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Manager Engineer

Evansville, IN, 47701
June 22, 2013

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Michael E Cates

**** * *** *** *


Henderson Ky 42420



As a former industrial process engineer for 13 years,I wish to continue my

career as both a team member and leader .I also wish to continue developing

my work experiences in production,sales,computers,business and

international projects and hope to utilize my Master Blackbelt training,shop floor experience,customer focus and work ethic to help further the

performance of future employers.

Summary of Qualifications

Training and management of work cells and teams

On-the-road sales experience and dealing with the public

Self-employed business experience in part-time computer repair service

Die casting production,scrap reduction,scheduling and die setup

Computer systems and network technician ran computer repair business

Extensive experience with Microsoft Office with focus on

Reports,Spreadsheets and Presentations

ABB Casting Spray Robot Programmer

Certified Greenbelt and Blackbelt in both Shainin and Kepner Tregoe/BPI

Master Blackbelt candidate in both Shainin and Kepner Tregoe/BPI,Minitab,

and D.O.E's

Training in Quality Management,8D,Error Proofing,FMEA,PFMEA and


International Project Manager -USA,Brazil,Hungary and Northern Ireland

Self taught in Lean Production,5S,Theory of Constraints,6-Sigma

Other Professional Experience

Craft Supply Production Manager

Craft Supply Shipping Manager

Craft Supply Sales Representative (New York and New England)

Vending Route Supervisor

Industrial Process Engineer (detailed summary next page)

including microscopic studies of grain structures and eutectics

in 380,383,390 Al die cast alloys and the identification and improvement of

critical die cast parameters in Gibbs Die Casting vertical die cast process

Daimler Chrysler (DCX) Shainin Red X Master Black Belt Candidate

International Project Manager (scrap reduction focus)

Quality Systems Auditing /TS 16949 /ISO9000 training University Southern

Indiana (USI)

PFMEA/DFMEA,SPC,Error Proofing training DCX,Detroit MI

Minitab,DOE training DCX,Detroit MI

12-10-09 Completed 40 hr Ky Mining Safety Program @MCC college

-Madisonville Ky

Employment History

Currently Self Employed in Computer Repair Business ComputerAid

Also Currently employed at Gruma/Azteca in SAP/Logistics

Sentry Corp -April 2011-Feb 2012-Associate Manufacturing Engineer -Sentry

Corporation-Cannelton In

Sonoco Phoenix,Henderson Ky-Oct-2010-Dec-2010-production associate

Gibbs Die Casting,Henderson Ky -1997-2009 (company downsized)-R & D

dept,Shainin Master black belt candidate,Kepner Tregoe Master Blackbelt,Process Engineer,Customer service Engineer for Tier one automakers,IT

dept,Die Casting Production

Ohio Valley Vending,Sebree Ky -1995-1997-Route Supervisor

Sebree Wholesale,Sebree Ky -1988-1995-New England sales Rep, Production

Manager,Shipping Manager

Gruma Azteca -Feb 2012 -present

Responsibilities currently include:

SAP Logistics, Purchasing for production plant, Inventory

Control and Management,

Production Control, Production Estimates,Production Orders,

Plant Improvement Projects,EPA emission reports,

Monthly Accounting and Financial reports,

Team Meetings and visual presentations, Procurement of

Supplies and Vendors,

Vendor Quality Assurance, SQF,ISO and AIB audit preparation,

CIP cost improvements, Kronos payroll and Labor Efficiency


Power and Gas Utilities estimates,Measurement calibration

and verifications

SQF/ISO and AIB audit preparation,Safety Equipment


ComputerAid (self employed) -2009-present

Responsibilities currently include:

Service and repair of residential and small business computers

in the

Evansville In/Henderson Ky area .Primary focus is on virus


and software errors,but also includes computer tutoring,

remote repair,and and laptop repair.Currently supervise one


Sentry Corp -Associate Manufacturing Engineer (Cannelton Indiana)-2011 -


Responsibilities currently included:

Continuous Improvement with Production Teams including refractory composite

cement mixing operation,sheet metal outer shell roll forming

operations,and sheet metal vertical file assembly operations,

Lean manufacturing/Waste reduction,CIP Cost improvement projects including

potential 100k scrap reduction on vertical drawer line,

Leadership of other Scrap Reduction Projects Teams,

Error Proofing and other misc General plant engineering projects including


critiques and metal inventory consolidations.

