Funen A. Pintal
Sarmiento subdivision, Vitarich Panacan
Davao city
to work in your company and be a part of it as well.
Sex: Male
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Date of Birth: October 16 1994
Place of Birth: Davao City
Name of mother: Bernalyn A. Pintal
Name of father: Rey V. Pintal
Educational attainment:
Jet Achievers Learning Center Ilang – Tibungco davao city 2001 2006
New Ilang Achiever Academy Ilang – Tibungco davo city 2010 2011
Experiences and Skills:
Style gallery salon all around beautician 2011
Conchin textile factory worker 2011
Minute burger service crew 2012 2012
Character References:
Jesrel C. Arisco Sk kagawad Ilang Davao City
Arnold Apostol Brgy. Captain Panacan Davao City
Bobby Barrios Brgy.Kagawad Ilang Davao City