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Project Engineer

Seattle, WA, 98101
April 23, 2013

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Syam Nair

**** *** ***, ** ***, Seattle, WA, USA-98101

Mob: +1-206-***-**** email- *********@*****.***

Experience Summary

> 8+ years (99 months) of experience in Software Industry.

> Working with Infosys Technologies Ltd as a Technical Lead/Architect

in Mobility Unit

> Presently working as Tech Lead/Architect - Mobile for a client of

Infosys at Seattle,USA

> Proven ability in requirement gathering, consulting and software

designing and architecting Enterprise wide mobile solutions

> Experienced in ARTS and IXRetail POS standards

> Experience in Mobile systems architecture and development

> Experienced in iOS,Windows Mobile and SOA systems

> Experienced in preparing excellent use case documents based on the


> Experienced in IT consulting, Business modeling, System modeling and

business analysis

> Individual Excellence Award winner, Infosys.

> Experienced in Agile software development

> Experienced in CMMI level 5 processes.

Employment History

> Presently working as a Technology Lead/Architect for a client of

Infosys at Seattle,USA from 2011

> Working with Infosys Technologies Ltd, Technopark, Trivandrum as a

Technical Lead from August 2007 - 2011

> From January 2005 - May 2007 worked as a Software Engineer with NeST

Software, Technopark, Trivandrum

> From July 2004 - October 2004 worked as an Engineer Trainee on

Contract with NeST Software, Technopark, Trivandrum.

Qualification Board/University Year

of Pass out

B.Tech in I.T Cochin University Of Science

and Technology 2003

Technical Skills

Point Of Sale Skills ARTS,IXRetail and POS Log

Mobile Technologies iOS development,HTML5 and Windows Phone

Languages C, C++, VC++,C#,Objective C

Business Analysis JIRA,Quality Center,UML,TFS

Tools Rational Requisite Pro

OO Tools Enterprise Architect, Microsoft Visio, Jude

Application Framework MFC,COM (ATL)

RDBMS Microsoft SQL

Scripting Languages Perl,TCL,EXPECT

Development Visual Studio, Eclipse


Testing Tools Rational Functional Tester,TPTP,STING

Projects Snapshots

Project Mobile Point Of Sale for a leading US fashion Retailer

Organization Infosys Technologies Ltd

Description This project involved in designing and creating Mobile POS for

a leading fashion retailer in US. This project consist of

utilizing their existing retail IT infrastructure and build a

mobile Point Of Sale system top of an old point of sale system

backend. This project involves N Tier approach and uses latest

retail application framework for implementing day to day

activities in 230 stores spread across US.

The solution consists of a native iOS application in iPod touch

with a custom made case which has inbuilt scanner and card

reader. We have created a new web service which is exposing the

business functionalities of the legacy point of sale system.POS

system is secured using a state of the art device

checkin-checkout logic which is directly interfaced with Mobile

Iron which is Mobile Device Management (MDM) tool used by the


Role Technical Architect/Technical Lead

Responsibilit I was responsible for analyzing, designing and architecting

y this Mobile POS system using iOS and SOA based architecture. I

was leading a team which built critical functionalities like

Authentication, Encryption, Credit/Debit Authorization systems,

multichannel cross integration, Direct To Customer selling,

Employee discount feature etc.I was the integration architect

representing the store side to make sure the transaction data

generated from Mobile POS is easily integrated with the

existing back end systems.

Requirement gathered using Rational Requisite Pro and UML and

Enterprise Architect tools were used for system modeling. This

project was in Agile methodology and using JIRA for tracking

user stories and business analysis tasks.

