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Project Manager Management

United States
June 03, 2013

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Ivan J Rodriguez


As an IT Consultant, along my professional career, I had the

opportunity to assume different roles, under different corporate

cultures. I contributed my knowledge, learned and delivered

results. As a team member or alone, I handled every challenge

with enthusiasm, and explained the clients the benefits of every

transition proposed. I emphasized on turning complex problems

into simple solutions, which is an art. In addition, I worked as

a Real State Developer, starting operations in parallel to my

running IT contracts by 2004, and becoming a full time work from

2008 until today. I employed project management skills on a

different scenario, and acquired new management skills on the

areas of human resources, financials, loan procurement and

overall aspects of business management. I feel confident that my

next goal is to continue my IT career as an IT Manager, to keep

contributing, learning and delivering results.


IT Management: IT Operations Management, Project Management and

Human Resources Management.

Management Support and productivity: Used MS Project, MS Office,

Erwin, Power Point that helped on projects management, DB

management and analysis of business operations.

Business Analysis: Ability to understand and analyze a business'

operations and recommend solutions that fits the current need for

different types and sizes of business.

Methodology and Project management: Use of SDLC methodology

elements, to structure projects plans, emphasizing on billable

project deliverables. Every project plan included customer needs

assessment, business' functions analysis, modeling and design,

Recommendations, Execution, Transition, Deployment and


Data Architect and Management: Design and implementation of

enterprise data-model based on business architecture and the

appropriate entities analysis using Erwin, Toad and MS Visio

productivity tools.

Data Warehousing: Developed customized schema subsets and

synchronize data from the main data model, allowing users to

create executive reports easier, using query and/or reporting

tools, such as Crystal or Borland Report Smith.

Multidimensional data: Design of data cubes design using OLAP.

Cross Platform: Customized solutions by the integration of DB

information from different platforms by using middleware (OLE and


Budget Oriented Analysis: Oriented to simplification,

standardization and integration of entities. Identifying obsolete

resources, process and data redundancies, integrating new

technology only if totally necessary and within budget, and

improving existing performance.

IBM AS/400 platform expertise that includes, programming and

design RPG, RPGILE, CL, DB400, user security compliance,

management and design, batch communications, ERP support and


WEB ASP, Visual Interdev, Front Page, VB-Script,

Java-Script, HTML, Active X, XML, Coldfusion,

Dreamweaver, JAVA, JSP

DB Oracle, SQL Server, DB2/400, Sybase, OLEDB and

ODBC, Data Warehousing

Client Server Visual Basic, ADO, SQL Server, DB2/400, Oracle, MS

Access, ISAM Experienced on the use of many MS VB

controls and third party controls. Integration

and automation of MS-Office applications using


IBM AS/400 AS/400 - Cobol/400, RPG/400, RPG ILE, TCP/IP, SDA,

RLU, Subfiles,

QUERY/400, SQL Programming, Client Access

Configurations and AS/400 integration with Client

Server platforms.

Knowledge GUPTA SQL Windows, Quest, Building Blocks, ErWin

database modeler, Monarch, Excel, Words, Crystal

Reports, Cobol, PowerPoint, Digital Imaging



IJR Developments Corp / Project Breeze Point Village, Jacaranda

48a Punta Las Marias San Juan PR 00913

(Jan.2008 - currently on-hold)

Project Manager / Project Developer

This project won the 1st Place of the projects in Design Stage

category, at the "Bi-Annual Event" of the College of

Architecture. It is comprised 3 Townhouse units, and investment

$1.7m. Currently working on a commercial short-sale.

Achievements: $1.7m Loan acquisition, Construction 95% of the


IJR Information Technology / MCS, Hato Rey PR

(Aug.2007 - Dec.2007)

Software Developer (COBOL/400, CL/400)

Integrated customized programs to new Insurance Software version.

Achievements: Used only 30% of the total time provided, offered a

2 year contract project that couldn't accept to dedicate time to

Breeze Point Village development.

IJR Developments Corp / Project Doncella Winds, 114 Doncella

Punta Las Marias San Juan PR 00913

(Jan.2004 -Oct. 2005)

Project Manager / Project Developer

4 Townhouses units project with a sale out of 1.4millions and

about 25% income. IJR Developments Corp. subcontracted structure.

