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Stationary Engineer/Aircraft Mechanic/Maintenance Technician

Naperville, IL, 60565
April 16, 2013

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Todd Kufahl

**** ************* ***., **********, ** 60565 . 630-***-**** .



Seeking Entry Level Position


Spartan College of Aeronautics and Technology . December 1990

Aviation Maintenance Technology

> FAA Certificated Airframe Technician

> FAA Certificated Powerplant Technician

> Graduated with Honors

> President's Honor Roll, 4th Quarter, 1990

> President's Honor Roll, 3rd Quarter, 1990

> President's Honor Roll, 1st Quarter, 1990

> President's Honor Roll, 4th Quarter, 1989

> Dean's Honor Roll, 3rd Quarter, 1989

Course of Study

> Aircraft Electrical Systems (Basic and Advanced)

> Aircraft Hydraulic Systems (Basic and Advanced)

> Pneumatic Systems (Basic and Advanced)

> Reciprocating Engines

> Turbine Engines

> Airframe Structures (Basic and Advanced)

> Sheet Metal Fabrication and Repair (Basic and Advanced)

> Aircraft Fuel Systems (Basic and Advanced)

> Propellers-Fixed (Basic and Advanced)

> Propellers-Variable (Basic and Advanced)

> Ignition Systems (Basic and Advanced)

> Composite and Exotic Structures and Components

> Aircraft Brake Systems (Basic and Advanced)

> Climate Control and Cabin Pressurization

> Aircraft Communication and Instrumentation


Auxiliary Control Operator . November 2000 - Present

Wisconsin Public Service . Weston Generating Station

> Operation and upkeep of 360 MW fossil fuel power plant in compliance

with rigid company

safety standards and OSHA guidelines

>Trained to Control Room Operator level

> Control MW and MVAR power output utilizing DCS system

> Coordinate MW output with Energy Supply and Control (ES&C) and

transmission agencies (Transco)

> Maintain grid reliability in compliance with NERC, MISO

and all other federal and state regulating agencies

> Operate, inspect and troubleshoot 16 stage, compound flow steam turbine

and related sub-systems

> Operate, inspect and troubleshoot subcritical, superheated steam boiler

and related sub-systems

> Responsible to bring unit on-line including cold start-ups, unit


slow rolls, grid synchronization and sub-system tie-ins

> Operate and synchronize two combined cycle gas turbine/generators as

peak critical demands require

> Insure compliance with all federal and state environmental standards

> Insure water quality through analytical equipment and adjust chemical

injection rates to maintain quality assurance

> Operate and maintain demineralizer, condensate polisher and reverse

osmosis equipment for water purification

> Operate and maintain HVAC systems and sub-systems

> Operate and maintain forced draft cooling tower in all weather


> Operate and maintain all pumps, valves, filters and processes associated

with feedwater, service water and condensate systems

> Develop Standard Operating Procedures, Maintenance Isolation Procedures

and Standard Tag-Out Procedures for all plant systems, subsystems and

process equipment

> Develop Job Safety Analysis for tasks with a "high safety risk factor"

> Work with Mechanical Maintenance and Electrical Maintenance crews during


> Trained in explosive dust recognition and abatement

> Scaffold Training (User Level)

> Trained in the use of Hi-Lift, Hi-Reach and Sky-Genie equipment

Evaporator Technician . November 1994 - November 2000

Lignotech USA

> Operate single-stage turbine compressor for the evaporation of spent

sulfite liquor

> Operate multiple batch evaporators and NAL cooker

> Operate spray driers and manage product inventory

> Maintain records and logs for DNR compliance

> Weekend site supervisor

> Coordinate with spent sulfite liquor supplier to maintain proper

influent and effluent levels

> Control plant effluent in compliance with DNR permits

> Maintain stringent quality standards in compliance with ISO 2000

> Safe handling of various hazardous chemicals and substances

> HAZMAT and OSHA first responder trained

> Maintain strict compliance with all company and OSHA safety standards

and guidelines

Military Experience

U.S. Army . Sp/4 . 1980 - 1984

> Fuel & electrical systems repair section supervisor

> Third echelon tracked & wheeled vehicle repair

>Hazardous Chemical detection and decontamination training

> Trained at USAOCCS Aberdeen, MD

> Squad Leader

> Reconnaissance Team Leader

> Qualified Expert in all weapons and tactics

> Member of the Competitive Rifle Team

> Primary Leadership Course

> Served at multiple duty stations including Europe


> Personal and Professional references available upon request

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