, MPI
Good with
Worked with
: MySQL, Oracle SQL
: PL SQL, FireBase, Cassandra
Good with
Worked with
Good with
Worked with
Good with
Worked with
: NPM, Bower, Maven
: Graddle, Ant
: Windows, Linux, Arduino
: Windows Phone, Android, RaspberryPi
: Git
NetBeans, Visual Studio, Eclipse, IntelliJ, Android Studio GDB, Coverity for Code Analysis, Crucible for Code Quality, UML, OOP/D
Event Organizing/Management
Writing & Documentation
Graphic Designing (PS & InDesign)
Artificial Intelligence
Distributed Computing
Robotics & Embedded Systems
Knowledge Sharing & Social Work
Public Speaking
Presence Interests Non-Technical Skills
Senior Software Engineer ( 2017* )
Software Engineer ( 2015 - 2017 )
MX Champion ( 2016/2017 )
Freelance Developer (2012*)
BSc. Computer Science ( 2015 )
Programming Languages
Dependency & Build Management
Version Controlling
Other Tools
BSc. Computer Science ( 2014 )
GCE Advanced Level ( 2009 )
4th Year Research Project (2015)
Sadisi.lk (2016*)
Mahoga (2016)
SPAMbot - Robotics Framework (2015)
VTMS - Vessel Tracking & Management System (2015)
GCom - Middleware for Group Communication (2013)
Work Experience Education Qualifications
Tools & Technologies
National Best Quality Software Awards
talk - Public Complaining System
- can be seen at https://sadisi.lk
Award for employees who exceeds the company
expectations. Awarded by MillenniumIT CSR team for the contribution towards the CSR projects done by
the company..
My two-member team got the 3rd place in Umeå University, where we had to solve algorithmic challenges even without Internet.
- Winner at the Club Contest
- 1st Runner-up at the Area E1 Contest
- Finalist at the Division E Contest
- 1st Runner-up at the Club Contest
- Finalist at the Area E1 Contest
PR Awards in Toastmasters International - District 82
(VP Public Relations of the club and the Graphic Designer of the issues)
- Winner - Q1
- 1st Runner Up - Q3
- https://issuu.com/praneethpeiris
Project Director - Surveillance Line of Business
Millennium Information Technologies,
No 01, Millennium Drive, Malabe, Sri Lanka.
Deputy Head - Department of Computing Science,
University of Umeå,
Umeå, Sweden.
Predictive Data Analytic Challenge
135, 185, 208 & 216 world ranks in 2014, 2013, 2012 & 2011 MillenniumIT Toastmasters Club
IEEE Young Professional Sri Lanka
Mentor for SCORELab of University of Colombo School of Computing. Volunteer for MillenniumIT CSR Projects
IEEE Member since 2011
Industry Coordinator - IEEE YP Sri Lanka (2016/2017) Mendeley Advisor (since 2014)
President - IEEE Student Branch of UCSC (2014/2015) President - Computer Science Society (CompSoc) (2014/2015) Microsoft Student Partner - Microsoft Sri Lanka (2012-2015) Teacher - Salvo Higher Education Institute (2009-2015) IEEEXtreme Ambassador (2014)
Member of the Science Quiz Team - Mahanama College (2006-2009) Video Codec + Player written in C++, OpenCV and Qt Goal of this project was to introduce an algorithm in order to reduce the size of a raw video.
- https://bitbucket.org/manushanga/ipvc
- https://gnomezgrave.wordpress.com/2014/07/14/ipvc/
- Calendar Bean for Java Swing apps
- Fish Eye Dock component for Java Swing apps
- MySQL JDBC Wrapper for Java SE
Automated Hybrid System based on the mathemati-
cal model to stabilize a ship by drifting away.
Client : Dockyard PLC. Colombo
- Java SE (with C/C++ using JNI) and Java Network Framework Gold Award - NBQSA 2014
ABCD - Above and Beyond Call of Duty (2016)
- Reading, Writing
- Blogging
- Online forums (i.e. Stack Overflow)
- Social Entrepreneurship
3rd Place - Nordic Collegiate Programming Contest 2013 Toastmasters - International Speech Contest (2017) Toastmasters - Table Topics Speech Contest (2017)
Public Speaking & Public Presence
Best Newsletter Award (2016/2017)
Gold Award - SLIIT CodeFest 2014
IEEEXtreme Programming Competition
Mr. Lilan Priyashantha Prof. Frank Drewes
Non-Related Referees
Awards & Achievements
VP Public Relations ( 2016/2017 )
Treasurer ( 2017/2018 )
Mentor - Google Summer of Code (2016, 2017)
- Guest Lecturer at University of Colombo School of Computing
- Guest speaker for various events in UCSC
- Guest speaker at Google DevFest 2014
- Judge at iHack 2016 organized by ISACA Student Group of UCSC
- Judge at Womens’ Hackathon 2016 organized by IEEE WIE of UCSC
- Judge at SLIIT CodeFest 2016
IPVC - Image Processing for Video Compression (2013) Java Beans & Libraries (2012-2013)
Projects (contd
Dynamic Positioning System for Vessels (2013)