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Project School

Chennai, TN, 600081, India
3.5 Lac
June 03, 2013

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***/**,*** ******,

Sasthiri Nagar,


Chennai- 600 081

Mobile: +919*********.

E-mail ID:************@*****.***


To achieve a challenging career in a professional organization and serve

sincerely throughout my career, where my experience, knowledge and skill

add value to the growth of the organization


Currently working at Rajshree Sugars and chemicals ltd, as Industrial

Social worker, in Human Resource

> Conducting all Employee engagement program

> Supporting HR department activities

> Identifying & Addressing Labor issues

> Encouraging employees to work better

> Conducting awareness & training programs

> Conducting exit interviews

> Providing moral support to employees and their families


Year of Name of the Institution Course Percentage

passing out

MSW - ISW 73.0

2012 Madras School of Social


B.Sc -Hotel 83.5

2009 Dr. MGR Educational and Management

Research Institute


Company Name Period Description

CHILD FUND INDIA 9TH May to 9th Prepared a one year report of

at June(2011) child fund on PDD 2 & PDD 3

Madhya Pradesh that's about children and youth

on various objectives and

developed indicators for

various activities.

WORLD VISION INDIA 6th July to 13th Engaged in office work and

at October(2011) attended meetings with the

Chennai PLHIV. Tried to get the

Workers welfare card for the

beneficiaries. Worked under

GRACE Project.

SANKALP 4th Jan to 28th March Case work, Group work,

at (2011) Community Organization,

Chennai organized program for school

children and distributed prizes

and arranged a trip for the

deprived girl children.

Project Field Work September to October Project ARISTHA -Sensitizing on

at 2011 Road Safety and Traffic rules.

Madras School of Social Conducted awareness campaign in

Work Signals and in various schools

at Chennai city.

PepsiCo India Collected data for CSR

Jan 19 - Feb 17 activities. Conducted Socio -

Economic Survey in Two

Panchayats and the report was

submitted in the Organisation.

ITCOT May 07 - June 09 Conducted case studies with

at rural BPL youth, Monitoring

Chennai financial aspects of the

project, Follow - ups with

centre's, Documenting project

details and Project

deliverables under the ministry

of Rural Development.


> Co-ordinated with Chennai Sangamam, a state level traditional

Festival event and worked in organizing committee.

> Co-ordinated with ARISTHA Project and lead the team for Project field

work.(Chennai District Project)

> Co-ordinated with CHILD HELPLINE NO - Created awareness among

Gov school children of Chennai region and conducted a survey,

held a one day workshop for school teachers and published the

survey results.

> ARANGAM Project - a state level street play competition.

> Published an article on "Life & Death" in the Journal of Social


> Performed "Social Audit" in a village located in kanchipuram

district under VUP scheme of Hand -in- Hand.


> Participated in Marginalized Groups seminar at Karaikkal.

> Participated in Gender Sensitization Workshop at MSSW.

> Participated in Winning Edge "Born to Win" Workshop at MSSW.

> Completed Basic Safety Courses in HIMT.


> Rapport Building.

> Smart Worker.

> Good Co-ordinater with groups/ Team leader.

> Networking.


Date of Birth : 22.11.1988

Father's Name : Gangadharan. J

Languages Known : Tamil, English, (Manageable with Hindi,



Dr.K. Sathyamurthi, Ph D,

Asst. professor,

Madras School of Social Work,

32, casa Major road, Egmore,

Chennai - 08.

Mobile No: 994*******.

Mr.Sameer Anup Minj,

Executive Corporate Affairs, CSR,

PepsiCo India,


Mobile No: 098********.


I hereby declare that all the details given

above are true to the best of my knowledge.

Place: Chennai


Jagan Karthick. G

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