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Management Quality Assurance

Washington, DC
June 19, 2013

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Surname/Family Name: BETSHANGER


Date of Birth: 06 MAY 1970

Nationality: SOUTH AFRICAN

Marital Status: MARRIED Dependents: 03

Place of Birth: JOHANNESBURG

Drivers Licence: Code B (08) Criminal Convictions: NONE

Mental and/or Physical Disabilities: NONE


Domicilium: 220 Suid Street

Fauna Park



Contact No's. (Cell/Mobile) + 27 76 228608 / 082-*******

E-mail address: ****************@*****.***



1. University of South Africa Bachelor of Laws (LLB) Degree May / June 2011



1. S.A. Principles of International Trade Law deals inter alia with Private International Trade Law and in

particular the Incoterms, trade relations between exporters and importers, international payment instruments,

The Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, The Admiralty Jurisdiction Act, Multimodal Transport of Goods,

International Insurance Contracts, etc. The role of The International Chamber of Commerce in private

international trade.

2. S.A. Banking Law & Usage Deals among others with all Banking / Payment instruments in domestic as

International trade, Bank Usages such as the Commercial Clearing Bureaux for Cheque payments, Documentary

Letters of Credit, The Bank Act 94 of 1990, The FICA & FIAS.

3. Advanced Bills of Exchange and Cheque Law . Primarily focusing on Bills of Exchange and Cheques as

instruments of payment. The Contractual relationship between Bank and holder of cheque account. The rights of

the customer in relation to the Bank and vice-a-versa.

4. Advanced Companies Law dealing with the Companies Act 61 of 1973 and the new Companies Act 71 of

2008. Company Structures under both old and new Acts. Establishment and Dissolution of Companies under

both Acts. Company Meetings, Director’s Meetings, Prescribed Office bearers in respect of a public company.

Audit Committees and appointment of independent Audit Firm. Regulations in respect of the payment of

dividends, the issue, allotment, sale of company shares. The rights and duties of shareholders, directors and other

prescribed officers of the Company. Business Rescue Plans and Compromises with Creditors under The 2008


5. Advanced Criminal Law: LLB Dissertation:

Sections 12 & 13 of The Prevention & Combating of Corrupt Activities Act 12 of 2004.

The Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Relating to:

Procuring and Withdrawing of Tenders and Procuring Contracts,Prevention of Fraudulent Procurement

Processes; The Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998; The Companies Act 71 of 2008;

6. World Trade Law: Dealing with The World Trade Organisation’s GATT, GATS, SPS Agreements

2. Perserverance College of Senior Primary Education / Teaching Novenber 1993

Education (Kimberley) Diploma




1. Colinda Secondary School STD 10 Senior Certificate / Gr. 12 NOVEMBER 1988




1. The United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC)

2. The United Global Compact 10th Principle Against Corruption, including,

- Resisting Extortion and Solicitation In International Transactions;

- Collective Action In The Fight Against Corruption;

- Fighting Corruption In The Supply Chain Guide For Customer and Suppliers;

- Anti- Cooruption Compliance In High Risk Markets;

- The OECD Working Group On Corruption Annual Reports

3. The OECD - Convention On Combating Bribery Of Foreign Public Officials In International Business


4. The OECD - Guidelines For Multinational Enterprises.

5. The OECD - Principles Of Corporate Governance.

6. The USA's Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (F.C.P.A)

7. The UK Bribery Act 2010.

8. The UK’s Financial Reporting Council’s UK Corporate Governance Code

9. The Global Reporting Initiative's G3 & G3.1 Reporting Guidelines On Corporate Reporting.

10. The International Standard Organization (ISO) 9001 Procument Quality Assurance Standards.


11. The King III Report on Corporate Governance

12. The COSO Enterprise-wide Risk Management Strategies and Principles

13. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Pocesses

14. The African Union Convention on the Prevention and Combating Of Corruption

15. The South African Prevention & Combating Of Corruption Activities Act 12 of 2004.

16. The South African Prevention Of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998.

17. The South African Companies Act 71 of 2008.

18. The South African Competition Act 89 of 1998.

19. The Public Finance Management Act

20. The Municipal Finance Management Act 53 of 2003

21. The Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 5 of 2000







CURRENT EMPLOYER : BIE International Engineers /Khum Investments t/a Moja Quality

