Personal Information
Date of birth: 19/June/1977
Languages: English (fluent),
Norsk (A2), Urdu (native)
Contact (home)
Etterstadsletta 86
0659 Oslo, Norway
Cell:+47 4596 1710
To work as a software development engineer position in a technology firm where I can utilize my software design, development & architecture skills in professional environment
Have 12 years of work experience including 9 years of software development
Expert in development of complete IoT applications in Thingworx 7
Expert in development of components and modules for Joomla 3
Have good knowledge and experience in databases (MySQL, SQL-server, Postgresql, Sqlite)
Have software development experience in JEE, Spring, Hibernate, JasperServer, Java, PHP, Python, JavaScript, iReport, IronSpeed
Have work experience in agile development environment
Proficient in object oriented analysis and design methodologies Saarland University, Ge r ma n y . Oct 2002 - April 2005 Master of Science in Computer Science Advisor: Prof. Gerhard Weikum Implementation and Evaluation of a Path Indexing Prof. Reimund Seidel Framework for Large Collections of Inter-linked XML Documents. German 1.8, GPA: A
The Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan Sep 1998 - Jan 2001 Master in Computer Science (2 years) Advisor: Naeem Tahir Human IT Resource Warehouse System
System Architect at ThingFarm AS, Oslo, Norway July 2016 – Now
• Expert in Thingworx 7 IoT platform. Data structure, mashups, services, remote Things. Building extensions etc.
• Research, designed developed SmartCity applications: Smart Air, Smart Water, Urbanization, Smart Phone Detection.
• Paulig Coffee machine monitoring: implemented real time notification based on alerts, trend analysis, service counting, predictive maintenance. Sales of beverages with weather temperature, estimate service date, fragmented reporting, web-services.
• Developed m2m RESTfull web-services using Jersey framework. Tools and Techniques: Thingworx 7, Java 8, Postgresl, Tomcat, RHEL, Jersey framework System Architect at Talk2the Future AS, Oslo, Norway March 2015 – January 2016
Attended course – Introduction to Thingworx 5.0 in Goteborg, Sweden
Earned PTC University “Introduction to ThingWorx Proficiency Certification”
Have learned all aspects of Thingworx 6, IoT (Internet of Thing) platform o API using Java annotations, Server side scripts, data models, Mashup, creating extension for Thingworx platform
Conducted meetings with stakeholder – WMF & insideM2M Germany, Thingworx
Created monitoring system for Primulator AS.
o Developed an application using Thingworx Java API to retrieve data from WMF web- server, and developed data model inside Thingworx platform o Made graphical design using Thingworx mashups, menus, masters o Created Services: Daily Trend, Future prediction of product sales, geo-fencing o Made extension for Thingworx for generating PDF
o Deployed the platform on PTC cloud
Managing RGT project
o RGT requires a clean log on all coffee machines and vending machines o T2TF designed a solution based on the QR technology, known as mobile tagging. When QR code is scanned, then the backend system is updated. Linkedin: Tools and Techniques: Thingworx 6, Java 8, MySQL, Tomcat, CentOS 6, Eclipse Software Engineer at Betronic BV, Amsterdam, Netherlands Nov 2009 – July 2014 Design and build solar energy monitoring systems for multiple clients, the major ones are SolarTotal and Femtogrid. Built a processing system to handle the bulk input data, extract the relevant information, compute production, etc. In order to update the website almost real-time, the functions of the system distributed into three layers, Service layer, application layer and database layer.
Generated the monitoring websites using Joomla 2.5 framework, generated chart components to show up-to-dated production charts and comparison with PvGis information, error information etc.
Built a components to show production, signal power info on Google maps, that includes clustering and geographical searching features.
Built a worksheet component to configure system information and also the positioning of panels.,, login/pass: demo/demo
Build a reporting system, using JasperServer and iReport.
Implemented a complicated Femtogrid Network protocol to convert binary data into csv data, in Java
Designed a monitoring system for a linux-based BeagleBone gateway.
Implemened publish-subscribe pattern
Designed the display of data in configurable table views
Designed the display of data in configurable charts o User can configure not only the inputs, chart width/height, labels, units, but also the resolution of data, type of the chart for each input (line, bar) Tools and Techniques: Joomla 2.5, PHP, MySQL, Python, JasperServer, Java, Eclipse, Javascript, Google Map Api, Amchart, Flask-RESTfull, Json, JasperServer, iReport, IronSpeed, Cherrypy framework, Flot chart, Sqlite3 Software Engineer at Betronic Nederland BV, Amsterdam, Netherlands Aug 2008 – Aug 2009
Agile and Monet team member, domain model (includes parameters, domain items, groups, user access controls on domain items. Job responsibility including develop report engine, data export engine, parsers to extract data, etc.
