Ashley Flanagin Graphic Designer 231-***-**** ******.*.********@*****.***
Opening Minds to True Design
Education computEr ExpEriEncE
****-****, ******** ******** ********** Adobe CS6
School of Art and Design Marquette, MI Illustrator
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Graphic Communication
2009-2011, Northwestern Michigan College
Microsoft Office
Traverse City, MI
profEssional ExpEriEncE 2013 Identity Design for BAK Fertilizer
Bark River, Michigan
GEnEral ExpEriEncE 2006-2011 - Cashier/Stock Young & Prince Enterprise
Rapid City, Michigan
scholastic awards 2009-2011- Dean’s List
Northwestern Michigan College
2009 National Cherry Festival Poster Award
Traverse City, Michigan
GallEry Exhibitions 2013 Limited Space, Northern Michigan University
Marquette, Michigan
2013 William Bonifas, Fine Arts Center
Escanaba, Michigan
2011 Juried Exhibition, Northwestern Michigan College
Traverse City, Michigan
profEssional affiliations 2008- 2009 Student Council Co-VIT Representative
TBAISD Career- Tech Center Traverse City, Michigan
2010-2011 Member of Phi Theta Kappa
Northwestern Michigan College Traverse City, Michigan
547 Briar Ln NE Grand Rapids, MI 49503