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WRtier, Researcher

Washington, DC
July 01, 2017

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Philip X'rankenfeld

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Washinglon DC 2008-1 109


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To secure a positior through which I can enhance the terms and quality of citizenship for all people within the complicated, technoscientific society, and the terms and qualrty of this societ-v's social contraci

The University of Chicago--Ph.D. Political Science 1989 The University of Chicago-M.A. Political Science 1981 Pomona College--B.A. Government 1979

Georgetown University Hospital GastroenterologY Records Administator Responded to requests for recotds. Updaed computer databases by individually scannin& indexing documents ftom archived files into computer files Coates and Jarratf Futures Consulting Firm Washington DC Fuhre Forecaster Forecasted drivers of the future and complete, holistic scenarios for clients to enable them to anticipate changes to their operating environments, adapt, seize opportunities. Drivers: Technologies, demographics, ideation, memeso managerial constructs for business, governmenq physical environment lifestyles, global events/regimes, stochastic events/catastrophes. Clients: Fofime 500 companies, government agencies. Written reports, oral presentations at monthly client meetings, individual consultations with clients

California Legistature Legislative Assistam

Analyzed €mergrng policy challenges, opportmities for the state anid technosocietal, environmental political economic, demographic changes. Constituent work.

2001: "The New Reckoning: Technological Citizenship and the New Social Contract,' Chptr- 5 of Yisions of the 21" Century: Sociql Research for the Millennium, ed. Martin Schoenhals, Joseph Behar @inghamton NY: Global Publications)

1993: "simple Gifts: Complex Environmental Hazards and the Responsibility to Leave a Controllable World," Futures [Oxford UK], 25 (l) Februaty 1993,25'52 7992: "Tethnological Citizenship: A Normafive Framework for Risk Studies," Science, Technology & Human Values, 17 (a) Autumn 1992,459487 Microsoft Windows, MedConnect, IDX, Centricity, Word l99lz The World We Leave: Obligations to Future Generatians, The University of Chicago Continuing Education

1990: Democracy and Complicated Issues, The University of Chicago Continuing Education



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References and titles of conference presentations available by request

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