***, * ******* ******, #**, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
EDUCATION University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI
B.S.E in Electrical Engineering April 2013
Cumulative GPA: 3.2/4.0, Major GPA: 3.3/4.0
Honors: College of Engineering Dean’s List, Fall 2011
• Electronic Circuits
• Digital Integrated Circuits: Designed an 8-input address decoder for the final project
• Power Electronics: Designed a feedback voltage regulator for a dc-dc converter for the final
• Integrated Microsystems Lab (Major Design course):
o Part of a group that designed a 2-D MEMS micro-accelerometer.
o Was responsible for designing an analog-to-digital converter for the interface circuitry
Signals and Systems
• Continuous and Discrete Signals and Systems; Digital Signal Processing
• Control Systems Analysis: Designed a controller for a magnetic levitation system
• Introduction to C++ and MATLAB
• Introductory Data Structures
• Logic Circuit Design
• Semiconductor Device Theory
• Introductory Electromagnetics
EXPERIENCE TERI University New Delhi, India
Student Intern July - August 2012
•Worked in the Solar Lighting Laboratory on a Government of India funded project titled ‘Testing
and long-term performance assessment of Solar PV systems’
•Submitted a report describing various solar lighting systems available in the Indian market and
proposing possible technological advancements on these products
•Was involved in the system design of lantern electronics. Developed algorithms for
microcontroller-based solar charge controllers
•Attended a one-day training session at Texas Instruments, New Delhi on circuit topologies used in
solar photovoltaic systems
Eastern Software Systems New Delhi, India
Programming Trainee July - August 2011
•Used Java to create a Complaint Monitoring System that allowed users to post and track
complaints and then view the resolutions. Implemented the program using NetBeans IDE
Faros Simulation System Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, India
Programming Trainee May - July 2010
• Worked as a MATLAB trainee on a project aimed at designing an excavator simulator
• Used Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) to prepare a sketch of the excavator
Field Visit for project on global warming West Bengal, India
Summer Project May - June 2007
• Studied various renewable technologies in use and evaluated the possibilities for design
improvements on two islands in Sunderbans (mangrove forests in India)
• Wrote an article titled “Climate Change and the Role of Renewable Energy” which was published
in Akshay Urja, a Government of India publication
COMPUTER Applications: C++, Java, MATLAB, NI Multisim, Quartus II CAD, Verilog HDL, Cadence
LANGUAGES Proficient in Hindi; basic skills in French; can comprehend Bengali and Urdu
ACTIVITIES Volunteer, United2Heal, University of Michigan; Member, Michigan Squash Club; Member, Michigan
Cricket Association; Intramural soccer, University of Michigan; State level squash player, Delhi