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Sales Marketing

Laguna Beach, CA, 92651
April 18, 2013

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E rin Walsh

c: 949-***-****

**** *** *** ******

h: 949-***-****

laguna beach

e: ******@**.***

CA 92651

Senior Marketing Executive

Marketing Executive w ith over 19 years of experience in In ternational strategic

marketing. Seasoned professional in Demand Generation Marketing driving sales

results. Hands on relationships with customers and partners, while increasing

revenue & operating profit . Proven t rack record managing small and large teams and

marketing budgets for Fortune 500 and start up environments.

I N TERNAT IONAL EXPER IENCE: L ived and worked for 14 years in Europe and

Asia holding senior positions driving marketing, management and operational efforts

for those regions. Helped build and grow new immerging markets in Latin America,

Asia, India, the middle east & Russia. Managed teams across each region and regional

i nitiatives. Directed pan-regional & global teams of up to 30 employees.

Global & Regional Strategic Planning and Delivered Forecasted Plan

Commitments, Demand Generation, Cross-Functional Relationship Management,

P roduct launch Management, G lobal Branding, Digital Marketing & Advertising,

C hannel Marketing & Development, Investor & Public Relations, M arket Analysis

& Segmentation, Social Media, Acquisition & Customer Based Marketing, E-

Commerce Marketing, Sales & Partner Recruitment, T raining & Enablement,

B udget & Operational Management, I mmense experience with Hardware,

Software, Telco’s, Cloud Computing, Networks and Systems Marketing, Vertical

M arketing & Segmentation, O EM, SI, Resellers, and Distributor relationship and

m arketing management


WESTERN D IG ITAL CORP – Di rector, WW Marketing for I nternal D rives BU

2011 – Cur rent

Location: I rvine, CA USA

Challenge: H i red to build & re-create the go to market strategy for Western

D igital’s I nternal D r ive Business Unit. Build a WW channel brand and drive

global programs in conjunction with global and local resellers, OEM’s, E-

tailers/retailers, Distributors, SI’s and end users groups/verticals. D r iving

m arketing management for Desk Top, Mobile, SSD, Enterp rise & AV BU’s.

M anage an annual budget of 70M worldwide.

Action/Results: Leading a team of 30+ drove a downstream strategy that enhanced a

p ull marketing plan while launching a global PRM system. Successfully create global

p lans, launch products, manage a global budgets and drive demand through MDF,

Coop and partner incentive programs to create pull through a downstream focus and

model. Drive an e-tail marketing plan and strategy. Lead a results driven Demand

Generation process, based on programs that are measured and matured. Use social

media, vertical and segmentation strategies to approach the channel and end users to

d rive demand and pull marketing results.

T HE PLANET GROUP – Vice P resident, Sales & Business Development

2009 – 2011

Location: Laguna Beach/Palo Alto, CA USA

SaaS PRM Software Solution Company

T HE PLANET GROUP – Vice P resident, Business Development Asia Pacific &

J apan

Location: Singapore

Challenge: H i red by the Planet Groups CEO to open the Asia Pacific & America’s

O ffices, build and drive The Planet Group’s Brand, while building the company’s

Asia, North America and South American business i n the sales of a SaaS PRM


SaaS Partner Relationship Management Solution to help provide customers w ith

end-to-end solutions to help organizations manage some or all aspects of the partner

sales channel lifecycle. Improve loyalty, manage incentives, connect with partners,

s treamline online communications, optimize use of marketing development funds,

d rive social media campaigns and understand channels and customer behavior.

Action/Results: Successfully built and expanded The Planet Group’s footprint across

Asia and the America’s by 100%. Leveraged existing business in other regions to drive

sales in the US, while driving new business using an existing global network. Met

and continued to exceed CEO expectations and goals. Created down stream models

creating demand with the channel and expanding to end-users through social media

and vertical/segmentation strategies.

Member of the Executive Team.

EMC CORPORAT ION – Director, Channel & Alliances Marketing, APJ

2001 – 2009

Location: Hong Kong

Challenge: P romoted and t ransferred to Hong Kong to direct the region’s Channel &

A lliances Marketing Teams. To build an Asia Pacific Channel Program that proved

measurable results and ROI. Working with channel sales to drive OEM and partner

loyalty, partner sales goals and product launches throughout Asia.

Action/Results: Developed value propositions, drove partner engagement, sales &

service t raining across 14 count ries generating incremental and partner revenue.

Consolidated partner and marketing teams through 42 company acquisitions.

M anaged a marketing budget of 25M.

Was nominated for the EMC President Award for the creation, implementation and

l aunch the EMC Velocity Partner Program (partner relationship management


E MC CORPORAT ION – Channel & Alliances Marketing, Europe, M iddle East

& A frica

Location: United Kingdom – London

Challenge: H i red by EMC EMEA to create a non-existent channel marketing

organization across the region from scratch. Drive channel business with EMC’s

H ardware, Software & Cloud storage solutions.

Results: B uilt, launched and managed the EMC Velocity Partner & Alliances

P rogram for Europe, Middle East and Africa. After five years in Europe, was promoted

and relocated to duplicate the European program and strategies and best practices

across Asia Pacific & Japan.

Directed and Launched the Pan -EMEA coop, MDF, rebate, PRM, t raining and rewards

p rograms that included systems and processes to support these activities.

Launched a Global Challenge Sponsorship with Unisys to formulate relationships

w ith sales & customers globally, resulting in 28 events hosting 700 customers.

C reated lead-generation campaigns, 15% lead rate, converting 6-12 months. Managed

a marketing budget of 40M.

LEO BURNETT – Vice President, Europe, M iddle East & Africa

1998 – 2001

Location: United Kingdom - London

Was promoted & relocated to London to open & direct the technology division of Leo

B urnett advertising as the EMEA Vice President reporting to the company CEO.

Working primarily with start-up technology companies helping them develop a global

business strategy. Created and drove all marketing operations to take US clients to

E urope.

O RACLE CORPORAT ION – Senior Manager, WW Demand Generation

1995 – 1998

Location: United States – Redwood City, CA

Developed & managed the Demand Generation group worldwide. B uilt & managed a

h igh performing global team of 10 individuals, and an integrated global agency



1991 B.A. Marketing Communications, University of Dayton, Dayton Ohio, USA


18 professional recommendations can be found at

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References available on request

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