S ivaranjani M R
N ame: No. *, *th C ross Street,
Nethaji Colony, Velachery,
* ***** ****** ** ** experience involving all Chennai – 600042,
phases of software development lifecycle with
focus on developing applications using E mail : *****************@*****.***
O racle/Linux based technologies.
Phone: +91-944*******
E xpe rience Cognizant Technology Solutions, Chennai ( Ma r 2010 – Present
Designation – Associates
Nihon Technologies, Chennai ( Feb 2007 – May 2009 )
Designation – Junior Programmer
I nfosys, Chennai ( Jun 2006 – Dec 2006 )
Designation – Technical Associate
Expe rience Sound knowledge in Banking and Finance domain with good
u nderstanding of management reporting.
S umma ry
• 6 years of experience in Design, Development, and Implementation of
O racle based application technologies.
• Vast experience in working with Oracle database 10g, PL/SQL, SQL
Loader, import and export utilities, shell scripting and reporting
using Crystal Reports.
• Experience in handling client requests with main focus on change
request/feature additions and impact analysis on existing systems.
• Experience in creating reports using crystal report technology with
u nderlying oracle database
• Experience in working with Very large Databases (VLDB) employing
techniques like partitioning, partition pruning.
• Experience in Designing Report builder using oracle db.
• Experience in monitoring all jobs in DEV, QA, and PROD region.
• Experience in handling the entire Query request asked by the client.
• Experience in writing shell scripts for various automation process in
L inux machines.
O racle 10g, My SQL, SQL Server, Sybase
S kill Sets Databases:
Windows, Linux
P rogramming
L anguages:
MS Word, MS Excel, MS Project, MS Access
Scripting Language:
Crystal Reports, Report’s
Web Technologies
Office Softwa re :
R eporting Tools:
P rojects 1: P rudential ( Jan 2013 – till date)
Employer : Cognizant Technology Solutions
: M et ropolitan Life I nsurance Corp( M E TL I F E)
P roject Description:
Annuity is a series of payments made or received at regular intervals.
I n a fixed annuity, the insurance company guarantees the principal and a
m inimum rate of interest. The growth of the annuity’s value and/or the
benefits paid may be fixed at a dollar amount or by an interest rate, or they
may grow by a specified formula. General Account, Plan sponsor keeps plan
assets in the insurance company’s general investment account. An annuity of
p re-guaranteed value is purchased as when an employee retires. The
i nsurance company guarantees the amount of periodic annuity benefit that
w ill be paid to the plan participant. Variable Annuity, Money in a variable
annuity is invested in a fund like a mutual fund but one open only to
i nvestors in the insurance company’s variable life insurance and variable
annuities. Separate Account, Here the plan sponsor can keep his plan assets
i n any of the insurance company’s separate accounts depending on his
i nvestment preferences. No guarantees are given regarding investment
Basic P rocess Flow:
P re-poly processing:
I t creates the UPD files and reports for the different type of LOB’s and FTP
t he same to the Poly servers.
For more than a century, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
( MetLife) has served the American people. Today, MetLife is the nation’s
l argest life insurer, with approximately $1.7 t r illion invested in life insurance.
MetLife provides individual insurance, annuities, and investment products to
approximately nine million households, or one of every 11 U.S. households.
MetLife is organized into six business segments: Institutional, Individual,
A uto & Home, International, Reinsurance and Asset Management. MetLife’s
success is based on their long history of social responsibility, strong
leadership, sound investments, and innovative products and services.
MetLife’s unparalleled franchises and brand names uniquely position it to be
t he preeminent provider of protection and savings and investment products in
t he U.S. In addition, MetLife's international operations are focused on
emerging markets where the demand for insurance and savings and
i nvestment products is expected to grow rapidly in the future. Currently
MetLife has its presence in 12 Count ries.
P rojects 2:
P rudential (Jan 2011 – Jan 2013)
Employer : Cognizant Technology Solutions
Client : P rudential insurance Company, America
Life cad is the application used at prudential for the administration of fixed
payout products for annuities, Life, Group-Life and structured settlements.
L ife cad is a comprehensive suite of payout processing modules that supports
t he functionality needed to model and create new products, issue new
business (application entry) and administer in-force contracts.
