Neeraj Uppal
Atlanta, GA *0329
862-***-****, *******@*****.***
Consumer's Home Care Division Manager
Care 04/2012 Launching home care division for a residential care agency
to present
The Emory Volunteer
Clinic Serving emotional comfort and providing assistance to family members
01/2013 to of Clinic patients
Avian Media Social media strategist, tactician, and content
10/2008 to developer
10/2011 Identified and achieved specific web traffic
Jackson Established risk services department for multi company, health care
Healthcare services management firm
Atlanta, GA Built risk services department to serve $400 million management
Vice company. Brought claims management in-house saving 80% of
President, administration costs
Risk Negotiated insurance programs to cover all activities of eight
Management distinct operating companies. Reduced program cost by 24% within
02/07 to one renewal cycle. Savings in excess of $200,000
06/08 Delivered malpractice insurance protection for thousands of locum
tenens providers in all 50 states
Negotiated programs using off shore captive and risk retention
group. Achieved significant collateral reduction by designing and
implementing incident reporting and investigation systems
ERM Enterprise risk management consultant
Strategies Helped organizations succeed through application of COSO Enterprise
Atlanta, GA Risk management framework
01/05 to Started and managed risk management news aggregation web site to
02/07 support risk managers
Life Care Chief executive of TPA firm serving as back office for Bermuda based
Centers of captive insurance company
America Managed staff of 30 professionals serving 275 insured organizations,
Cleveland, TN generating $85 million premium
Deployed national safety training team. Reduced workers
Sr. Vice compensation incident rate by 25% within 18 months through training,
President education and comprehensive vendor collaboration and management
02/03 to Developing performance measurement systems and facility level risk
10/04 reporting systems
Brought all malpractice claims management in-house. Established
incident investigation and response systems in collaboration with
facility managers
Uppal Management consultant. Projects managed:
Development Achieve Healthcare Information Systems - Business analyst - Provided
Company risk management guidance to enterprise software developer, for
05/99 to 2/03 health care sector
The Gardens at Eastside - Executive Director - Managed construction
of 130 bed assisted living (including memory care and adult day
care) community. Obtained South Carolina state licensure to
commence operations. Managed staffing
Designed operating systems for independent insurance agency
Aon Risk Health care practice manager. National practice leader for long
Services term care
Atlanta, GA Increased revenue from brokerage and consulting services by 80% from
Sr. Vice $750,000 to $1,350,000
President Served as national resource for sales and consulting services to
04/94 to long term health care companies
04/98 Established local office as National Healthcare Center of Excellence
Marsh Property & casualty insurance broker. Producer. Team Leader
Atlanta, GA Served health care clients in all lines of property and casualty
Vice insurance
President Progressive advancement from broker to team leader. Provided sales
09/86 to and consulting support to southeast region clients
1999 Mainframe computer programming at Chubb Computer Services, Atlanta,
1997 Masters Business Administration at Emory University, Atlanta, GA
1993 Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter. Insurance Institute of
1982 Bachelor of Arts - Economics at SUNY at Albany, Albany, NY