D hara Patel
SCM / Build & Release Engineer
Phone No: 201-***-****
Summa ry:
● Software professional with over 5+years of experience in various domains like Finance, Tele-
communication, Banking and retail.
● E xcellent understanding of SDLC, Traditional, Agile, RUP (rational unified process) and
other Methodologies. Expertise with UN IX and Windows environments including Shell and
Perl scripts, version control tools like CVS, Subversion, Perforce, Clear Case.
● E xperience in Software Configuration Management, Build, Release Management using CVS,
Subversion, ClearCase, ANT, Maven, CA Harvest, JIRA and Clear Quest on Unix, windows
● Designed and developed Snapshot, Maintenance, and Production maven build release system
on local, remote and virtual Art ifactory.
● E xperience in Source Control branching, Merging, tagging, resolving file branch also
conversion and merge issues in SVN, CVS, Perforce and Git.
● E xtensive experience in configuration management and release engineering in multiple
p rojects and multiple-branches environment.
● E xperienced with Development, Staging to Production code build install from in software
p roduct development life cycle (SDLC), implementation, and quality assurance, complete
p roduct cycles.
● C reated SCM Process, policies and procedures to follow development and SQA team to release
or deploy highest quality product for the enterprise. Worked on different Build tools like A NT,
N Ant, Maven and M S Build.
● E xtensive experience in using Continuous I n tegration tools A nthillPro, Jenkins and
H udson, l ike C ruise Control.
● M aintained nightly build process using U N IX and product installation packaging using
I nstallSheild, W ISE, I nstall Anywhere . Communicated with S take Holders and RCCB
for the approvals of the Releases and acted as a Key person in go - no go call.
● C reated version controlled environment using SVN, CVS and deployed source codes from
database to Hudson (Jenkins) using dimensions plugin.
● E xtensive experience in defining the branching and the merging strategies, creating baselines
and releasing the code. Worked with different bug t racking tools like J I RA, Clear Quest
a nd B ugzilla.
● C reated CM Plans and Test Plans for Applications. Experienced in t rouble shooting,
configuring and deploying enterprise applications in WebSphere, B EA WebLogic and
T omcat as well. Conducted SCM Verifications and Audits to comply with SOX requirements.
● I n-depth technical strengths and business understanding for full-cycle project and post-
implementation problem-solving requirements.
● I mplemented R elease schedules, communicated the R elease status, created Roll out
P lans, t racked the P roject M ilestones, prepared the reports and chaired the Release calls
and worked for a successful Release.
● Good analytical, problem solving, communication skills and have the ability to work either
i ndependently with lit t le or no supervision or as a member of a team.
Technical Skills:
Operating Systems: MS Windows XP/2000/NT/98, UN IX, L inux, MS DOS
Languages: C, C++, JAVA, VB.NET, ASP.NET, C#
Database: Oracle 10g and 9i, PL/SQL, SQL 2005, 2008 and Enterprise
Scripting Languages: JavaScript, Shell Programming, XML, PERL, HTML, VB script,
B atch script
Tools: MS Office Suite, OPNET
Build Tools: ANT, Maven, MS build, Cruise Control, Anthill Pro and Hudson
SCM Tools: CVS, SVN, Clear Case, Perforce, AccuRev.
Processes: MS Windows XP/2000/NT/98, UN IX, L inux, MS DOS
O mgeo L LC, NY 11/2012 to
p resent
Role: Build Engineer.
● Performed installation, configuration and administration of Accurev on w indows server.
● Performed installtion, configuration and administration of A pache tomcat on Linux and
a lso
deployed N exus and j enkins on that.
● P rovided manual, Continuous In tegration, gated check-in and schedule builds.
● U ploaded JARs tarball on nexus repository using maven.
● C reated M aven p lugins using java code in eclipse and deployed on server solaris.
● C reated java codes to extract the files from C SV to properties f iles in different
environment available in workspace.
● C reated builds and deployed builds to different environments based on requests.
● Deployed JAVA/J2EE applications through A pache Tomcat.
● S trong in building Object Oriented applications using C++ and Java, wri ting Shell Scripts.
Configured the tasks of Change Control Board (CCB).