We worked out the finishes. The project started as a spare job

in parallel to IT Consulting Contracts.

Achievements: $911,000. Loan acquisition, Construction 100% of

the building, Sales: $1.4m

IJR Information Technology / Puerto Rico Telephone Co., Guaynabo


(1995, 1998-1999, 2000-2006)

Project Management / Software Architect / IT Operations

Support(Visual Basic, VBA, Oracle DB, Java, JSP)

Project management, analysis, design, programming and technical

support of Client-Server and Intranet Applications.

Developed an application "CMP" to administer Equipments

Maintenance SOP. 1999 - 2005 and provided enhancements and

maintenance throughout this period.

Developed application to administer "Installations Projects" 1999

Achievements: Recurrent contract assignments. Developed CMP

application is in used by 40 users.

IJR Information Technology / Colgate Palmolive, San Juan, PR.


Project Manager / Software Architect / (IBM AS/400 Software

Architect, Excel Automation (VBA), Visual Basic)

Developed solution to integrate Sales Planning on Excel

Worksheets to SAP System.

IJR Information Technology / Professional Documentation, Inc San

Juan PR.


IT Manager Support, IT Operations Support (ASP, HTML, COLDFUSION,

JavaScript, CFR-PART 11)

Supported IT Department Management on SOPs definition.

Made recommendations to IT Operational / Organizational


Assisted on 21 CFR Part 11 compliance Programming. Technical

Support to WEB Applications

Achievements: Helped to establish best IT Department operational


IJR Information Technology / Shering Plough Las Piedras, PR.

(May 2001 - July 2001)

Project Management, Sr. Analyst/Developer (Visual Basic, Sql

Server, Crystal Reports, DTS)

Developed Interface Program between a Glatt9 MS Access Database

and Sql Server database, for compliance reasons, to accumulate

historical production records and keeping only current production

records at Access Database.

Provided reporting functions

Achievements: A VB / MS-Sql DB application year 2000 compliant

ready for validation

IJR Information Technology / Bora-Bora Retail Stores Offices

Guaynabo, PR

(October 2000 - December 2000)

Project Management, IT Management Support Project Management,

OLAP Support

Analysis of Business Operation and build business requirements

towards the selection of a new ERP / POS infrastructure.

Build functional diagrams on current procedures for Warehouse

Management, Sales Analysis, Finance and Accounting, Payroll, CRM,

POS and Internet Sales.

Evaluation of solutions including Oracle ERP, SAP and MAS200,

People Soft.

Attended vendor conferences and meetings, including Oracle Open

World 2000 in San Francisco.

Achievements: Documented comparison and recommendations on the

analyzed ERP/POS

IJR Information Technology / Courts Administration of Puerto Rico

San Juan, PR

(May 2000 - August 2000)

Project Management Support, Sr. Web Developer / Analyst / (SQL

Server 7, ASP, VBScript, Java Script, HTML)

Developed a Web Based Search Engine to find Legislative materials

by different type of criteria.

The system interfaces with People Soft Asset Management module,

where the Legislatives catalog was stored.

The main users were judges, librarians and assistants.

Achievements: The search engine developed, allowed users from

different levels, to access data coming from different sources of

data, from one point.

Metro Information Services / Banco Popular, San Juan PR

(Feb 1998 - May 1998)

Project Management - (Microsoft Project, Visio, IBMAS/400,

Tandem, TCP/IP, SNA, Novel, NT, ACH, EDI)

Analyzed all File Communications operations to recommend a

integrated monitoring solution.

Established methodology of work and get it approved by the


Analysis of Current Operation related to customer information

received via communications.

Research market for a solution, build a recommendation and

present it to the management.

Meet different internal clients to discuss potential solutions,

to handle their needs.

The recommended system was required to integrate different

internal client platform differences including (Tandem, AS/400,

NT, Novel) and protocols (TCP/IP, xmodem, SNA)

Recommended and persuade to use of TCP/IP as the standard

communication protocol and documented necessary changes, and cost

benefit analysis.

