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Project Software Engineer

Hyderabad, AP, India
May 20, 2013

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C/o M.Srinivas,

D. No: *-48-229

Plot No: 86, E-


Kakaguda, Mobile:955*******


To secure a challenging position where I

can effectively contribute my skills as Software Developer in Mobile

Application Environment and use my educational skills in the best

possible way

for achieving the organization's goals.

. B.Tech (C.S.E) from Kakatiya Institute of

Technology and Sciences(KITS),Warangal(2007-

2011) with 82.2%.

. Intermediate from S.R.Junior College,Warangal(2005-2007) with 90%.

. S.S.C from Orugal Vidyaniketan High

School,Warangal with 83%.

* Having around 1+ years of experience in Mobile Technologies (ANDROID).

* Having good exposure over Android technology.

* Having work experience on Android NDK's.

* Having good knowledge on parsing techniques (JSON, XML and DOM).

* Worked on existing open-sources (libraries like aviary_feather and

Zxing library) to enhance or add features.

* Working experience on SQLite databases and memory management.

* Identifies, troubleshoots and debugs defects in designated application


* Sound Knowledge on OOPS Concepts.

* Excellent analytical, problem solving and interpersonal skills.

* Ability to perform individually and in a team.

* Ability to learn quickly New Technologies.

Employer: Proskyl It Services Pvt. ltd.




Role: Associate Software Engineer (Android Developer)

Duration: October/2011- Present

> Programming Languages : C, C++, Core Java,

and Oracle, JQuery, Html5.

> Mobile Technology :


> Database : SQL

> Operating Systems : Windows


> Web Technologies : XML

> IDE/Tools : Eclipse, Netbeans.

V Good knowledge in Android Architecture.

V Good implementation knowledge in Activity Life

cycle, Intents, Services, SQLite, Dialogues,

Broadcast Receivers, Notifications, and Content


V Extensive experience in implementing User

Interfaces using Android API.

V Good Knowledge on Web Services like Parsing

Techniques (XML, DOM, SAX, JSON).



* Project Name : ProEdit

-Environment : Windows XP, Java, XML, SQL.

-IDE : Eclipse.

-Mobile Technology : Android.

-Team size : 01

-Description : Photo Editor is a simple and

easy application for photo

manipulation. Adjust

color, add effects, rotate, crop, resize,

frame, and draw on your

photos. Color adjustment options

include hue, saturation,

contrast, and brightness. Additionally,

Photo Editor offers a

large variety of effects for your photos

including auto contrast,

black & white high contrast, and lots

more. And after editing,

photos can be stored in Database so that

further we can retrieve

using SQL. Finally we can send photos

those which are edited

using email option.

-Role & Responsibilities:

V Responsible for modifying and extending open source

android applications.(Aviary)

V Study and analyze the requirements.

V Xml Designing for UI.

V Responsible for Coding functionality.

Available on googleplay at:




--Team Size : 03

- Environment : Android SDK 3.0API Level-8, Java 1.6,


- IDE : Eclipse

- Description : It's based on creating our own QR

codes.Just click the Role

generate button

on the home screen and select the item you

want to

create the QR code and click the generate button on

the top of the

screen.The QR code will be automatically

generated and

will be displayed on the screen.It can also

shares this to

the web using the share button displayed on the

bottom of the


- & Responsibilities:

V Responsible for modifying and extending open source

android applications.

V Designing layouts for UI and Coding functionality.

V Study and analyze the requirements.

V Involved in bug fixes and enhancements.

Available on Googleplay at:



* Project Name : TrickBrick Application .

-Team Size : 01

-Environment : Android SDK 2.2 API Level-8,

Java 1.6.

-IDE : Eclipse

-Description : This App involves simple fungame

regarding guessing of a

brick.It involves

assuming a brick in your mind from the first

list.,if your assumed

brick is there in next lists then click on

YES otherwise click on

NO.Finally at the end of the game click

on Result to see your


-Role & Responsibilities:

V Involved in designing user interfaces using XML.

V Involved in Analysis and gathering requirements.

V Utilized Eclipse to build and deploy the application.

V Done Coding part.

Available on Google play at :



* Project Name : Restaurent Application .

-Team Size : 04

-Environment : Android SDK 2.2 API Level-8,

Java 1.6, SQLite3

-IDE : Eclipse

-Description : The Project Restaurent application is

based on Android

Platform & It Consists

customer login and there by providing

different kinds of

menu items, Customer can have a chance to

choose menu items then

totalbill will be provided to the

customer after

choosing items.(The menu items are stored in

the database for each

customer).It also displays visitors

feedback and

visitorslist of the Restaurant.

-Role & Responsibilities:

V Involved in designing user interfaces using XML.

V Involved in Analysis and gathering requirements.

V Developed Sqlitedatabase stored procedures and functions.

V SQLite data base update when the changes are done.

V Utilized Eclipse to build and deploy the application.


* Project Name : APSRTC Application.

-Team Size : 03

- Environment : Android SDK 2.2 API Level-8, Java 1.6,


- IDE : Eclipse

- Description : The Project APSRTC(Andhra Pradesh State

Road Transport

Corporation) is based

on Android Platform & It Consists

complete details

about APSRTC like vision, Awards, Bus fares

and Timings from

Hyderabad. And also Services provided by

APSRTC like Charted

Services, Pilgrim Services, and Tourist


-Role & Responsibilities:

V Study and analyze the requirements.

V Xml Designing for UI and Coding functionality.

Academic Project:

V Project Name : Enhanced Security for Online Exams

Using Group Cryptography.

V Client : Learning

V Environment : Windows XP, Java, Servlet, JSP, HTML, SQL.

V IDE : NetBeans.

V Team size : 05.

V Role : Team lead (coding and documentation)

V Description : Proposing a solution to the issue of security

and cheating for online

. exams using Group

cryptography with an e-monitoring scheme.

> Participated in INFOSYS Campus Connect Training Programme-2010 and


> Student-coordinator and organized events in National level

symposium "Technoplexus-2010" and


V Date of Birth : 24th April, 1991.

V Hobbies : Listening to music.

V Marital Status : Single.

V Strengths : - Problem analysis, ability to solve problems


- Flexible with willingness

to work and Learn and writing skills.

- Can effectively work in a team environment &

on individual tasks.

V Permanent Address : - D/O:M.Srinivas,

D. No: 10-10-147/1, Girmajipet, Warangal-506002,


V Alternate E-mail : ************@*****.**.**

I hereby declare that

the above mentioned information is correct up to my knowledge and I bear

the responsibility for the correctness of the mentioned particulars.


Place: Hyderabad. Name:


Educational Qualification:


r Objective

Technical Proficiency:



Android Skills:


Academic Project:

Projects Handled in Android:




Personal Details:

Academic Achievements:

Professional Summary:

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