P roject Description
Life cad application was developed using PB 10.5 as front end, oracle
11g as back end and VC++ as middle tier.
Life cad application was split into sub modules like Policy Admin,
P roduct specification, Agent, Supervisor and Account Management.
Policy admin Module take cares of disbursing money to payee during
contract payout phase.
Both Periodic and non-periodic payments have been handled by Policy
admin module.
Policy admin also maintains information about clients like owner,
annuitant, beneficiary etc… information’s
Policy admin module allows users to create contracts and also
supports death benefit payouts.
Product specification module maintains the entire product related
i nformation’s.
Agent Module maintains all the agent information’s. The agent
i nformation will be entered into this module through ADSI inbound
Supervisor module allows creating users and providing access to
t hose users to access Life cad application.
Account Management modules maintain information’s like fund
names, portfolio names, asset allocation.
All the t ransactions associated with contract issue, periodic
d isbursements, non-periodic disbursements will be processed by
n ightly batch.
The nightly batch is an autosys job which invokes C++ execs.
Since Life cad is an admin system, this module sends data to other
systems like SAAS, Ecom, ETRS etc... And similarly receives
i nformation’s from other systems like NCOA, SSA, and VPAS etc...
Oracle Business Intelligence report tool was used to design Lifecad
M IS reports.
RC MA - T he RCMA was developed for ASU (Annuities Suitability Unit) to
ensure that the Prudential complies with the regulation put forth by the New
York department of insurance regulation. The regulation 60 requires that the
agent/insurers to provide potential applicants with full disclosure regarding
t he nature of any proposed replacement transaction.
P roject Description
RCMA application was developed using PB 10.5 as front end and
oracle 11g as back end.
Both Internal and External replacement cases can be created and
maintained in RCMA application.
Both Life to Annuity and Annuity to Annuity replacement cases can
be created and maintained in RCMA applications.
RCMA application can be used to create composite cases (i.e. by
merging more than one case).
RCMA application allows generating future illustration values for all
t ypes of cases.
I t generates disclosure report which will be sent to Owner, Agents
and Companies.
The disclosure reports were designed using Oracle discoverer report
builder tool.
Global Securities Lending - AP3 Reporting ( Aug 2010 – Jan
P rojects 3:
2011 )
Employer : Cognizant Technology Solutions
Client : The Northe rn T r ust Company, Chicago, US
Northern Trust Corporation, through its subsidiaries, provides asset
servicing, fund administration, investment management, banking, and
f iduciary solutions for corporations, institutions, and individuals worldwide.
I t offers various deposit products, including demand and other noninterest
bearing, savings, money market, savings certificates, and t ime deposit
accounts. The company’s loan portfolio comprises residential real estate,
commercial real estate, commercial, and personal loans, as well as provides
lease financing solutions. I t also provides asset servicing, asset management,
and related services to corporate and public retirement funds, foundations,
endowments, fund managers, insurance companies, and government funds,
as well as offers foreign exchange services. In addition, the company offers
personal t rust, investment management, custody, and philanthropic services;
f inancial consulting services; guardianship and estate administration
services; brokerage services; and private and business banking services
focusing on high net worth individuals and families, business owners,
executives, professionals, retirees, and established privately-held businesses.
F urther, it provides securities lending, transition management, and related
services. Northern Trust Corporation was founded in 1889 and is based in
Chicago, I llinois.
P roject Description: AP3 reporting project is mainly involved with the
development of management reports to provide insights on borrower
collateralization performances for various sponsors. Using the total loan
market values and collateral market values for the each sponsors,
collateralization percentage for various sponsors is calculated and reported.
W ith the help of crystal reports, reporting is done and shown in the portal
w ith several user selection criteria’s.
P rojects 4:
Global Securities Lending – CRD3 ( Jun 2010 – Aug 2010 )
Employer : Cognizant Technology Solutions
Client : The Northe rn T r ust Company, Chicago, US
Project Description: Current process is to collateralize at Borrower level to
ensure collateralization of loans. This development will enable users to
collateralize at Fund level and Client level.
• Understood the business involved in Creation of new procedure
according to the client’s requirement.
• Testing of the new procedure in development region with the
p repared unit test Plans and to compare the test results with the
expected results.
