***** ***** **, ***** **** d TX 77478 • 713-***-**** (O) • 713-***-**** (C) • ***********@*****.***
To obtain a software engineering position utilizing my background in Develop and Solve Software Models, Signal Processing,
Image Registration, Segmentation, Pattern Recognition and Classification.
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering 4/96
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering 4/86
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Bachelor of Science in Electronic Engineering 9/82
Central Telecast University of China, Wuhan, China
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP 64bit, Microsoft Windows 7, Linux
Languages: Microsoft Visual Studio, C, VBA
Package: MATLAB, TurboCAD
MD Anderson Cancer Center, UT, Houston, TX
8/2003 – present
Programmer Analyst (EMP144381)
Digital Medical Image Process
Gain and defect correction of raw sequence images using MATLAB. The raw images of breast specimen were acquired using a
Dexela flat panel x ray detector and X ray Tube rotated at 360 degree of a Cone Bean Breast CT system.
Reconstructing a 3 D breast volume image from the corrected sequence images using CUDA parallel programming in Visual
Locating and removing metal clips inside corrected breast sequence images by edge detection, segmentation and registration
methods using MATLAB.
Manage all computer hardware and software in Digital Imaging Research Laboratory.
Developed interfaces between computer, x ray detector, and other equipments.
Design and assemble a Cone Bean Breast CT Patient System. It is fully functional in the Digital Imaging Research Laboratory
(Figure 1).
Xeroton, Houston, TX
5/2002 – 6/2003
Sr. Software Engineer
Development and implementation of a software package using MATLAB for statistical data analysis, which data was corrected
from a DNA gene microchip.
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GE Marquette Medical Systems, Prick Center for Invasive Cardiology, Sugar Land, TX
Software Engineer 5/99 – 5/2002
Design and implementation of a statistical algorithm for determination of systolic, diastolic pressure locations, ECG signal, and
cardiac catheterization blood pressure using Visual C++ and MFC for NT CardioLab 1.0.
INFIMED, INC., Liverpool, NY 5/98 – 4/99
Software Engineer
Designed, implemented, and tested digital image software including improving edge kernels and motion detected integration
image analysis, histogramming, thresholding, edge detection, and data extraction for Gold One and QL X ray diagnostic
imaging equipment. Algorithm design and implement IONOF X ray flat panel image correction using gain matrix and local
statistic method using Visual C++, as well as image quality assessment software package design and development using MFC
COMPUNETIX, INC., Pittsburgh, PA 10/96 5/98
Digital Signal Processing Software Engineer
Digital video image encoding and decoding based on CCITT Recommendation H.261 including software design for image on
hold using Borland C++ and the continuous presence (implementing 4 or more videoconference participants' images into 1
continuous presence image) by ADSP 2106x SHARCs using C at ORCHESTRATOR™ 80 communication system.
School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Radiological Imaging Research Division
Research Assistant 1/93 4/96
Designed and analyzed image fusion and registration using the computed radiography chest and mammographic images.
Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Laboratory
Research Assistant 9/92 12/92
Developed software for wavelet transform using C.
Montefiore University Hospital, Department of Medicine
Research Associate 6/89 6/92
Performed medical signal processing, pattern recognition, and classification.
Department of Electrical Engineering
Research Assistant 1/85 5/89
Designed and developed digital signal and image processing and laboratory software.
WUHAN COPY MACHINE FACTORY, Wuhan, China 9/82 4/84
Electrical Engineer
Designed electronic circuits.
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US Citizen
Figure 1: A Cone Bean Breast CT Patient System Designed and Assembled by Tianpeng Wang