Environment iOS, C#,IOS,Windows Embedded POS Ready, Windows Server 2003

Team size 59

Duration December 2010 ~ still on

Project Mobile Fulfillment application for a Fashion Retailer

Organization Infosys Technologies Ltd

Description This project is for creating a fulfillment application for a

leading fashion retailer in US. This fashion retailer will get

thousands of orders daily from multiple channels like web,

customer mobile application, traditional shipping orders from

stores etc. In order to give a seamless cross channel

experience, fulfillment of these orders from their ware house

should be redesigned. I was the IT consultant and technical

lead for this project. Technical solution consists of SOA based

architecture and used RESTfull WCF web service and a native iOS


Role IT Consultant/Technical Lead

Responsibilit Responsible for requirement gathering and

y designing/architecting the solution for the best interest of

the client. I worked as a solution architect for the whole team

as part of this project. I was responsible for coordinating

multiple teams to get the exact business requirement out of a

high level requirement. I created detailed use case documents

targeting multiple audience and created User Stories (Given,

When and Then) for development team based on offshore (India)

Environment iOS 5,.NET 4,Windows Server 2003

Team size 17

Duration January 2009 ~ May 2010

Project POS - Real Time Reversal and Partial Authorization of Tenders

Organization Infosys Technologies Ltd

Description This project was for one of the leading US Fashion retailer.

This projects main aim was to change the unnecessary hold

created in customer accounts even though the order or

transaction is cancelled/voided because of the retailer's

current POS implementation and business rule. This project

built the capability for Real Time Reversal of hold when a

transaction is voided. To accomplish this we had to establish

multiple interfaces and system hopes like Credit Authorization

systems for various card tenders

Role Technical Lead

Responsibilit Analyzing the current POS (Fujitsu GlobalSTORE) functionality

y and its ability to extend the core POS operations for Real Time

Reversal and Partial Auth for different tenders.I was the

technical lead of the project and had the bottom line

responsibility for designing the inerfaces,detailed analysis of

multiple systems affected and then the implementation of this

core POS feature without affecting any downstream systems like

Sales Adudit or Sales Data Repository.

Environment Fujitsu GlobalSTORE,Windows POS Ready 2003,C++,VB script

Team size 10

Duration November 2008 ~ January 2009

Project Baggage Tracking System for leading US Airline

Organization Infosys Technologies Ltd

Description This project was for one of the leading US air lines which

wants to reduce the number of incidents of lost baggage or

delay of baggages. Infosys analyzed client's pain points and

designed the best suitable solution. Solution consists of a

hand held device which is running under Windows CE operating

system and this device integrated to airlines backend

processing system via a web service. Web service was integrated

with the Oracle Forms Apps server and the centralized data

center which is connected to SITA World Tracer.

Role Technical/Business Analyst

Responsibilit I was a team member which is responsible for the problem

y analysis. We have identified the root cause of luggage lost was

not identifying the right flight. To minimize the incidents its

always important to keep track of passenger luggages and if

possible cargo it in the same flight in which passenger is

travelling. Client was using a paper/file based approach to

track passenger luggages.Opertaors at each freight gates will

have to pass these files to the supervisor and he enters these

into a web application using a fixed PC.Our analysis brought

that this process is the most erroneous step in the whole

process. Our solution was to provide 'mobility' to the luggage

operators at the same time keep the existing business process

at the backend. I was responsible for analyzing the prevailing

problem and created system design for the new approach. My

systematic process flow diagrams were helpful for the

developers to narrow down their doubts.

Environment Windows CE,Java and Oracle

Team size 12

Duration January 2008 ~ November 2008

Project Flight Capacity Optimization Module for leading US airline

Organization Infosys Technologies Ltd

Description This project was to assess the capacity and optimized way of

arranging ULD (Unit Load devices) in client's belly flights.

Infosys helped the client to assess the space in different

category of passenger flights and devised a unique way of

loading the cargo units to appropriate space which helps to

balance the flights load bearing capability. This helped the

client to balance their cargo operations by effectively

utilizing the passenger flights for air cargo movement. This

saved the client a good portion of operating cost of their own

air cargo operations.

Role Technical Analyst

Responsibilit I was responsible for implementing the software for the

y proprietary handheld device which is used to assess the space

and place in flight's belly. Dynamic graphical representation

helps the user to identify the location in more intuitive way.

Space calculation is based on a custom algorithm which is using

artificial intelligence. The solution will even guide the user

to place the ULDs in appropriate places in flights belly based

on Dangerous Goods Regulation if the ULD is called as DG cargo.

