Puthukkudi meethal,
E-mail id : ************@*****.***
Mobile No : +91-964*******
Look forward to a career with a progressive and dynamic role in organization that gives a better scope to apply my knowledge and skills for the betterment of concern in all aspects. EEDDUUCCAATTIIOONNAALL QQUUAALLIIFFIICCAATTIIOONN
Piping Engineering – 2014 (Jan – March) – PetroInstitute – Trivandrum
BE (Mechanical Engineering) : 2009-2013, Bharathidasan Engineering College, Vellore, India
HSE : 2009, Ansar Junior College - (State Board), Memunda,- with 67.3%
SSLC : 2007, BEM.High School - (State Board), Vatakara – with 72% TTEECCHHNNIICCAALL SSKKIILLLLSS
Knowledge in handling basic machineries
Basic knowledge in Solidworks, CAD, ANSYS, MS office. AARREEAA OOFF IINNTTEERREESSTT
Auto mobile,Production,Design and Manufacture etc. CCOO--CCUURRRRIICCUULLAARR AACCTTIIVVIITTIIEESS
Presented a paper on “ Power Generation By Using Air” at Priyatharsini Engg Colllege held on 30th Sep 2011
An Industrial Visit to Ashok Leyland at Hosur.
Playing the role of Class Committee Member, which helps to enhance my Leadership skills and Interpersonal skills
Actively organised a National Level Technical Symposium “SPARKRAZZY” conducted every year by the MECH Department of Bharathidasan Engineering College, Nattrampalli.
Group leader in “NSS” (National Service Scheme)
Participated in cricket team and won the match during the year of 2012 Mini and Final Projects
MINIPROJECTS :‘‘ Power Generation And Irrigation By Using Wind Mill”
FINAL PROJECTS: Design And Fabrication of COMPRESSED AIR VEHICLE References
Mr.Nateshamoorthy M.E.,
Dept of Mechanical Engineering
Bharathidasan Engineering college,
Vellore .(under Anna Univ Chennai)
Mr. S. Tharaknath M.Tech., MISTE
Asst Prof.,
Head Of The Department,
Department Of Mechanical Engineering,
Bharathidasan Engineering College,
Vellore District.
Father’s Name : Sankaran.PM
Mother’s Name : Devi.PM
Date of Birth & Age : 30th May 1992 & 21 yrs
Gender : male
Languages Known : English,Malayalam and Tamil
Experience : Fresher
Much Interested in Hearing Music, Sports, Traveling, and Longdrive DECLARATION:
I do here by declare that the particulars, information and facts stated herein above are true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. Place : Vatakara AMALJITH.PM
Date :