Mahmoud D. Khader
Wheeling, WV 26003
Experience: Cabela's Distribution Center Triadelphia, WV
Machine Operator 1-10-2010 to 12-31-2012
Covered roofs with roofing
composition shingles and
waterproof roofs.
Executed daily operations of roof construction.
Cut roofing paper to size and stapled it to roof in overlapping
strips to form base for roofing materials.
Wrote, designed and produced plans for current job.
Aligned roofing materials with edge of roof.
Was instrumental in team work.
Overlapped successive layers, gauging distance of overlap with
chalkling and by lines on shingles.
Trained and managed 5-10 men on the job and achieved
significant improvements in their productivity.
Fastened composition shingles and sheets to roof with asphalt,
cement, and nails.
Trained entry level employees in maintaining work site.
Punched holes in slate, tile, terra cotta, and wooden shingles.
Supervised and managed crew for a roofing company.
Cut strips of flashing and fit them into angles formed by walls,
vents and intersecting roof surfaces.