C u r r iculum Vitae
Personal Details:
Name: Dr Sharashchandra
Father name: Madhavarao Biradar
Permanent address: Near Laxmi temple post: Hanakune Tq: Humnabad Dist: Bidar
Current Residential Address: C/O Ilias Pathan
Pathan Nagar, Ambajogai Road – Latur.
Contact no: 078********
E- mail: *************@*****.**.**
Academic details:
Bachelor of Dental Science:
HKE’s S N Dental College and Hospital Gulbarga - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science
Bangalore-India during April 1999 to April 2004 including one year internship .
Master of Dental Surgery (Department of Periodontology)
AME’s Dental College and Hospital Raichur - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science
Bangalore – India during May 2006 to May 2009
13/07/2009 to till date / Senior Lecture - Department of Periodontology MIDSR Dental College,
Hospital and Research centre Latur – Maharashtra -India
Research Work:
Dissertation: Effect of Platelet Rich Plasma on the Coronally advanced flap root coverage
procedure: A Clinical study.
Libraray dissertation:
1. Tooth Mobility – Clinical and Biological rationale for splinting teeth.
2. Lasers in Periodontics.
Paper Presentation:
1. “The Collagen – Building block in dentistry” at Bangalore in conference of Bangalore
Academy of Periodontology .
2. “Ehler’s Danlos syndrome – A case report” at Raichur in conference of Bangalore
Academy of Periodontology .
3. Asepsis and Infection Control in Dentistry “ Dental Aerosols – Role of its Reduction in
Infection Control” - Maharashtra State Scientific Convention at MIDSR Dental College
and Research Centre, Latur
1. “Tooth Mobility- Clinical and Biological Rationale for Splinting Teeth” in Journal of
Pearldent. 11/2011; 2(4):34-39.
Aesthetic management of malpositioned implant following extraction of endodontically
failed tooth – A case report in Journal of public health and research and development
– April-June,2012,;3(2):173-175
3. “Papillon-Lefevre syndrome – A Case Series in same family” in Journal of Pearldent.
03/2012; 3(1):57-62.
4. Evaluation of Resorbable Collagen Chitosan Membrane and Porous Hydroxyapatite In
The Treatment of Mandibular Class Ii Furcation Defects – A Clinico Radiographic Study
Bhavnagar University’s Journal of Dentistry -sept 2012; vol 2(3) :49-60.
5. “The Effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma on The Coronally Advanced Flap Root Coverage
Procedure: A Clinical Study” in : Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry
Research Project: (Present Running)
“Custom Fabricated Machined Basal Osseo –integrated
Titanium alloy Dental Implants’- A Clinico-Radio-graphic study”