Environment Windows CE,C#,LISP and Perl

Team size 10

Duration August 2007 ~ January 2008

Project Change Dispenser - A Point Of Service machine

Description Change Dispenser as its name suggests, gives back coin/note of

small denominations for large amount currency notes. This

device is supposed to install in convenient stores so that

shoppers can use this machine in off business hours.

Role My role in the project is to develop device simulators, which

simulates original device of the Change Dispenser. Device

simulators are used in the Integration testing phase in order

to test the entire layers of the application.

Responsibilit Module Leader


Environment VC++, MFC on Windows

Team size 5,Total Team Size 24

Duration September 2006 ~ May 2007

Project LOGIQ

Description LOGIQ UNO Console is an ultra sound scanner for addressing the

low end ultrasound markets, which fall under Black &White

scanner segment, supporting B Mode and M Mode scanning

capabilities. We developed top layer for the system, which

consists of four application modules for supporting various

user-interfacing functionalities and for the core scanning


Role My role in the project was to develop one of the application

module 'Body pattern and annotation'. This feature will be

used to recognize and compare the internal parts of human body

while in scanning mode

Responsibilit Module Leader


Environment C++ on Linux environment.

Team size 3,Total Team Size 18

Duration April ~ Auguest 2006

Project Accelerated Techniques for Advanced Volume Rendering (ATVR)

Description Main aim of the project was to develop a 3D volume-rendering

algorithm. This algorithm is claimed to be significantly faster

than normal rendering approaches, yet at the same time

achieving the comparable rendering quality. The

volume-rendering algorithm implemented using standard

acceleration techniques, namely Early Ray Termination and Empty

Space Skipping. The application of these acceleration

techniques, combined with standard texture based VR, reduces

pixel level operations while rendering. This algorithm improves

the performance of volume rendering by unleashing the

processing capabilities of modern GPUs through High Level

Shading language (HLSL)

Role My role in the project was to develop a framework where the

core algorithm is running. Framework will be responsible for

loading the raw data from system, process it and then to render

the image to screen. This was a SDI application contains

various functionalities for the proper execution of the

algorithm like enabling/disabling one or more acceleration

techniques etc. This application provides a separate window for

logging the current activities of the whole system.

Responsibilit Developer


Environment VC++, MFC on Windows

Team size 5

Duration December 2005 ~ February 2006

Project Golden Hope Oil Mill Integration System (GHOMIS)

Description GHOMIS is a SCADA system for controlling and monitoring various

activities of palm oil plants of a leading palm oil

manufacturer in the world. The GHOMIS system has two parts

"GHOMIS local" and "GHOMIS online". The "GHOMIS local" is based

on client-server architecture where as "GHOMIS online" is a web

based application The server part of the GHOMIS local has

several components for different functionalities like

configuring the system, data reading from the PLC/RTU, data

computation, error logging and user intractability. Server

connects to the PLC/RTU and read real time data and updates the

real time database.

Role My role in the project was to develop an application

'IOBuilder'to configure input and output points and its

attributes. IOBuilder lies in the middle layer of GHOMIS Input Output processing layer. This utility is used

to save the configured points in a database and also in a

online memory from where other application modules like

Calculation, Scanning etc can access these I/O points and

configuration details of those points. This application also

handles direct export/import of points from xls document to


Responsibilit Developer


Environment VB, VC++, MS SQL 2000 on Windows

Team size 20

Duration January ~ September 2005

Project Counter Terminal Machine (CTM)

Description The objective of the project is to develop Counter Terminal

Machine system, which is mainly used in post offices for postal

savings and insurance. An online terminal is connected to

Postal Savings Calculation center, Postal Saving Operation

Centre and Postal Life Insurance Operation Center.By accessing

the CTM user can do different functions in a single stop.

Role I was responsible for developing 8 COM components, which are

used by the business layer and the service providers. They are

used for basic User interaction to different modules like

Account status information, error information etc.

Responsibilit Developer


Environment C++, COM using ATL, Windows 2000

Team size 115

Duration July ~ September 2004

Personal Profile

Date of Birth 25 May 1981

Nationality Indian

Passport Details J2315848

Visa Status L1 B

Marital Status Married

Sex Male

Languages Known English

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