Developed parser for NDF binary data, csv data to extract information.
Developed report engine to generate regular reports based on defined domain items and email the report, also developed a GWT panel to manage report jobs.
Developed export engine to export data of variable ranges and a GWT panel to manage jobs. The engine and the GWT panel shares an XML file for synchronization of the tasks.
Developed report engine to generate regular reports based on defined domain items and email the report, also developed a GWT panel to manage report jobs. The engine generates an XML file containing the data and feature information of the presentation, and then the engine generates charts using JFreeChart and finally it uses an XSLT file to generate PDF reports.
Take part in building calculation engine that apply formula on input stream data.
Build GWT calculation panel that works like Jconsole Tools and Techniques: Spring framework, Hibernate, Postgress, GWT ext, Java mail, Java ftp, Quartz, Jfree chart, Apache FOP, XSLT, FreeBsD, Solaris 10, Windows Research Associate at University Amsterdam, Netherlands Sep 2006 - Aug 2008
Team member of QUARTZ project.
Discovered and developed machine learning approaches for question answering from tabular data, and published this work to FlexDBist 2007
Participated in QA campaigns TREC and CLEF.
Worked on named entity normalization (NEN) using Wikipedi knowledge
Developed an NEN algorithm for user generated content
Published NEN work to ECIR 2008, AND workshop at SIGIR 2008, DIR 2008
Passage Retrieval for question answering: published at IR4QA workshop at COLING 2008 Tools and Techniques: Java, MySQL, Perl, Python.
Linkedin: ACADEMIC
Jr. Software Engineer, Mulheim Ruhr, Germany May 2003 – Dec 2003 Team member of Shelfman project, I was responsible to create undo-manager, user can reinsert, replace, resize or remove the boards and products. Documentation of the project based on Doxygen standard.
Tools and Techniques: Visual C++ 6.0, MFC and Doxygen Research Assistant at DFKI, Saarbrucken, Germany Nov 2004 - Aug 2006
Team member of HyLAP project, I was responsible to implement ClassifyEmail GUI for RFC 822 messages, evaluate Jena RDF database and Berkeley DBXML.
Team member of SCALLOPS project. Implemented a scalable syntactical “Match Making of OWL-S Web Services” using structural similarity. Developed two test collections to evaluate the performance of OWL-S service matchmaking algorithms. Tools and Techniques: Java, Jena API, MySQL, Berkeley DBXML. Research Programmer at Max Planck Institute, Saarland University, Germany May 2003 – Oct 2004
Team member of FLiX project, comparing FLiX peroformance with other indexing approaches, analyzing the bulk evaluation of queries on Oracle database. Team member of XXL project, developed multi-threaded crawler with GUI for XML documents, developed an application to compute probability of WordNet concept pairs using web queries. Tools and Techniques: Java, XML, WordNet, Oracle
Search Engine: Java based multi-threaded web-crawler, indexer (using B+ tree), and query processor (supports Google query features, like AND, OR, +, -). Generic Exact String Matchmaker: implemented using C++ and STL an exact string matchmaker algorithms, Brute-Force, Knuth-Morris-Pratt, Tuned Boyer-Moor and Shift-or. XQuery processor: implemented using C++, STL and Berkeley DB, memory based XQuery grammar
IoT Platform
Thingworx 7
Java, Python, Perl, C++, Visual C++
Frameworks & web:
Joomla, Cherrypy, AmChart, Flot chart, JFree chart, Spring framework, GWT ext, Java Mail, Servlets,, JSP, HTML, JavaScript, JQuery, CSS,AJAX, Swings
IDE’s &
Eclispe, Notepad++, Maven, IronSpeed, Visual Studio, Ant, iReport, Artisteer 4
Methodologies: Agile development, Object oriented design, UML Version tools: Subversion, CVS
Application servers: Apache Tomcat, IIS, JasperServer Operating systems: Linus/Unix (RHEL, Ubuntu/FreeBSD), Windows 10 DB’s & others: Postgresql, MySQL, Sqlite, SQL Server, Oracle, XML, Hibernate, STL, JAX-RPC, REST, SOAP, Quartz, Lucene
Have published eight international journal papers, five refereed conference papers. The complete list can be provided if required.