Achievements: Successfully documented assessed departments data

communication operations, analyzed vendors software offerings and

customization needed.

Metro Information Services / Merck, Sharp & Dohme, Carolina PR

(Sep 1997 - Jan 1998)

Sr. Analyst/Developer / (Visual Basic, AS/400 ILE, JDE DB


Developed VB6 application for Heart Care Network campaign to

track Cardiovascular Patients' information.

Built AS/400 RPG ILE application to track and report sales reps.

physician visits vs. scheduled.

Achievements: Solutions delivered, integrated AS/400 JDE data

eliminating paper reports and manual worksheets operations.

Metro Information Services / Abbott Laboratories, Carolina PR

(Apr 1996 - Aug 1997 )

Project Manager / Sr. Analyst / Developer / Temporary IT Manager


Novel 3.12)

Substituted IT Manager during his mid-long term sickness

IBM AS/400 and LAN Administration Support

Custom modifications to BPCS Sales and Billing modules.

Designed and Implemented security rules for 130 BPCS AS/400 users

Executive Presentation to promote a paperless reporting

environment by forwarding AS/400 spooled reports to a PC server

and/or Digital Imaging Database (Excalibur).

Installed and configured 80 PCs and 12 network printers to a

Novel 3.12 Server and to AS/400 via TCP/IP and MSDLC32 protocols

using Client Access.

Developed Interface between server Payroll application and AS/400

dial up communications application to send files to retirement

plan company, Putnam.

Achievements: Improved resources utilization and overall

operation performance by integrating image solutions that

minimizes paper use. BPCS executive reporting where sent to their

emails and standardized IT company security rules in compliance

to Corporate.

Metro Information Services / AT&T, Hato Rey PR

(Feb 1996 - Mar 1996)

Sr. Analyst/Developer (AS/400 ILE, RPGIII, CL, SFL)

Developed an RPG AS/400 application to produce management reports

out of long distance calls information received via tape. Created

DB schema and programmed application.

Achievements: Increased user efficiency, providing an application

that allows users to access tape data through reporting, without

the need of IT operations.

Metro Information Services / Chase Manhattan Bank, Miami FL

(Feb 1995 to Oct 1995)

Sr. Analyst/Developer / (AS/400 ILE, RPGIII, CL, SFL, TCPIP,


Developed application to monitor file communications between

remote locations using TCP/IP and SNADS protocols in batch


The application monitored, routed and processed incoming and

outgoing client investments information. Participated on

application analysis, design and programming.

Achievements: Delivered tasks assigned under expected time,

contributed to analysis and design meetings, reduced overall the

overall project budget by helping to reduce programmers'

headcount to 1.

Metro Information Services / Pepsi Company, Carolina PR

(Dec 1994 to Jan 1995)

Sr. Analyst/Developer / (AS/400 ILE, RPGIII, CL, SFL, BPCS)

Integrated NORANS' POS data hosted at legacy platform to AS/400

BPCS billing module.

Achievements: Reduced project's budget for programming. Work

delivered 1 month in advance.

Colgate Palmolive, Guaynabo PR

(Sep 1993 to Sep 1994)

Programmer Analyst / (AS/400 ILE, RPGIII, CL, SFL, BPCS, MS


Support marketing and sales statistics application.(CIS) system

Built interfaces to send AS400 reports data to Excel and Lotus

cc: mail.

Enhanced Sales Statistics Application.

Contributed to IT Operations.

Programmed EDI data parsers from AS/400 DB to .dat files


PMP Certification - working on

Total Quality Management - Sponsored by Abbott Laboratories, 1996

Networks and Communications - Fred Prior Seminars sponsored by

Colgate Palmolive, 1992

Project Management - Fred Prior Seminars sponsored by Colgate

Palmolive, 1992

OUPV License - Seaschool, San Juan PR

University of PR, Rio Piedras,

(Aug. 1988 - May.1992

(Business Administration - Major in Information Systems)

Bachelor Degree

University of PR, Mayaguez,

( May.1984- Dec.1987

3.5 years in Mechanical Engineering.

PMB #165 5900 Isla Verde L-2 Carolina PR 00979 tel.787-***-****


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