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telecom job

Delhi, DL, India
April 21, 2013

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R atish Kumar

D ep a r t m en t of E l ect roni cs a n d C om m u n i cat i on E n gi n eer i n g

I ns t i t u teof E ngineer ing & T echn ol ogy, (Agra University, Agra)


E mail id: WP114,

Wazirpur village,

Contact no: 075******** Ashok

v ihar, Delhi-110052

C ar eer O bj e ct ive :

Seeking a Challenging opportunity in the field of Electronics & Communication

t o excel &g row along w ith the organization by utilizing my learnt knowledge &

acquired skills towards fulfillment of organizationvision.

E d u cat i on al Qualification :


Course % Passout Year Institute / School University / Board

BE/B.Tech (Electronics Institu te of Dr. Bhim Rao


& Communication May 2012 E ngineering and A mbedkar

E ngineering(ECE)) Technology,Agra U niversity

J.N.V., Begusarai,

Class XI I 59.60% May 2008 CBSE Board

B ihar

J.N.V., Begusarai,

Class X 83.80% May 2006 CBSE Board

B ihar

Te chn i ca l P r ofi cie n cy :

Softwares/Tools: B asic (MS Office)

P rogramming Languages:C,C++.

M aj or I n t e r est s:

D i gi ta l elect r on i cs

8051micr opr ocessor


A na l ogcomm u n i cat i on

Digital Signal Processing

D igital

Summer T raining:

O ne month t raining in N HPC Teesta V Power Plant Sikkim On satellite


P roject:

Cellphone-Based Device Control with Acknowledgment

I ndustrial T raining :

ndust rial

U ndergoing industrial t raining in “NANO BRIGHT SOLAR TECHNOLOGIES”, Hyd

Here we deal with L.E.D lightning system, and household installations, streetlights, lanterns etc.


S trength:

Good Communication Skills, Good analytical skills, Positive Attitude, Punctuality, Self

Motivation, Confidence, Creativity, Problem solving expertise, Team work, Leadership

Quali ties and Hard Work.

Personal Detail:

Date of Bi rth :- 02 Oct 1990

Gender :- Male

Father’s Name :- Mr. Rajendra Mahto

Nationalty :- Indian


I here by declare that all the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge.

Place: Ratish Kumar

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