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High School Management

Turtle Creek, PA, 15085
June 04, 2013

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To use my skills acquired through leading an after school bible study, nursery worker, and

volunteering at the Carnegie Library to secure a job in the Customer Relations field.


In the past two years I have taken on two leadership roles one is at my school as the facilitator of

a bible study/outreach club and the attendance has grown along with organizing and directing

outreach initiatives. Along with that I have organized one of our fundraisers for our youth group

at church that brings in money weekly


I presently schedule and lead a fundraiser held during our intermission at our weekly church

services for my youth group along with that I organized, shelved and displayed books at the

youth department at Carnegie Library for two years. I also helped set up and watch children at a

monthly social gathering for teen moms for YoungLife for two years.


I am currently attending Penn Trafford High School along with my general and honors studies I

have taken a course in Business Management for 3 college credits.

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