Madisonville, Kentucky 42431
I am seeking full-time employment in an underground mines with investing opportunities.
Webster County High School
1983 Academic and Vocational Diploma
Murray State University
198*-****-** hours (Major: Occupational Safety & Health (OSHA)
Pyro Mining (Prep Plant) Sturgis, Kentucky
Supply Delivery, Fork Lift Operator, Loader Operator, 90 Euclid Dump Truck, 85 Ton Caterpillar Dump Truck, Water Truck 1984-1986
Costain Coal Sturgis, Kentucky
Shearer Operator, Shield Operator, Scoop Operator (Diesel and Battery), Power Mover
Shamrock Mining Providence, Kentucky
Shuttle Car Operator, Supplies Hauler, Diesel Scoop, Brattice Man 1996
Eagle Valley Mining Elizabeth, Illinois
Scoop Operator, Supplies Loader, Forklift, Shuttle Car Operator 1997-1999
Dodgehill Mining Sturgis, Kentucky
Third Shift Power Mover, Shuttle Car Operator, Scoop, Jeep, Fire Boss 2002-2003
Charlolais Coal Company Nortonville, Kentucky
Third Shift Mine Foreman, Pump Man, Pre-shifter, Power Mover, Ram-Car 2004-2005
Hopkins County Coal Elk Creek Madisonville, Kentucky
Scoop Operator, Mini-Trac, Diesel Scoop, Shuttle Car, Preshifter, Belt Shoveler, Belt Examiner, Shield Pumper, Super-Unit, Split Air Unit, Fill In Face Boss, Timberman 2005-2009
Harrison & Western Mine Construction Midway, West Virginia
Affinity Slope Project, 2nd Shift Mine Foreman 2010-2011
Dodge Hill Mining Sturgis, Kentucky
Section Foreman Present
• West Virginia Mine Foreman, Kentucky Mine Foreman, Montana Foreman, West Virginia Shot Firer’s Card, Virginia Experience Miner’s Card, Illinois Experience Card, Kentucky Instructor’s, Pennsylvania Assistant Mine Foreman
• Mine Foreman, Special Projects Coordinator, Responsible Person, Section Foreman, Fire Boss, Examiner, Belt Examiner, Shearer Operator, Jack Operator, Shields Operator, Master Controller, Mine Operator, Uni-Hauler, Shuttle Car, Ram Car, Battery Scoops, Diesel Scoops, Gatman Supply Hauler, Power Mover, Hoist Operator, Forklift, Loader, Dozer, Build & Pump Monova Seals, Belt Structure
• Available upon request