● A dministered AccuRev for version control to include branching and merge management, and
C learQuest to t rack process defects.
● P rovided support on the SQL database for generating audit reports using Crystal Reports.
Environment: W indows 2008, L inux server, clear quest, MAVEN, Jenkins, Nexus, Apache
Tomcat, Reporting Service
Automatic data processing (ADP), PA 10/ 2010 –
Role: SCM/Build & Release Engineer.
● Performed installation, configuration and a dministration of SVN Linux environment .
● P rovided ‘Manual’, ‘Continuous In tegration’, ‘Gated Check-in’ and ‘Schedule’ builds (along
w ith the option to force builds on that schedule even if no changes occurred since the last
● C reated Builds and deployed builds to different environments based on requests
● Completed tests and review of Java/JEE/EJB usage in J BOSS.
● A C M solution was designed that would use SVN. The design and implementation included
s treams and view for the developers.
● E xtensive experience in using and wri ting scripts in Ant and using tools such as A nthillPro
for build management. Moved several operations from external perl scripts into Ant so the
build was easier to understand.
● P rovided technical support to developers with configuration issues. Defined and implemented
I ssues, Tasks, Defects and Change management processes using ClearQuest.
Configured & implemented SVN, VIEW, and L icense Server. Responsible for wri ting
Hooks and T riggers using Perl. Involved in conversion of the source code from the SVN to
C learCase. Buil t Java application using A NT.
● Deployed JAVA/J2EE applications through J BOSS.
● S trong in building Object Oriented applications using C++ and Java, wri ting Shell Scripts
and Perl Scripts. Configured the tasks of Change Control Board (CCB).
● A dministration of an enterprise software configuration management systems using UCM.
Worked closely with another CM team, which was migrating from SVN to ClearCase. Helped
t hem in the CM Planning and Build/Deploy processes.
● A dministered S VN for version control to include branching and merge management, and
C learQuest to t rack process defects.
● P rovided support on the SQL database for generating audit reports using Crystal Reports.
Environment: SVN, ANT, Rational Clear quest, L inux, NAS, Windows 2000 server, Power
builder, mainframe, Crystal reports.
T JX Co, MA 07/ 2009 –
B uild/Release Engineer.
● Performed Software Configuration, Build and Release Management activities for J2EE
Development Teams in using C VS in WI N DOWS Envi ronment .
● P rovided ‘Manual’, ‘Continuous In tegration’, ‘Gated Check-in’ and ‘Schedule’ builds (along with
t he option to force builds on that schedule even if no changes occurred since the last build).
● C reated Builds and deployed builds to different environments based on requests.
● Responsible to perform Build operations with M AVEN Scripts, while implementing the
required modifications in the MAVEN Script to perform build operations, in accordance with
requirements of the project.
● E xtensive experience in using and writ ing scripts in Ant and Maven and using B uild Forge
for build management. Moved several operations from external Perl scripts in to Maven so the
build was easier to understand.
● C reating metadata types Branch, Label, T rigger and Hyperlink. Supporting developers in
c reating config-spec. Carried out the Merge process as defined in the usage model in each
p rojects. Ownership of release branch. Implemented Triggers to enforce development policies
to invoke operations before or after the execution of Critical CVS Operations and Events, using
PERL Scripts.
● C reated Subversion Hooks for JIRA integration and enforcing naming conventions. Installed
and configured Subversion repositories according to the custom needs of the development team
and responsible for providing administration support doing code migration, Harvest
user/application support & TFS.
● Designed the Release Plans while coordinating with Stake Holders including Project
M anagement Lead, Development Lead, QA Team Lead and C VS Administrator.
● Coordinated Change Control Board Meeting to discuss Defects and Enhancements for the
p roject. Generated Reports before the meeting to discuss the nature of defects, so as to reach
consensus to resolve the defects before the next Build and Test Operation.
● B uil t Version Controlled Java code on CVS Unified Change Management (UCM) Project Based
code streams utilizing Visual Build Pro (VBP) and MAVEN scripts for VGS’ Partners.
Environment: CVS, ClearQuest, L inux, SQL server, PERL, MAVEN, BUI LD FORGE,GIT,
F edEx, Dallas, TX 02/ 2008 –
Configuration/ Release Engineer
R esponsibilities:
● M anaged software baselines and configurations, including labeling, branching/merging and
p romoting versioned files.
