hi I am Alex Nagy ** years old plumber pipewlder with 10 years experience in complet
plumbing and welding stik mig tig and fluxcore. In my work experince in construction
bilding maintenece in New york city high presure steam pipe sc40 sc80 black pipe fiting
replacing for new stik and tig weld in joints flanch union 1/8 1/4 bands T joints weld and
suporting pipe stractual to flour siling or wall haevy duty gata walve instalacion treded or
weld flanch union bolt conection up to 14 inch. In new bilding construcion main natural gas
lines sc40 black pipe treded or stik welded lines bilding heating lines from boileroom to
units sc40 and copper pipe soft saldering outside and anderground waist line pipeing cas
iron and pvs pipe flourdrains and subpump istalacion for baisments.all safty cloding wear
all time hard hat golgles glavs steel toe boots. Alex Nagy 935 45st brooklyn ny
11219 usa tel 347-***-****