Position: Senior Advisor Procurement Quality Assurance

Seconded to ESKOM Holdings Ltd (Pty) Ltd – Megawatt Park Johannesburg

Division: Generation

Sub-division: Operation, Maintenance & Outages (OMO)

Department: Procurement

Key Performance Indicators:

• The Executing all Procurement Quality Assurance Activities in terms of ISO 9001:2008 during the

procurement phase, i.e.

o Receiving all procurement quality specifications from the Engineering phase

o Initiating and coordinating Procurement Quality meetings and provide inputs from a quality point

of view

o Ensuring that all Quality specifications are included in Tender Solicitation and procurement


o Managing the development of quality assessment and evaluation criteria in line with Eskom’s

requirements and procedures

o Managing and coordinating in site clarification meetings to address Procurement Quality


o Managing and directing supplier assessment teams in determining effective assessment strategies

(e.g. physical visits, reference checks, etc) and commissioning assessment teams to execute

assessments of potential suppliers.

o Overseeing the evaluation of Procurement Quality requirements from all proposals, and ensure

that reports are submitted to the designated senior management functionaries.

o Participate in negotiations with/ or adequately mandate and brief negotiating teams to ensure that

Quality Management requirements are not compromised.

o Reviewing all draft contracts to ensure that Quality Management requirements are well


o Reviewing all existing contracts between Eskom and Suppliers to ensure Quality Management

Assurance and other legal and statutory requirements are adequately addressed.

Receive all Quality documents (e.g. Quality Plans, Quality Control plans, draft ITP’s, etc) and act


as the contact person on all quality related documents from suppliers

Forward all such documents to the relevant Quality Control department for further action


Facilitation of initial kick off meetings with suppliers to discuss quality matters


Ensure that the process is continually improved by gathering and applying previous lessons learnt,


and best practices.

1. LAST EMPLOYMENT: Ernest & Young South Africa

Nature of Employment: Fixed Term Contract at S.A. RAF (May 2012 to July 2012)

Department: Procurement

Position: Contracts Manager

Key Performance Indicators:

(a) Management of the Tender Administration Process.

- Ensuring that tender documentation are complete and process are in line with the PFMA and PPPFA

- Coordinate the drafting of the contract with legal and tender evaluation committee (TEC).

- Ensuring that the terms of reference included in a draft contract are the ones the TEC or business

executive had agreed with the service provider.

(b) Contracts Management

- Maintain a contract register by updating it for new contracts, amendments and expired contracts.

- Issue instruction to CLS for the drafting of contract in line with approved bid award and/or

procurement process.

- To coordinate the finalisation of contract among all relevant stakeholders.

- Charges and cost monitoring.

- Safe keeping of documents

- Keeping end-users informed on pending expiry of contract.

- Informing service providers of the pending termination of the contract as per contract terms

- Ensuring the timely review of contract price adjustment

- Facilitating the negotiations for the extension of contracts within applicable thresho lds in terms of the PFMA

and Treasury Regulations.

(c ) Contracts Performance Evaluation

- Serve as a member of the tender evaluation committee as and when required.

- Collate all contract performance evaluation reports from the business unit on a quarterly basis.

- Take necessary action in response to raised concerns in the performance evaluation report.

- Collate and consolidate contract weekly and monthly reports.

- Following up on expectations identified in the reports.


STATIONED: Kolomela Mine / Sishen South Project (Postmasburg):

Department: Supply Chain

Position: Buyer / Contract Specialist / Acting Contract Manager

Employment Status: Permanent

Period of Employment: 01 December 2009 to 31 December 2011

Key Performance Areas:

The procurement of mining equipment, spares, materials, services and commodities in accordance with Anglo

American Kumba Iron Ore’s Strategic Procurement plan and to ensure the continued availability of all strategic

commodities, spares and materials required for mining operations. To monitor and implement Kumba Iron Ore’s

Strategic Supplier Performance Management Measures so as to ensure optimal Supplier Performance. The supervision

of a team of Buyers to ensure adherence to the company’s procurement policy as well as to ensure that all required

materials are purchased in accordance with specifications and delivered in accordance with the “ Just-In-Time”

principle and that Inventory carries sufficient stock in accordance with KIO’s stocking strategy.

