Mr. R.KRISTAPPA Educational Qualifications:
Mobile: 50. %
+919********* Govt, Degree, college.
E-mail id: Vocational
**.**********@*****.*** Govt, junior, college.
Permanent address 10th, class.
S/o H.Ramanjappa. Pass
Melavoy (post), Govt, Z P H School.
Papasanipall. (vileg),
Madakasira. (Mandal),
Anantapur. (district),
Date of Birth
15 April 1990
Languages known
English, Kannada & Telugu
Watching movies
Listening to Music
Playing Cricket
Objective and Career Goal:
Seeking a Challenging career in the field of Finance,
accounts and Taxation that shall a yield the benefits of
job satisfaction and steady pace.
Professional growth and contributing maximum of may
ability in achieving the goals of the Organization.
Energetic self -starter with an excellent analytically &
creativity skills and strong perseverance to ward
attaining challenging goal with effective time
Work Experience:
Organization: :
Period & Designation :Jun 2003
Technician, :
Electronics. Electrical
Father's name
H.Ramanjappa Area of interest:
Quality assurance
Marital Status Regulatory affairs.
Single Extracurricular Activities:
Computer Hard Wear & Net working
Cell phone tower maintain training
Cell phone Hard Wear & Soft Wear
IT Skills:
Operating System: Windows all version.
Key Strength: Application Tools: MS Office, Basic Applications &
Good written and verbal Internet
communication and Strengths:
interpersonal skills. Self Confident,
Temporary Address: : R.
: c/o k sudhakar (M.L,A)
: Room no 187
: New M.L.A Qtrs.
: Adharshnagar.
: Hyderabad
: pin 500082
I do hereby declare that the above given information is true to the best of
my knowledge and belief.
Place: Madakasira
kristappa R.