• Created and modified schema objects as tables, views, indexes,
• Tested the Reports to check for the data consistency.
• Involved in syntactic and semantic checking, code walk through and
• Correction and prepared Documentation.
• Involved in the creation of tables by using all SQL constrains.
P rojects 5: Involved in creation of Crystal Reports for all the modules.
Wealth Passport NT – Online Reporting ( Mar 2010 – Jun 2010 )
Employer : Cognizant Technology Solutions
Client : The Northe rn T r ust Company, Chicago, US
P roject Description: Online Reporting (NPF) is one of the
p rojects in Wealth Passport which allows the clients to view
t heir portfolio/asset details through various reports. This
p roject deals mainly with the report generation process based
on the client request. I t support 42 types of reports, such as
Net Worth Summary, Portfolio Value, Transaction H istory,
Country Allocation, Sector Allocation and Income Statement,
W hich are very useful to t rack the performance of their
i nvestment. All these information’s are saved in NPF database.
A part from this, NPF supports a unique concept called
‘CUSTOMIZATION’. Through this the user can select their
own preferred columns for display/grouping or sorting purposes
i n the reports. There are number of batch processes running on
a daily basis to get data from external applications and
u pdates that information in NPF. The entire application is
being developed on J2EE architecture. Struts and Tiles
P rojects 6: f ramework components are being used in the web t ier of the
application. The application is being deployed on a Web Logic
application server with Oracle 9g as the database. The Oracle
packages play a major role in extracting the information for
various reports. The main objective of the project is to generate
various reports dynamically according to the need of the
customers. The reports are generated in Crystal Reports
Template. The data that has to be populated in the template is
retrieved from Oracle PL/SQL packages. A separate data
warehouse is maintained in Oracle 10g to house all the data.
C hildren T racking System
P rojects 7:
Employer : Nihon Technologies
P roject Description: T his project deals with tracking the Children
Activities in School. This is third-Party’s Tool. Parents and Schools Have to
Pay and Get the authorization from third party to access this Tool. Login Id
and Password Will be given to Schools and Parents Appropriately. Then the
Schools have to update the Students Activities (like Presence, Exam Marks
etc) regularly by which Parents shall Able to Track their Children Activities
t hrough this Tool from their home itself.
P rojects 8:
Hoya VC Sales Promotion System
Employer : Nihon Technologies
P roject Description: T he sales promotion systems focus on the sales of the
Lens. This system is to keep t rack of Sales and based on the sales the
p roduction will be done. Depending on the sales the production can be
i ncreased .It is used to forecast the sales each and every month. In this
system Purchase can be done by 2 methods one is coupon and the second one
is R3 .In both methods sales calculation is done by the data provided by the
business team and displayed in a web page as in the tabular format. This
helps the clients to improve their monthly business efficiently.
P rojects 9:
Nankai Shouji Rephrase System
Employer : Nihon Technologies
P roject Description: T he proposed project is an enhancement of the
existing system. The web based solution is used to maintain the purchase
order and stock order of Nankai line Shops. If a person t ravels using Nankai
l ine in Japan he can purchase the items in the shops available in any of the
stations, the shop owners use the Purchase order Management system to
order the stocks according to the requirements on a daily basis and send mail
P rojects 10:
to the dealer directly. The mail is sent each day to know the status of the
Eventum Tool
Employer : Nihon Technologies
P roject Description: Eventum is a user-friendly and f lexible issue tracking
system that can be used by a support department to t rack incoming
technical support requests or by a software development team to quickly
E ducation
organize tasks and bugs. I t also helps to keep t rack of the bugs depending on
t he project.
Employer : Nihon Technologies
P roject Description: O ki is an electric company in Osaka. Four
T raining &
departments are there namely Embedded, NTT Telephone Operator, Sales
C ertifications
p roject, ERP Module. This project is based on the telephone operator. I ts
mainly based on the Japan forecasting weather report. Based on the data
f rom satellite we generate the forecasting weather report for any day. Report
w ill generate in the SVG format.
• M.E in Applied Electronics, Arunai Engineering College, Anna
U niversity, 2005.
• B-Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Madras
U niversity, 2003.
• OCA - Introduction to Oracle9i: SQL (PASSED)
• Completed JLPT-4 on 2007 (Japanese Language Proficiency Test)