Phone: 707-***-****
E-mail: **********@*****.***
About Me:
I have always loved working with the public, and specifically loved the restaurant
i ndustry! I have worked in the restaurant / hospitali ty industry for over 20 years.
I ’ve worked my way through every level of the business, starting at age 15 as a
d ishwasher, then working as a cook, a host, a waiter, assistant manager and
General Manager of two locations. I have experience in both family style dining and
f ine dining management.
I believe it is extremely important that the Manager, the ki tchen staff, and the
FOH staff work together as a team to provide each guest with an excellent dining
experience. This is so essential to any restaurant to help provide growth, not only
w ith repeat customers, but also by word of mouth!
Job Objective:
I am looking for a long term position in a restaurant that offers the potential for
g rowth within the company.
M y intent, for any restaurant management position I fill, is to use my experience
and knowledge to make that restaurant the best it can be in productivity, service,
and sales growth.
I enjoy a challenging work environment, and I work best in a fast paced
a tmosphere!
E xperience:
I have more than 20 years experience in the hospitality industry overall, 17 years
of that experience is in upper level management. I do not believe a person can be
over qualified for a job, but they can be excellent at the job for which they are hired.
E mployer: P and I P r ivate Event Catering: M a r in, Napa,
Sonoma Ca.
Job T i tle: Event Manager
L ength of T ime at Job: 1/2011 th rough end of 4/2013
Reason for Leaving: Owners reti red at the end of April and
r elocated to Southern California.
T hi s i s a fine dining catering company that has been servicing Marin county, Napa
county, and Sonoma County for 7 years. I was in charge of meeting with the clients and
getting all of the event information, including time, location, number of persons, menu
desired and service details. I would then relay all of the information to the owners, the
chefs and the event staff. I worked with the chefs on menu planning and execution.
Once we had an event scheduled, I was responsible for overseeing the chefs while the food
was being prepared to ensure all food was correct. I would then go to the location and
oversee the event staff (chefs and servers) to ensure every detail was as the client specified.
M y other responsibilities included taking inventory and placing food and supply orders.
We worked with private parties ranging from 100 to 300 people (primarily weddings,
anniversaries, birthdays etc.) Working for this company has allowed me to expand my
k nowledge of the restaurant / service industry to include catering and working with large
g roup events.
Employer: Bee Clean House cleaning
J ob T i tle: Manager / Book Keeper
Length of T ime at Job: 6/2010 th rough present
T his is a residential cleaning company which has been serving Marin and Petaluma for
over fif teen years.
M y duties include preparing weekly schedules, balancing books weekly and preparing
monthly P&L’s, running payroll bi-weekly, invoicing clients and handling accounts payable
and receivable, overseeing staff, and rectifying any customer complaints to the customer’s
Employer: Da r io’s Restaurant: Sausalito Ca. / San Rafael Ca.
Job T i tle: General M anager
Length of T ime at Job: 22 years
Reason for Leaving: The restaurant was sold in November 2010.
T his is a restaurant that has been in Sausalito for approximately 40 years---I worked there
for 22 years. I have a strong passion for the hospitality industry, and though I was very
young when I started managing, I li terally ran every aspect of the business for the owners.
M y duties included BOH and FOH hir ing, terminations, t raining, and management,
weekly ordering and inventory, paying vendors, employees and state sales tax, balancing
books nightly, preparing monthly P&L’s, and doing bank drops every evening. I was also
responsible for meeting with the health inspector and implementing health inspection
requirements. I handled setup and execution of all advertising, setup and preparation for
l arge group events, and oversaw equipment and refrigeration regulations, scheduling any
necessary repairs.
M y work experience at Dario’s Restaurant included overseeing a staff of over 80
employees, and between the two locations I became experienced running both family style
d ining as well as fine dining restaurants. At the t ime that I worked for Dario’s we used
only fresh product, and made all sauces, soups etc. from scratch. Part of my job was to
ensure new cooks were properly t rained, as well as to taste daily to ensure consistency.
I feel very comfortable with and enjoy working with the public. I am also excellent at
m ulti-tasking. I am reliable, forward thinking, dedicated, and detail oriented. I have
excellent oral, wri t ten, and leadership communication skills. As a manager, I have always
gained the respect of the employees by t reating them with respect. I t ry to keep their work
a tmosphere fun, but productive. I find that not only do you gain the loyalty of the
employees this way, but they will also work harder for you if they like working for you.
As I said, I always t reat employees with respect, and I expect them to give me the same
courtesy. I do like the employees to have fun at work, but I also expect them to give me a
g reat job performance, be reliable and on t ime, and take responsibili ty for their own
actions. There is definitely a balance that is attainable.
Because I had the advantage at Dario’s of working every position in the restaurant as I
was working my way up, I have always been a “hands on” manager. If the ki tchen needs
help, I can help expedite or cook, if the host or hostess needs help, I will answer phones and
seat people, and if the bus person or servers need help, I will greet tables, deliver drinks,
t ake orders or help bus tables.
I t hink i t is important as a manager to do whatever it takes to provide excellent customer
service, present excellent food quality and do whatever else is necessary to pull together as
a team, so the shift runs smoothly for everyone, and the guests leave happy.
J ob Skills and Duties:
- I SPEAK SPANISH AND ENGLISH, so I can easily communicate with staff or
customers who speak only Spanish
- I d id all of the company’s book keeping and accounting, including PNL’s, running
payroll, paying payroll taxes, state and federal taxes, as well as paying all vendors and
I a lso oversaw the bank account, including balancing nightly and monthly books,
budgeting, and cost management.
- I d id all interviewing and hi ring of new employees, and t rained them on the POS
system. I also handled all terminations.
On a day to day basis I oversaw the ki tchen and dining room staff, insuring that food
quality and presentation as well as service, were exemplary. During the last recession, to
help give sales a boost, I developed my own advertising program utilizing the POS system,
w hich more than doubled our sales within one year!
- I handled all inventory control, including delegating the taking of inventory, managing
food costs, calling in orders to vendors, insuring all inventory was correct to the order
p laced, rotated and stored properly.
- I k now Excel, Word, Quickbooks, (including creating spreadsheets and balance sheets),
Publisher, Maitre De, Outlook, Outlook Express, and most other computer programs. I
a lso designed a SELF BALANCING computer spreadsheet program for entering nightly
payroll, discounts, food sales, alcohol sales, paid in cash invoices etc.
- I met with all sales reps and set up and approved artwork for all advertising, including
yellow page ads, Marin IJ, and all coupons.
- I a rranged for any necessary repairs as needed and also took care of the health
i nspector’s annual checklist, including machinery maintenance and any needed repairs
each year after the inspection.
A dditional Comments:
I am t ruly a people person! I get along well with people, and I thr ive in a busy atmosphere.
I have been in love with the restaurant business since my first dishwashing job when I was
15. I am looking for a restaurant which needs an experienced manager who knows how to
get results. I always push my goals and strive to be better, whether i t is higher sales,
h igher profit margin, better service, or a more knowledgeable staff.
R eferences:
-Phillip and I rene M ilton 707-***-****
D i rect Supervisor: Phillip
Owners: P and I Private Event Catering (Retired)
K nown approximately 3 years
- B randi and Jason Chiosi 415-***-****
D i rect Supervisor: Brandi
Former Owners: Dario’s I talian and Seafood Restaurant / San Rafael
Dario’s Pizza and Pasta Restaurant / Sausalito
K nown 20+ years
-Kiara H askins 415-***-****
D i rect Supervisor: Kiara
Owner: Bee Clean House Cleaning
K nown 10+ years
D esired Salary: Negotiable