As Contracts Specialist I formed part of a team which negotiated mine specific contracts for materials, spares and

related services specific to the mining industry and was exposed to both capital project procurement initiatives specific

to Kolomela Mine (foe example the expansion of the mine’s explosive’s magazine and silos) a up to the value of R5m

in terms of Kumba’s Delegated Authority Framework (DAF).

Key Performance Indicators

1. Buying

* Capital and Operational Procurement

* Issuing of RFX Process Documents (i.e. RFP‘s, RFI’s & RFQ’s) to suppliers.

* Ensuring adherence to Kumba Iron Ore’s Preferential Procurement Policy.

* Management of Commercial Bid Analysis in respect of RFQ’s

* Market research and benchmarking to ensure all purchases are in line with Best Practices and to achieve

Best Value for Money in relation to all purchases.

* End-user engagement and relationship management to ensure policy adherence, that goods and services

are procured and supplied in accordance with end-user specifications as per internal Service Level


* Providing end-user clients with advice as regards commercial issues and assist them in drafting Bills of

Quantities and Scope of Works in respect of material and/or service requisitions.

* Rendering assistance to end-user clients in compiling Bills of Materials (BOM’s).

* Development and maintenance of the mine’s Purchase Forecasting Plan.

* Identification, Management and Mitigation of Procurement Risks

* Rendering assistance to MRP Clerks to ensure the availability of critical spares and upkeep of inventory.

* Tracking and Reporting of Supplier Performance.

* Price negotiations with suppliers to ensure optimal benefits for KIO.

* Expediting of deliveries in respect of ordered goods.

* Cooperating with inventory and logistic management to ensure that goods, spares and commodities are

delivered at the right time, at the right place and to the relevant end-user client in the correct quantities

and in accordance to the correct specifications.

* Reporting on Kolomela Mine’s monthly, quarterly and annual contract spend.

* Tracking and Reporting on Kolomela Mine’s BEE/BBBEE and Local Spend.

2. Tender Process Administration

* Initiate and form part of a Cross-Functional Tender Committee, either ad hoc or permanent

* End-user client engagement to ensure Scope of Work and/or Bills of Materials are commercially

compliant and rendering advise to end-user client as regards commercial aspects of tender document and


* Preparation of Tender Invitation Documents

* Tender Issuance, Evaluation, Adjudication and Award.

* Initiate and Coordinate Site Inspection and Clarification meetings including the administration of queries

from suppliers in respect of tender specifications.

3. Tender adjudication and recommendation

* Participate in all tender evaluation, adjudication and award processes as part of the mine ’s

Cross Functional Procurement Team ensuring transparency and adherence to KIO Procurement Policy.

* Ensuring that all tenders and contracts are evaluated in respect of the following examples of

commercial risks

* Payment Terms

- Waiver Lien

- Local Cost Escalations

- Penalties and Damages

- Foreign Exchange Fluctuations

* Responsible for the completion of the Commercial Bid Analysis (CBA)

* Responsible for the issue of Letters of Acceptance to successful bidder

* Responsible for the issue of Letters of Regret to all unsuccessful bidders.

* Conducting post tender negotiations with successful tendered as regards price, technical specifications,

delivery scheduling and the mitigation and management of identified contractual risks;

4. Contract Management

* Prepare and finalize contract documentation, including;

- MOU’s (Memorandums of Understanding)

- Letters of Intent

- Non-disclosure (Confidentiality) Agreements

- Exclusivity Agreements

* Ensuring signed letter of appointment in respect of PCS is in place;

* Ensure contracts are drafted, authorized and signed within the specified time frame as per SLA.

* Ensure good governance in respect of all aspects of the procurement and contract management process

* Ensure all stakeholders comply with SCM policies and procedures

* Management and reporting of procurement savings benefits achieved during contractual negotiations.

* Ensuring the necessary Bank Guarantees, Performance Guarantees, Cessions etc. are in place;

* Advising Management about cancellation of contracts due to non-performance

* Negotiating/escalating contractual disputes and penalties to Management

* Attend to all contractual amendments;

* Supplier Performance Management in accordance to contractual terms and conditions

* Managing all Contract close out processes;

* Act as custodian of all contract documents and managing the upkeep of the Contract Register;

* Preparing and maintaining the company/mine’s Sole and/or Preferred Supplier List;

* Managing the maintenance of the Conflict of Interest Declarations Register;

* Developing and maintaining the mine’s register in respect of BEE and local spend;

5. Contract Variations

* Co-ordinating all variations orders regarding Forex, Local escalations, change in scope variations;

* Ensuring that all contracts variations are priced correctly and approved by Tender Board

* Logging of all contract variations on Contract Register and EMPTORIS/SAP System by the contracts


6. General

* Ensurance of compliance with all Procurement Governance Policies and Frameworks

* Oversight and management of Procurement and Contractual Risks.

