B randon Silby
**** ********* **** **** *** Phone: 434-851-
Nashville, TN 37209 E mail:
P rofile
Hardworking professional with nearly 10 years of experience in a variety of venues, such as a quick-service
restaurant, fitness centers, a music store, and a grocery store. Experienced in customer relations, labor
management, financial obligations, and inventory control systems. Dedicated life-long learner with proven success
i n education and employment. Capable of handling many tasks and responsibilities with integrity and humility.
E ducation
2010 - 2012 Belmont University Nashville, TN
Bachelor of Business Administration, Management emphasis, GPA - 3.90
2008 - 2010 C entral Vi rginia Community College Lynchburg, VA
2009 - 2010 C hick-F il-A Denver, CO
• Supervised leadership teams and employees (approximately 35 direct reports) into an efficient
team-based execution of operations and responsibilities; resulting in an increase of 15% in
customer-satisfaction scores
• Created weekly schedule for all employees; monitored and maintained designated labor-efficiency
• Trained, mentored, and monitored the development of new employees and leadership teams
• Designed and implemented specific objectives for leadership team; objectives determined by open
communication and individual strengths, which increased job satisfaction and performance
• Engaged in strategic decision making such as promoting and fi ring employees, developing and
i mplementing plans for growth, and predicting long-term operational efficiency of company
• I llustrated to owner the importance of having managers cross-t rained; resulting in improved
communication between managers, a clearer understanding of daily responsibilities, and a more
cohesive workforce
2008 - 2010 2 4 Hou r F itness Denver, CO
Service Representative
• Maintained point-of-sale and front-desk operations; responsible for resolving customer issues
i ncluding complaints, liability claims, account payments or termination, and new member
o rientation
• Engaged in routine walk-throughs of facility to ensure safety and comfort of members
• Accountable for identifying potential liability hazards and immediately correcting or notifying
p roper personnel
• Executed end-of-day POS operations and nightly facility closures
2003 - 2008 Lynchburg M usic Center Lynchburg, VA
Purchasing Agent & Shipping /Receiving Controller
• Ordered and maintained inventory for a full-line music store with approximately $2 million in
annual sales
• Monitored inventory control systems, customer orders, and all deliveries and shipments
• Prospected and cultivated relationships with vendors; supervised contractual obligations with
vendors and suppliers
• Standardized supply chain operations to increase efficiency, decrease inventory holding costs, and
reduce order errors
• Implemented a more precise recordkeeping and monitoring system for reverse logistics that resulted
i n fewer lost items and fewer customer complaints
• Trained other shipping/receiving personnel
Awards and Honors
Alpha Chi Honor Society - Top 10% of juniors, seniors, and graduate students at Belmont University
Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society - Top 10% of juniors, seniors, and graduate students in the Business school
a t Belmont
Dean's L ist - Fall 2010, Spring 2011, Fall 2011, Spring 2012, and Fall 2012
ETS Major Field Test for the Bachelor's Degree in Business - 97th percentile