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Geospatial Analyst, Marketing & Business Development

Englewood, CO
August 31, 2017

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TABATHA R . W ALDRON E nglewood, C O * **** * **.*25.6529 w Master’s D egrees i n G IS a nd R eal E state & C onstruction M anagement

A rcGIS i Maps T ech S avvy S trong C ommunicator L ifecycle P roject M anagement PROFESSIONAL E XPERIENCE

COLORADO D EPARTMENT O F P UBLIC S AFETY ( CDPS), D ivision o f H omeland S ecurity & E mergency M anagement Lakewood, C olorado 2 012 t o P resent

Geospatial A nalyst G IS M apping S pecialist U npaid I ntern

● Using Esri’s ArcGIS Desktop 10.3.1, ArcGIS Online and App Developer tools, I established program priorities and managed multiple projects at once using Microsoft Project, including database creation/data cleaning through to the final analysis and design of p rint, d igital a nd w eb-based m ap p roducts f or m ultiple s takeholders w ithin a nd o utside o f t he o rganization.

● Designed, developed, deployed and maintained the highly regarded My Colorado Hazard Webmap application, included in the p ublic w ebsite R, c reated t o a ssist r esidents i n i dentifying h azards t hat e xist i n t heir c ommunities.

● Acted as the State Emergency Operations Center GIS Lead, providing project oversight, direction and quality control in an intensive 8-week multi-agency collaboration to support state emergency operations during the 2013 Colorado floods and numerous natural d isasters i n t he s tate o f C olorado f rom 2 012 t o t he p resent. PARK R ANGE C ONSTRUCTION

Englewood, C olorado 2 010 t o 2 014

Business D evelopment M anager

● Performed s ite v isits w ith e stimators t o i nspect p roperties, d ocument d amage a nd m easure f or m aterial r eplacement c alculations.

● Proactively designed and developed a complete cost estimation database, comprised of both company and competing contractor prices, t o i mprove t ake-offs a nd e nsure m ore c ompetitive b ids.

● Enhanced the company’s reputation for reliable court testimony through detailed review and correction of repair plan take-offs for c onstruction d efect a nd o ther l itigation i ssues.

● Created a ll m arketing m aterials, s olicited b ids, s elected v endors a nd n egotiated t erms f or p roduction.

● Increased w eb t raffic b y 4 00% w ithin t he 1 s t y ear o f r oll-out w ith a c omplete w ebsite o verhaul a nd s earch e ngine o ptimization.

● Represented t he c ompany a t i ndustry t radeshows a nd e vents; c oordinated c lient a ppreciation e vents a nd i nformational l uncheons. UNIVERSITY O F D ENVER, F RANKLIN L . B URNS S CHOOL O F R EAL E STATE & C ONSTRUCTION M ANAGEMENT Denver, C olorado 2 005 t o 2 010

Graduate P rogram B usiness D evelopment S pecialist & S tudent M arketing C oordinator S ecretary

● Recruited s tudents b oth d omestic a nd i nternational f or t he r eal e state p rogram.

● Planned, s cheduled a nd c oordinated m ore t han 6 0 p romotional e vents a nnually i n c ollaboration w ith e ducators a nd e xecutives.

● Grew marketing efforts and social media presence to increase contact with >16,000 alumni and friends, with a focus on fostering s tronger t ies w ith t he i nstitution a nd i ncreased d onor s upport.

● Interviewed, s elected a nd s upervised n umerous i nterns a nd g raduate r esearch a ssistants f or o ffice s taff a nd f aculty.

● Coordinated r epairs s uch a s o ffice s uite m aintenance, o ffice e quipment a nd c omputer r epair. Career Note (2004 to Present): A s Founder and Independent Contractor for N ew York Minute Geospatial Business Solutions, I handle a diverse array of client projects, such as GIS mapping for oil and gas well permitting, website design, social media development and content curation, financial administration, scholarship management, specialized publication formatting for real estate professionals, closed captioning of videos for the deaf and hearing impaired and a variety of other client requests. Experience in positions between 1994 and 2005 include hiring, managing and directing up to 33 telephone market researchers, office management, market r esearch, s ales, o ffice o rganization a nd r eal e state b rochure c reation. EDUCATION

Master o f S cience ( MS), G eographic I nformation S ystems G PA 3 .71 - U niversity o f D enver, C O Master o f S cience ( MS), R eal E state & C onstruction M anagement - G PA 3 .6 - U niversity o f D enver, D enver, C O Bachelor o f A rts ( BA), E nglish & G erman L anguages a nd L iteratures - G PA 3 .29 - S tony B rook U niversity, S tony B rook, N Y

● Real E state R esearch: T he V alue o f a V iew i n M etro D enver;

● Study A broad R esearch: V ietnam’s F easibility f or R eal E state D evelopment; N icaragua’s S ustainable L ands

● Vice P resident o f F inance f or D U C hapter o f t he N ational A ssociation o f H ome B uilders ( 2009-2011)

● 2009 R eal E state R esearch I nstitute T ravel S cholarship W inner & 2 010 B urns S chool S tudent I nitiative A ward W inner

(Additional i nformation r egarding r eferences f rom c olleagues, a wards a nd p ublications a re a vailable o n L inkedIn)

F ast L earner P roblem S olver S elf-starter S ECRET C learance N ative E nglish S peaker

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