Greg Hansen
Missouri Department Of Higher Education
General Equivalency Diploma 2010 2011
Studied for and Passed the General Equivalency Diploma.
Excelled in Reading, Language Comprehension and Writing.
Crowder College Neosho, Mo Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Three Phase Electrical Motor Controls.
Basic House Hold Circuits.
Basic Plumbing Knowledge
Construction and Jobsite Safety Certification.
Specialty Foods Joplin, MO: restaurant delivery.
DeffenBaugh Industries Roll Off: debris clean up and trash route driver.
USA Truck Inc Van Burren, AR: over the road truck driver.
Transport Distribution Company Joplin, MO: over the road truck driver.
Comtrak Logistics Inc. Memphis, TN: over the road truck driver.
American Central Transport Liberty, MO:
2004 2011
Conagra Foods Carthage, MO: sanitation worker.
National Services Company: sanitation worker Cook Bone (Tyson Foods Neosho, Mo).
National Services Company Springdale, AR: Sanitation Management.
Protein Solutions Joplin, MO: material handler, shipping & receiving, machine operator.
Windsor Foods Carthage, MO: packer/palletizer, frozen foods production.
1995 2011
Poor Ol Boys’ Tackle Shop March 2012 – July 2012
Business Owner.
Opened and operated a bait and tackle shop.
Greg A. H ansen
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Greg Hansen
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Greg Hansen