Sonoco Phoenix,Henderson Ky-2010

Responsibilities included: production on line of pharmaceutical

grade lids for infant formula

products,as well as machine preventative maintenance,5-S and

lean improvements/scrap


Gibbs Die Casting Industrial Engineering Detailed Summary

Production Experience-1997-2000

Began 12 year career at Gibbs by running trim press and 2 years

running verticast vacuum assist

casting press,moving up to floor technician and finally spent

over a year in the IT dept

Corporate Value Engineer-2000-2002

Responsibilities included:Visiting Customers and addressing

quality concerns and quality spills

by representing Gibbs Die Casting,and working with the teams at

both the the customer and at


Customers included Tier one suppliers to Ford,Nissan,GM such as

Delphi and Visteon.

Travelled extensively throughout the United States and

Europe,primarily focussing on Decatur

Illinois,Dallas Texas, Detroit Michigan and Belfast Northern

Ireland regions.

Process Engineer (Powertrain Plant) -2002-2004

Responsibilities included:Worked directly under plant manager

John Mays and documented and

established requirements for TS/16949 and ISO 9000 quality

standards,including audits and

certifcation of Powertrain plant .

Held monthly team QOS meetings focussed customer


improvement,elimination of

downtime,and safety,and productivity improvements.

Was responsible for programming Rimrock/ABB casting spray


Also Focussed on numerous internal scrap reduction through both

Kepner Tregoe improvement

Projects as well as Shainin Red X scrap reduction projects for

customers including Borg

Warner,Honda and Zexel-Valeo...

Attained Shainin and Kepner Tregoe Greenbelt certifications

Corporate Process Engineer /Black Belt(All Plants) -2004-2006

Responsibilities included:

Shainin Master Black Belt activities including training

and insuring certification of 6-8 Shainin/Kepner Tregoe

Greenbelts @DCX Daimler

Chrysler Quality Institute Detroit Michigan.

Managing intra company Die Moves between Gibbs Plants.

Numerous Shainin Black Belt RedX and training,and leveraged

best practice Activities,primarily focussing on American Axle,Behr and Delphi.

Travelled to Hungary to lead scrap reduction projects and to

lead the team to leveraging efforts

on the highest priority scrap reduction items and in following

up on those improvements .

Attained full Shainin Black Belt,75% of Shainin MASTER

Blackbelt and full Kepner Tregoe

Master Blackbelt Certification

Corporate R&D Dept (All Plants Worldwide) -2006-2009

Responsibilities included: numerous scrap reduction projects

worldwide,focussing on Gibbs

US,Gibbs Hungary and Gibbs Brazil .

Designed many process and safety improvements from simple die

change time reductions,

Numerous Red X reductions as well as Taguchi and full

factorial Design of Experiments .

Involving tier 1 suppliers to the Big 3 automotive,Visteon,Delphi Harrison,Honda, among


Was selected to lead the American Axle project Launch at Tech

Plant involving 8 dies and 4

presses over a one month time frame.Received letter of

commendation from American Axle

thanking the team for it's efforts that kept AAM in operation.

Wrote and presented numerous project reports to the Gibbs

Management and Koch board of

directors .

Was involved in numerous R&D team research projects including

gate velocity

designs,breakdown furnace,die blow off,die seal die shot tip,shot sleeve,water line

and vacuum sucker tube designs.

Ohio Valley Vending-1995-1997

Responsibilities included:

Route Supervisor of 4 vending Routes in western kentucky,

was responsible for ensuring timely delivery of product to many

business locations .

Was also responsible for training and evaluating employees .

Sebree Wholesale -1995-1997

As Sewing room Production Manager-was responsible for timely production

of many sewn craft products run on 10 machines run by 4-8 employees .

Was also responsible for quality of these products and interfaced with


on a regular basis.

As Shipping Manager,I was responsible for packaging,labelling and and

shipping of the product to customers mostly via UPS.Supervised 2-4


As Craft Supply Sales Representative,was responsible for setting up craft

shows and selling craft goods across New England and New York


Rick Hagan -Former Vice president Global Manufacturing Gibbs Die Casting

Current Plant Manager,Yoder Die Casting,Dayton Ohio 937-222-


Tim Bloodworth -Owner -Sebree Wholesale 270-***-****

Joe E .Stone -Former plant manager of Mag and Synchronous Divisions,Gibbs

Die Casting 270-***-****

Richard Helfert -Current R &D /Engineering Manager, Gibbs Die Casting 270-


Matt Shaffer -Plant Manager -Sentry Corp /Cannelton Indiana Division

Michael Thompson -President of Echo3 online services, former IT director

Gibbs Die Casting 270-***-****

Michael Ruhland-Senior Master Blackbelt Redx and Green Y -Shainin LLC 248

344 2020

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