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Manager Project

Mississaga, ON, L5C 3V2, Canada
65 Plus and negotiable
May 07, 2013

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Jamshid Akhter

Phone: 416-***-**** / j amsh id_akh ter@hotmai


A challenging career in the field of Information Technology with particular emphases on Unix

(Solaris/AIX/Linux), Infrastructure Monitoring (IBM ITM), Tivoli Storage Manager(TSM),

i ntegration, implementation, Backup Recovery, Disaster Recovery, systems storage management

and technical support.

Professional Profile

I h ave been work i ng over 14 years as a I T System Adm i n ist ra tor. Ma i n focus on

A I X/Un ix, Backup Recovery, D isaster Recovery (TSM), system mon i to r i ng ( IT M)and

i n teg ra t ion/m ig ra t ion of new appl ica t ion, systems i n to exist i ng i n f rast r uct u res. I am

ext remely ha rd worker and have excel len t commun ica t ion ski l ls along w i t h techn ical

exper ience and t he abi l i t y to mot iva te and lead techn ical issues and resou rces i n a

d ynam ical ly changing envi ronmen t. Very open and enthused t o lea rn abou t new

oppor t un i t ies and technologies.


• IBM Cer t i f ied Special ist - pSer ies A I X Adm in is t ra t ion and Suppor t fo r A I X

• IBM Cer t i f ied Special ist HACMP 5.3

• SUN Solaris System admin

• M ic rosof t MCP

• Exin Certified I T I L (Information Technology Infrastructure L ibrary ) v3 Foundation

T R A I N I N G ( US/Ca n a da )

A I X System Adm in is t ra t ion I & I I Sola r is System Adm in is t ra t ion I & I I

I B M HAC MP I ns ta l la t ion and Conf igu ra t ion System p LPAR and Virtualization I & I I ( advance VIO


A IX xL Configuring TCP/IP I B M p roblem determ i na t ion and t roub leshoot ing

EMC EDM E nterprise Data Manager (U.S.A). Tivoli Storage Manager (TDP for oracle & SQL Back Track)

Six Sigma and Lean . ITI L V3 Foundation.

Project Management Veritas Net Backup.

Change, Problem, incidents and RCA Management Audit and Security Compliance

SAP NetWeaver Application Server w ith I B M Tivoli Monitoring ( I T M/ I TCA M) 6.2.3

A BAP and Java

Anti-Money Laundering (AM L) and Anti-B ribery & Anti-Cor ruption (ABAC)


AIX / HACMP /Solaris/Linux Tivoli Storage Manager (TDP, LANFree, Data Domains)

I B M T ivol i Mon i to r i ng (TE MS TEPS H U Bs I TCA M for RTT (URL Mon i to r ing)

The ITCAM Agent for WebSphere DataPower Appliance and DBs

B MC SQL Backtrack & ControlM E MC (EDM)

TPCD Tivoli Productivity center for Data SSH (Secure Shell)

V ERITAS (Netback up) SQL (Structured Query Language)


OS (A IX, SUN, M ic rosof t), Da tabases (O racle, Sybase), Appl ica t ions (PeopleSof t, SAP, Global Plus, T ivol i,

B MC Con t ro l M, TWS, Websphere, I TCA M, tomcat, apache etc.), Tools (lotus no tes, Lo t us Dom ino Docs, MS

S harePoin t, samet ime and MS Of f ice Commun icator )


• I B M m id range pSer ies servers p5 520,550,570,p650, p655

• I B M h igh end pSer ies servers p690’s and p5 590 and 595

• IBM ATLs (I.E 3494 & 3584 Tape Library Subsystems).

• Sunfire E25k/F15K/6800/4800 E10K


Franklin Templeton (USA) Duke Energy

AT&A N ational Bank of Canada, Bank of N ova Scotia and T D Canada Trust

Sobeys Bell Canada


C anada. A ug 2001 – Present

A t IBM, we strive to lead in creation, innovation, development and manufacture of the industry's

most advanced information technologies, including computer systems, software, networking

systems, storage devices and microelectronics. And our worldwide network of IBM solutions and

services professionals t ranslates these advanced technologies in to business value for our


I have worked in different capacities over my years at the IBM. Career high lights;

System Administration

• Install, configure, upgrade, troubleshoot, secure and maintain AIX and Solaris servers for IBM and Customers.

