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Electrical Engineering Network Engineer

Los Angeles, CA
July 11, 2017

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Pooja Gandhi

480-***-**** ********@*******.***


• Cisco Certified professional seeking entry level Network Engineer position

• Expertise in Networking protocols and communication network design. Experience with Routers, Switches, LAN/WAN, and WLAN technologies.

• Proficient with Networking/Routing protocols (TCP/IP, Multicast, BGP, OSPF, MPLS), Network Simulator tools

(like CISCO Packet Tracer, OPNET, GNS3, QualNet) and Network security. EDUCATION

• MS Electrical Engineering GPA- 3.80/4

California State University, Los Angeles, CA (09/2015-05/2017)

• BE Electronics & Communication Engineering GPA- 3.65/4 Gujarat Technological University. India (07/2010-06/2014) PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE

Network Engineer, BP Equities Private Ltd, Mumbai, India (07/2014- 08/2015)

• Configure a hardware set up for the call center.

• Configure and implementation of VoIP system.

• Maintenance and troubleshooting of complex infrastructure, routers, switches, LAN.

• Involved in Switching Technology Administration including creating and managing VLAN, Port security Trucking, STP, Inter VLAN routing, LAN security etc.

Teaching Associate, California State University Los Angeles, USA (08/2016- 01/2017)

• Taught special topics of Electrical Engineering at undergraduate level.

• Subject contained Fourier Transform, Laplace Transform, Digital Logic Design, Probability Density Function, Cumulative Distribution Function, and Basic Networking Components Overview. Student Trainee, Embitech Solutions, Ahmedabad, India. (06/2013- 05/2014) Heart rate based Anesthesia controller

• Objective of the project is to design device which is useful to give accurate amount of liquid.

• This device contains PIC 16F877A, Heartbeat Sensor, Servo motor.

• Device measures heartbeat of patient's and give accurate amount of anesthesia liquid with help of injector which is connected to the servo motor and MPLAB and PROTEUS software were used for simulation. RESEARCH PAPER:

Performance Analysis of VoIP Using Different Codecs

• Various codec schemes used in communication can basis various delay at the sources and the destinations for different types of functions like audio compression, decompression and end to end delay. This particular study emphasized on voice over Internet protocol and its various codecs schemes like G.711, G.729A, G.723 using OPNET simulator.

• Certification: Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) TECHNICAL SKILLS AND TOOLS

Programming Language C, C++, VHDL, JAVA, MATLAB, Visual Basic, HTML, Machine code Platform Windows VISTA, XP, 7,8,10, Linux, Unix, MAC OS Software Cisco packet tracer, GNS3, OPNET, AutoCAD, Logix Pro, LabVIEW, VMware Routing Protocols


480-***-**** ********@*******.*** LAN Technologies

Workgroup, Domain, HSRP, DHCP, Static, VLAN, STP, VTP, Trunks, RSTP WAN Technologies

Frame Relay, VPN (L2F, PPTP, L2TP, GRE), ISDN, PPP, ATM, MPLS, IPv6 Switching Protocols

VTP, STP, RSTP, MST, VLANs, ISL, 802.1q, Ether Channel, PAgP and LACP Firewalls

Palo Alto PA, ACL- Access Control List, NAT, PAT, CISCO ACS AAA Architecture TACACS+, RADIUS, CISCO ACS


Mobile Ad-hoc Networks Computer Networks &Internets Computer Organization Advanced Digital Communications Computer System Architecture Wireless Communications Data Communications & Networking Microprocessor 8085 & Interfacing Optical Fibre PROJECTS:

Access Control on WLAN

• Objective is to set up simulation to use firewall on Wireless LAN, and design experiments to evaluate the performance of firewall by monitoring the parameters such as Packet dropped, delay and throughput using OPNET simulator. Modified MIPS Lite multi cycle design

• Design multi cycle Data path for MIPS-Lite ISA using VHDL using Xilinx ISE simulation tool. Designed all modules for main controller and ALU controller to execute instructions using behavioral and hierarchical design model. Distributed Computing Job Management Protocol Design

• Focused on the job management protocol that handles the communication between the controller and engine computers using JAVA simulation.

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