Reverend Charles F. Campbell
Bay City, M ichigan
Tele: 989-***-****,
E-mail: *********************@*****.***
Objective: Pastor/ Pastoral Care. Shepherd the body of Christ to a deeper relationship and
u nderstanding using the bible for the foundation, and the bible for life example. Comforting
a ll God's children in their t ime of Spiri tual Growth and need.
E xperience
Community Christian Church 2012-
St. John's Reformed Church - CCCC- Loysburgh, Pa Senior Pastor 2009-2011
First Congregational Church- Newburgh, NY Senior Pastor 2007-2009
Watertown Center Bible Church-Millington, M I Senior Pastor 2006-2007
Christian Family Fellowship Church –Lansing, M I EACM Associate 2005-2006
Bay Valley Christian Church- Bay City, M I Out Reach Pastor 1998-
Pastor parishes, teaching bible studies, care for and encourage the congregation. Grow the
church through community involvement, Coordinate all aspects of service preparation,
m usic, and t rained volunteers. Administration, H i red, t rained, managed staff, budgeting,
managed over all operations. Managed capital projects to open or reopen and evangelize the
Pastor, Affiliated with Evangel Association of Churches and M inist ries, of Roseville, M I,
and Bay Valley Christian Church, Bay City M ichigan. Pastor David Ferranti
Bay Regional Medical Center Chaplin and other families in the t r i-cities
Teach and Minister at Destiny School of Ministry
Lead Praise and Worship
Community out reach
1998 to Present- Bay Valley Christian Church Bay City, M I
Out Reach M inister-M inist ry Director. Nursing Home connects and Pastor to Residents and
families Pastoral care to McLaren Bay Region, Ministering to patients and families.
Children Ministry
1983 to present- M.L. & G. Linwood, M I
M issionary to Costa Rica 2000 t r ip
2003 to 2004 Watertown Center Bible Church M i llington, M I
Assist Pastor, Minister as needed.
Assist with and Lead praise and worship. And visitation
Administration: create bulletins, coordinate special services, events.
2002 - 2003 Polk Directories L ivonia, M I
Ter ri torial Account Manager, Responsible for administration, sales, Book layout, in my
d istrict.
Assist customer with the layout and design of their advertising
* 1987 M ichigan State University Lansing, M I
Insurance School all lines graduated2000 - 2001 Shoe Market Bay
C ity, M I
S tore Manager
Manage all aspects of this store, t rain sales Staff, daily records,inventory, Sales and set up
d isplays.
*2005-2006 Destiny School of M inistry Roseville, M I
Biblical Studies
* 1998-2005 Leaders for Christ Training Center Bay City, M I
M inister Apprentice Program
*2003 American College of Metaphysical Theology
Masters of Ar ts, Pastoral Administration Minneapolis, MN
*1987 Aetna Inst. Hartford, CN
Life producers, and finance .completed
*1980 Delta College, Marketing Bay City, M I
I nterests
Meeting the needs of my family and church family. M inisterial Assoc.,. Community
activities, Scouting, .
D r. Jerry Pissiepo, E.A.C.M 586-***-****
Pastor Evelyn McDonald 845-***-****
Lee and Mary Jo Wilber, M inisters 989-***-****
Dwight Kingsbury, Pastor 989-***-****
Edward Heinlein Business Owner 989-***-****