● P rovided on-going support and administration for S VN, Git and ANT build automation.
C reated, modified and maintained build scripts using A pache ANT to perform build
● E xtensive experience in using and writ ing scripts in Ant using t ool AnthillP ro for build
management. Moved several operations from external perl scripts in to Ant so the build was
easier to understand.
● Performed migration using tool H U DSON (Jenkins) and software builds using SVN and
maintaining SVN repository structure.
● Deployed source codes from databases to Hudson (Jenkins) using dimension plugin.
● E nforced Software Configuration Management policies th rough SVN hooks wri t ten in Perl, in
order to meet Audit requirements. Implemented Shell and Perl scripts for release and build
automation. Manipulated and automated scripts to suit the requirement.
● U tilizing Rational Application Developer (RAD) for WebSphere Application Server (WAS)
A pache http server deployment, deployed builds to L inux and Windows Staging servers for QA
and UAT testing via In ternet Explorer.
● Responsible for knowledge t ransfer and the t raining of architects, admins, developers, QA and
business users using the Rational Suite. Conversion, automation and
Coding/scripting/building/deployment of applications Java/html/WebSphere WSAD content to
m ultiple servers (UNIX and windows) and platforms using S VN . Created pom.xml to include
Web based application for an online library using J2EE technologies based on Servlets,
JavaBeans, JSP and JDBC connecting to a My SQL DBMS using Tomcat Web Server.
E nvironment: L inux, Windows, PERL, ANT, ANTH I L LPRO, H UDSON (Jenkins), SVN,
G it, Tomcat .
I C IC I bank, Pune, I ndia 01/ 2006 –
Build/Release Engineer
R esponsibilities:
● Developed and managed testing and roll-out project plans for software releases, desktop
u pdates and server implementations.
● I n tegrated tool H udson (Jenkins) for release management, including multiplatform
support Developed and maintained the build and release system Created Promotion
Models, Archives, Branches and tags, also merged source code.
● Coordinated tasks that support the reliabili ty and efficiency of the build for a team of
engineers spanning client and server development, QA and Production environment.
● Customized build to meet requirement of delivering products to a variety of platforms.
Responsible for all software source code, change control, configuration management, and
build and deployment process th roughout the enterprise. Design and modified ClearQuest
● Documented and published complete migration process of version control using
p erforce (admin dumps, loads, hooks and much more).
● Design and scripting of xml build files (for J2EE build with ant compiler) and providing
technical support to development team for compilation problems. Worked on P ER FORCE
builds and administrations.
● Participate in the integration of source control with thi rd party tools and with the
m igration of sources from one source control tool to another.
● Develop and support utili ties used with the software configuration management tools.
Deployment of source control capabilities using J Boss to live environments, including
maintaining source and data branches in version control, and debugging issues related to
Environment: Perforce, ClearQuest, JBoss, Windows, RAD 7.5, RSA 7.0, Perl, Java, Hudson,
Reliance I nfocom Ltd, Pune, I N D IA 06/2004 –
ClearCase Administrator.
● Modified config-spac for parallel development and migrated source code from PVCS in to Clear
Case.Used C lear Case U nified Change Management (UCM) and base Clear Case providing
support to the projects teams for SCM related needs.
● E nforced project specific version control policies by in tegrating C learCase and ClearQuest.
● A utomating the deployment process th rough the same web-based management system using
A nt, Korn Shell and Expect scripts to the various U N IX environments (QA, UAT, Production).
Setting up an Oracle Database to support the Configuration and Release Management
p rocess.
● T roubleshoot any problems associated with Clear Case configuration or runtime issues and
assisted in the day to day activities centered around Clear Case maintenance.
● Defining, Documenting and improving the processes supporting these projects. Responsible for
w ri ting the release notes and verifying the contents of each release. Responsible for replacing
V isual SourceSafe with Subversion simultaneously evaluating Subversion on Windows and
L inux platforms.
● Responsible for investigating replacing and/or complementing A nt scripts.
Environment: C lear Case, Web sphere, Windows, RAD 7.5, RSA 7.0, Perl, Java, ANT, SVN.