• Provide high level day to day UN IX and Storage support and troubleshooting.

• Solaris administration of Zones, ZFS, NFS and LDOM and container


• Work with project manager, DBA and, AD team to configure, test and perform system, application db and DR’s.

• Migrated servers from client infrastructure to IBM infrastructure.

• Successfu l ly developed server arch i tectu re specif ica t ions and conducted benchmar k i ng

• Provided al l areas of Un ix Server admin ist ra t ion i nclud i ng p roblem dete rm ina t ion and resolu t ion,

n etwor k conf igu ra t ion, pa tches / Bund les /packages, user managemen t, p rocess managemen t and

p r i n te r setup etc.

• D i l igen t ly and eff icien t ly p rovided fu l l techn ical suppor t t o p roject and exte rna l clien ts. Provided

r egu la r ro ta t ional team coverage v ia pager and VPN remote access (even ings/weekends).

Security Administration

• Global Process of Security Patch Management

• Defining the Security Patch Management Process

• Evaluate Security Patch record against customer environment and determine if it is applicable.

• Hardening Systems according to IBM standard and further enhancing the system’s security by using the IBM

VSA-Fusion, ISec, Cirats, ISSI, tools to scan and secure the systems.

• Keeping up to date information about OS Vulnerabilities and applying quarterly e-fixes and patches.

• Worked with DB & Application development teams to get the exceptions and fully documenting each system.

• HOTID Implementation for user checkIN and checkout to control, monitor and lock users automatically.

• Worked with the auditors and keeping the system in compliance all the time.

B ackup, Recovery and Business Continuity Services (BCRS/DR)

• Managed backup storage for various clients & environments using different tools.

• Several TSM Servers installation and configuration

• Perform and troubleshoot backup and created recovery strategies using IBM T ivoli Storage manager.

• Operating System Backup (Local, Remote & N I M )

• F ile Based backup and recovery I mplementation (rdist & r sync )

• Replication of the important system, application files to the DR and Standby servers.

• Planning, documenting, implementing Business Continuity (BCS) and Disaster Recovery Services

D isk Storage

• Multipathing using mpxio (Solaris) and MPIO (AIX)

• Configuration and migration of SAN/EMC Symmetrix and Clariion.

• Configuration of systems to use NFS storage from NetApp Server.

D ocumentation

• Building, updating and maintaining Server Build / procedural and DR run Books.

P erformance

• Performance analysis and fine tuning. (nmon topas top prstat )

P roblem, Change, incidents, RCA and P rocess M anagement

• Managing problem and changes using IBM & Infrastructure Library® (ITIL®) framework

• Managing resources and making sure the SLA has been achieved.

• Dealing with the high severity situation

• All Supported devices and System Registration (Inventory) to the central database (IBM sysreg / TD MCI ) and

SharePoint etc.

• IBM Service Management (ISM) Maximo

P roject Management

• M anage and participate in multiple projects as part of UN IX & Storage team for Steady State Data Center

Environment; SA&D, coordinate, schedule and track hardware installations, add and changes to customer server

environment with heavy customer interaction – working with multiple IBM teams

T ivoli Monitoring

I BM Tivoli products include ITM 6.2.3 (Installing, configuring, maintaining TEMPS/RTEMS/TEPs as well as ITCAM

for Websphere, ITCAM for DataPower/SOA, ITCAM for Response Time (using robots), all systems (Unix’s / windows)

Applications and DBs monitoring.

A pplication & Database Envi ronment

• Oracle, DB2, People Soft, SAP, Global Plus, Onetis, Global Image, BMC Production Control, AIX, Solaris, Wintel,

L inux, Tivoli.

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