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Engineer Marketing

Murfreesboro, TN, 37130
June 24, 2013

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Heather Herriman

**** ** ****** * *** e Ap t. *** Murfree sb or o, T N 3 71 30

Pho ne: 615-***-**** E-Ma il: ****************@*****.***


The Art Institute of Tennessee-Nashvill e

Bachelor of Arts in Audio Production, March, 2013

Audio Engineering Society, Student Chapter

o Secre tary 2009-2010,Vice Pre sident 2010-2011, Treasur er 2011-2013

Grammy U (Ai-TN Student Chapter)

o President 2010- 2012

Student Ambassador 2012-2013

2012 A.E.S Spring Mixer Competition Winner


Musical/Production Skills Cust omer Service Skills

M ulti- in st ru m en t alist, v ocals, so ngwriter, Assisting customers with questions

• •

Read/write music nota tion Phone etiquette

• •

Perf ormanc e in a public/band set ting Written and verbal communication between clients and

• •


Created and produced and hour long podcast

Developing lesson plans to coordinate peer tutor sessions

Studied business aspects of the industry (contracts, •

copyright, royalties, studio management and Analysis of customer needs to better aid in research and

entrepreneurship) peer tutoring assistance

Software Basic Office Skills

Pro To ols LE and HD, Garage Ba nd, Reason

• Mac and P C pr oficient

Sound Edit or, Audacity, and Audition

• Micros oft Office Suite

Interacting with vari ous clientele

Cons ole and Gear Expe rience •

Co mmunicati on skills

SSL Duality, D- Co mmand, I con, Midas Sienna, V ox Pro,

Library database r esearch

Outboar d Pro cessing

Organizing data/documents for recall at a later time

Signal flow and micr oph one placement techniques

Music Marketing Ex perience

Helped p ro mot e fr ien d’ s music vi a so cial media

Member of stree t team s and fan clubs

Participat ed in fan missions and p rom oti ons

Industry Experien ce

Freelance Audio Engineer May 2010-Present

Run a home based pr ojec t s tudio re cor ding, mixing and editing pr ojects for inde pendent singer/s o ngwriters

Record guitar, bass, dru ms, and piano

January 2012-May 2012

‘Stache Media – Marketing Intern New Y ork, NY

Worked l ocally here in Nashvill e via c onferenc e calls and online pr oject submissions

Hung materials and dist ributed hand t o hand items for vario us p r oject s including tou r, album, sin gle and online pr om otion

Marketed online via so cial me dia sites

CMT Radio L ive – R adio Intern N a sh ville, TN September 2011-Dec ember 2011

Researched for CM T Radi o Live sh ow’s pre p sheet s and found videos to us e for C MT H ot Headlines segments

Kept social media up to da te with reques ts and informati on and c reated a f orm let ter for Faceb ook direc ting fans to o ur fan pages

Archived shows to the netwo rk drive and t o D VD, crea ted labels for the DVDs, and recorded voicemail on V ox Pro

Created an Exc el d ocum ent to track the p rize invent ory and affiliate sta tion list

Sat in o n inte rviews, took n ote s for editing pu rp oses, and trans cribed inte rviews

Way FM – Radio Intern F ranklin, TN Nove mber 2010-Sept ember 2011

Intern on “T otal A xxe ss”

C opying show material and s creening ph one call s as well as basic mai ling duties

Helped wit h p od cast editing, se t up the s tudio for the sh ow, made sure mate rials for up c oming segments wer e ready

Professional Experience

Student Librarian- The Art Institute of Tennessee-Nashville November 2009- May 2013

Peer Tutor The Art Institute of Tennessee-Nashville January 2010- May 2013

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