* Support Procurement related audits and implements, as appropriate audit recommendations;

* Managing and guiding the Continuous Business Improvement initiative in the Business Unit.


(a) SAP ERP System

(b) Emptoris Spend Analysis, Sourcing and Contracts Management Systems Training

(c) TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) training

(d) Competency in the Prevention and Investigation of Fraudulent Procurement Practices

(e) Knowledgeable in BEE and BBBEE Procurement Spend Requirements

(f) Capital Project Management (Procurement)

3. Other Employment: Limpopo Province Department of Education

Stationed: Westenburg Secondary School:

Position: Educator:

Post Level: CS 1 (Post level 01)

Employment Status: Permanent:

Period of Employment: 01 October 1994 to 22 August 2009



Responsible for the teaching/facilitaion of:

- HISTORY in Grades 10 to 12: FET-phase in ENGLISH and AFRIKAANS medium of instruction.

- LIFE SCIENCES (BIOLOGY) in Grades 10,11 & 12 in ENGLISH and AFRIKAANS medium.

Experienced in teaching SOCIAL SCIENCES: GET-phase (Grades 7, 8 & 9)


Responsible for the following administrative and managerial functions:

a) Head of School’s Procurement Committee and responsible for negotiating and drafting of

contracts( including the negotiating prices ) and interpreting contacts and providing advise

the school’s management team on contractual terms and conditions as well as entering into

contractual relation with school’s service providers and contractual partners.

b) Control and maintenance of school's furniture inventory

c) Coordination and management of LEPEIST SATURDAY CLASSES and Winter Enrichment

Classes for Grade 12 Learners in accordance with NCS

d) Chairperson of School‘s Disciplinary Committee and responsible for the conduct of learner

disciplinary hearings and related matters.

e) Acts as advisor to school's principal regarding the interpretation and implementation of

related legislative instruments and departmental policies and circulars.

f) Whole School Evaluation Co-ordinator responsible for the implementation of the

Department of Education’s Integrated Quality Management System (IQMS) for

the evaluation of educators within Westenburg Secondary School.

Candidate’s Strategic Advantages

In addition to the above the candidate have excellent global commercial knowledge and a thorough understanding of

Corporate Governance principles and Enterprise-wide Risk Management (ERM) Strategies and practices as set

out by The King II & III Report on Corporate Governance and COSO ERM Strategies.

Furthermore, Myron Betshanger has a demonstrated high sense of morality, honesty, trustworthiness and integrity with

excellent interpersonal, communication, and exceptional legal analytical and research skills coupled with innovative

and strategic thinking makes me an ideal candidate for a position within the organization/company. My experiences in

both education, legal and the corporate environment also brings the added advantage that, except for acquiring

knowledge, I also have skills as a motivator and coach and thus capable of improving the efficiency and effectiveness

of my colleagues and identifying and facilitating the enhancement of personnel developmental opportunities and so

ensure talent attraction and retention driven towards increasing Key Performance Outputs as part of the overall

strategies of the organization. I am thus an excellent organizer with a high drive to personal and team excellences.



1. Mr. G.A. Ferris Supply Chain Manager +27-71-863**** / 053-***-****

Kolomela Mine

Postmasburg e-mail. ****.******@*************.***


2. Adv. Leonard Family Friend and Mentor +1 (202) 731 - 9627


e-mail. **********@*****.***


3. Rita Gopalkista SHEQ Manager +27-83-255**** / 053-***-****

Kolomela Mine



4. Prof. Louise Jordaan HOD Criminal Law UNISA +27-12-429-**** (request connection)

Mentor/Supervisor LLB

Dissertation. e-mail. ******@*****.**.**

5. Dr. George Georgiou Executive Chairman +27-82-717-****

Geva Nutritional Foods (Pty) LTD

e-mail. ********@****.**.**

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