Vickie E. Allen
Nashville, TN
Summary of Qualifications
Administrative Assistant, Music and Worship, Forest Hills Baptist Church, Nashville, TN, for 5.5 years. Coordinating data entry on spreadsheet, dealing with all music ordered, filed, and distributed, printing children’s choir resources, putting Scriptures, music texts, videos, and so forth on laptop computer for Sunday services, entering data in ACS membership information, calendaring, and other duties as assigned.
Creative Design Editor with 15 years experience in product development, editing, producing, proofing, and teaching. Worship musician with 35 years experience. Fifteen years of administration experience.
Application of creative ideation in product design and editing of children’s ministry innovations.
Skilled in administration and organization in regard to production of products, productions, master’s level school, children’s choirs, children’s musicals, and worship services.
Always resourceful with creative solutions and ideas for church leaders and worshippers of all ages.
Develop writers by informing, inspiring, and guiding writers to get the most creative materials.
Skilled church musicians and accompanist with passion for leading worshippers of all ages.
Areas of Expertise
liFEwaY Christian Resources 1998-2010
Design Editor (doing comprehensive editing work) for Young Musicians Kit (25 quarters, 11 semesters), Young Musicians Magazine (25 quarters, 11 semesters), Music Makers Kit (11 semesters), Music Makers Magazine (11 semesters), Plans & Pluses Magazine (11), Plans & Pluses CD-ROM (9), The Children’s Choir Kit (19 quarters) and The Children’s Choir Magazine (19 quarters), Made for Praise (2 older, 1 younger), Play & Praise (1), and Dovetailors (2)
Led writer’s conferences (24, each one week long); art/editor conferences (66); and produced videos (82) Managed budgets and contracts for literary writers and artists.
Served on LifeWay’s Children’s Ministry Matrix for 4 years and on the National Preschool/Children’s Conference planning team as a committee chair for 3 years
Chose and developed yearly themes with biblical concepts and music concepts for all CMS products. Effectively led a work team; led comprehensive editing meetings; led product evaluation meetings.Reduced cost by being a master teacher on videos, conference leading for LifeWay, reusing art, planning art to be used in multiple ways and products, working with on-site graphic designers to find less expensive art resources and informing contract graphic designers, rewriting units instead of asking for a contract editor.
Southwestern Seminary 1989-1998
Administrative Assistant to the Dean of the School of Church Music
Developed each semester’s class schedule.
Hired and supervised office staff for the dean’s office and professor’s offices.
As office manager, responsible for dean’s correspondence, calls, visitor’s, concert schedule, planning workshops, planning choral group reunions, and chapel performance schedule.
Assisted in transition from a dean of 38 years, through an interim, to a new dean.
Other Significant Accomplishments
National preschool and children’s choir music and worship workshop clinician
Adjunct Professor in Church Music Education
Advertising Manager and Proofreader, the Journal of Singing, 1993-1998
Graduate Assistant in Church Music Education, School of Church Music
Elementary Music Teacher, Mountain View/Birth Tree School District, Mountain View, MO,
Private piano teacher
Organist, Harpeth Heights Baptist Church, Nashville, TN
Organist, Bellevue Baptist Church, Nashville, TN, 1998-2002
Organist/music assistant and children’s choir coordinator, FBC, Burleson, TX, 1989-1997
Organist/music apprentice, North Fort Worth Baptist Church, Fort Worth, TX, 1987-1989
Preschool and children’s Sunday school teacher and director, 1982-1996
Pianist, First Baptist Church, Mountain View, MO, 1982-1985
Summer youth director, First Baptist Church, Mountain View, MO, 1984 and1985
Pianist in churches where family attended, 1970-1981
Children’s Choir Director, 25 years
Children’s Musical Director, 15 musicals
Education And Training
Master of Music Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, TX
Bachelor of Arts, Music Education Arkansas College, Batesville, AR
Facilitation Skills* InDesign CS4 Levels 1 & 2 * Business Ethics* Google Apps * Excel 1 Mac
Basic PowerPoint Mac * Stress Survival Guide * Corporate Branding & Graphics * Customer Service Excellence * MENC Conferences * Ridgecrest and Glorieta Music Conferences