E lizabeth Elizee
Homestead, F L 33032
Cell: 954-***-****
Email: e ****************@*****.***
Objective: A n experienced and skilled student with great knowledge in health, sales, and administrative
I nterpersonal Skills:
Good communication skills
Outstanding handwrit ten, Speak French, Creole, English
Hard worker
Great clinical skills
Excellent computer skills such as M icrosoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access
Education: A ugust 2007 to June 2011 Jan 2012 to Present
North M iami Beach Senior High Keiser University
1247 N.E. 167th Street 2101 N.W. 117th Avenue
North M iami Beach, FL 33162 Miami, Fl 33172
M ajor: Health Science Major: Nursing
Volunteer Services: June 2009 to December 2010
- Volunteered at Jackson North Medical Center
- Received 4000 hours
- Assisted doctors, nurses, patients
Community Services:
B lood drive- Community Blood Centers of South Florida
Community and School Wide Food Drive
Toy Drive
I nternship: C linical internship- Miami Jewish Home
5200 NE 2nd Avenue
M iami, Fl 33137
P hone: 305-***-****
M embership: H OSA
( Health Occupation Student of America)
R eference:
1. Mr. Ritho Jean Louis 2. Mr. Denex Attelus
Paralegal Agent & Chief Executive Officer of R Solution Executive Chef at Florida
I nternational University