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University Chemistry

मुंबई, MH, India
June 02, 2016

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Raheja Vihar, Chandivali


Cont.No. +91-887*******



• Ph.D. 2009, Organic Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India.

Mentor: Professor P. S. Pandey, Thesis Title: “Synthesis and Anion Binding

Properties of Steroid-Based Imidazolium Receptors”.

• M.Phil. 2002, Department of Chemistry, M.D.S. University, Ajmer, India, (1st


Mentor: Dr. Narendra Bhojak.

• M.Sc. 2001, Organic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, M.D.S. University,

Ajmer, India, (1st class).

B.Sc. 1999, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology, Department of Chemistry,

M.D.S. University, Ajmer, India, (1st class).


• Sept, 11-Feb 12, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Osteopathic Medicine,

Touro University and San Francisco state University, Vallejo, CA, USA, Mentor:

Prof. Miriam Gochin

Synthesis of anti-HIV agents

• Sept, 09-Aug 11, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemistry, University of

Florida, Gainesville, USA, Mentor: Prof. Alan R. Katritzky

Synthesis of pyrazole derivatives from N-aminopyrazole.

Synthesis of dipeptides, tripeptides and Isopentapeptides and Native chemical

ligation in S-acylated cysteine tripeptides, tetrapeptides containing γ-amino

acid residue via 9, 10-, 13-, 15- and 16- membered cyclic transition states.

Synthesis and applications of hydrazidines, N-aminoamidoximes.

Synthesis of triazole derivatives.

• Dec, 08-Aug, 09, Research Associate, Indian Oil Corporation Limited, R&D,

Faridabad, Haryana, India, Mentor: Dr. S. Paul.

Formulations of rolling and honing oils.

Formulations of improved malaria larvicidal oil.

• Jan, 03–July, 08, Junior Research Fellow/ Senior Research Fellow in the

Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India.

Synthesis of Steroid-Based Acyclic and Cyclic


Imidazolium/Benzimidazolium Receptors.

Binding Studies of Synthesized Receptors with Various Anions.



• Handling instruments: NMR (Varian 300), Bruker and Matson, LC-MS (Agilent),

HPLC (Waters), FTIR spectrometers UV/VIS spectrophotometer, FTIR

spectrophotometer, TGA, pH meter, Viscometer, Densometer, Flash Point

instruments and Potentiometric titrator.

• Well versed with SciFinder (to find out information hidden in patents) and Internet


• Handling of Hygroscopic, Hazardous and low volatile compounds.

• Basic computer expertise with MS-Word, Excel, Power Point, Chemoffice.

• Supervised undergraduate and master students in research laboratory.

• Works independently and in dynamic team-oriented environment.

• Creative, well-organized and strong problem solver.


CSIR-JRF: Qualified in June 2002, through a National level examination,

conducted by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Govt. of India.

SLET: Qualified in 2002, through a State level examination, Uttar Pradesh, India.

First Rank in M. Phil., Department of Chemistry, Dunger College, Rajasthan,


Second Rank in M. Sc., Department of Chemistry, Dunger College, Rajasthan,



1. Ha, Khanh; Chahar, M.; Monbaliu, Jean-Christophe M.; Todadze, E.; Hansen,

F., Alexander A. Oliferenko, Charles E. Ocampo, David Leino, Aaron Lillicotch,

Christian V. Stevens, and Katritzky, Alan R. Long-Range Intramolecular S N

Acyl Migration: A Study of the Formation of Native Peptide Analogues via 13-, 15-,

and 16-Membered Cyclic Transition States. J. Org. Chem. 2012, 77 (6), 2637–


2. Katritzky, Alan, R.; Huang, L.; Chahar, M.; Sakhuja, R.; Hall, C. D. The

Chemistry of N-hydroxy- and N-amino-amidoximes, and hydrazidines. Chem.

Rev. 2012, 112 (3), 1633–1649.

Bol’shakov, O.; Kovacs, J.; Chahar, M.; Ha, Khanh; Khelashvili, L.; Katritzky,


Alan, R. Chemical Ligations of S-Acylcysteine iso-peptides via 9-, 10-, 12- and

13-membered Cyclic Transition States, J. pept. Sci. 2012, 18(11), 704-709.

4. Chahar, M.; Pandey, P. S., Design of Steroid-based imidazolium receptors for

fluoride ion recognition, Tetrahedron 2008, 64, 6488-6493.

5. Khatri, V. K.; Chahar, M.; Pavani, K.; Pandey, P. S., Bile acid-based cyclic

bisbenzimidazolium receptors for anion recognition: Highly improved receptors

for fluoride and chloride ions, J. Org. Chem. 2007, 72, 102**-*****.

6. Chahar, M.; Upreti, S.; Pandey, P. S., Anion recognition by bisimidazolium and

bisbenzimidazolium cholapods Tetrahedron 2007, 63, 171-176.

7. Chahar, M.; Khaturia S.; Soni, K. P.; Bhojak, N., Solid Phase extraction and

determination of nickel ions in samples of steel and hydrogenated oils using

modified cellulose, Asian J. Chem. 2003, 15, 1029-1032.

8. Khaturia S.; Chahar, M.; Soni, K. P.; Bhojak, N., Micellar spectroscopic

determination of cobalt in the samples of alloys and vitamins with N-(2’-

thiazolyl)-2-hydroxybenzamide, Asian J. Chem. 2003, 15, 1193-1195.


1. Chemical Ligations of S-Acylcystein isopeptides via 10-, and 13-membered

Cyclic Transition states New Directions in Chemical sciences IITDelhi, New

Delhi, December 7-9 2012.

2. Cu(I) Mediated Synthesis of Pyrazolo-1,2,4-triazoles 242ndACS National

meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA, August 28 –September1 2011.

3. Synthesis and native chemical ligation in S-Acylated cysteine di- and tri-

peptides containing γ-amino acid residue via 10- and13- membered cyclic

transition States. Flohet Conference of Heterocyclic Chemistry, University of

Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA, March 6-9, 2011.

4. Synthesis of pyrazole derivatives from N-aminopyrazole. Flohet Conference of

Heterocyclic Chemistry, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA, March

7-10, 2010.

5. Bile acid-based receptors for anion binding. ICOB-5 & ISCCNP-25 IUPAC

International Conference on Biodiversity and Natural Products, Kyoto, Japan,

July 23-28, 2006.

6. Bile acid-based imidazolium receptors for anion recognition. International

Symposium on Organic Chemistry-Today and Tomorrow, Indian Institute of

Science, Banglore, India, January 4-7, 2006.

7. 11th symposium on Modern Trends in Inorganic Chemistry MTIC-X1, at Indian

Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India, December 8-10, 2005.

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