Y uanchen Cui
Name: Yuanchen Cui
Personal Details
Nationality: P.R. C hina (born in Beijing)
Current Address: **** ****** **. ***, ******* Station,
Texas 77840,U.S.A.
Mob.: +1-979-***-****
E-Mail: ***********@*****.***
To seek a position t hat will help me u tilize my skills and
O bjective
abilities in Chemical Engineering, and will offer
p rofessional growth t hrough resources, innovativeness.
Texas A& M Univ. Degree of Ph.D to be obtained
• Major in Chemical Engineering
Aug. 2008-now
• Current GPA 3.8
(to be graduated by 2013)
College Station,
Texas, U.S.A.
Tsinghua Univ. ( ? ? ? Degree of B achelor
?) • Major in Chemical Engineering and Industrial
B ioengineering
Aug. 2004- Jul. 2008
• GPA 3.6, Top 25%.
P.R. China
E xperience
Center for Asphalt and Materials Chemistry
Depar tment of
C hemical Engineering, A ug. 2008- now
Texas A& M Univ.
College Station, Description
Research in Pavement Materials Chemistry Program with
Texas, U.S.A.
a focus on improving the durability, safety, and efficiency
of pavement materials and structures within both
economic and environmental constraints.
Responsibili ties
G raduate Research Assistant in project “Evaluation of
B inder Aging and I ts In f luence in Aging of Hot M ix
Asphalt Concrete”. The goal of this project is to develop
dependable procedures that are sensitive to age
hardening for measuring fatigue cracking and
Key Achievements
• At tending 48th Petersen Asphalt Research
Conference 2011, giving a presentation
“ Introduction to a New, Fast, Binder Aging Test”
• At tending 49th Petersen Asphalt Research
Conference 2012, giving a presentation “An
Oxidation Study on Seal Coat Treated Pavement”
• Attending Pavement Performance Prediction
Symposium 2011, 2012
• Successful negotiating at national and
i nternational levels
• Fourier T ransform I nfrared Spectroscopy
• Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR)
• High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
• Pressure Aging Vessel (PAV)
• Pressure Oxidation Vessel (POV)
The State Key Laboratory of Chemical
Depar tment of
C hemical Engineering, Engineering
J an. 2007- Aug. 2007
Tsinghua Univ.
Responsibili ties
Research Assistant in project “Direct synthesis of
P.R. China
M esoporous TiO2 and its Catalytic Performance in DBT
Desulfur ization”
Key Achievements
• The thi rd wri ter in paper "Direct synthesis of
Mesoporous TiO2 and i ts Catalytic Performance in
D BT Desulfurization" ( Microporous and
Mesoporous Materials, Volume 116, Issues 1-3,
December 2008, Pages 378-385)
• Developed research skills
• Gained capability of analytical thinking fervency
for research
• Gas Chromatography (GC)
• M icroreactors
Membrane Technology and Engineering Research
A ug. 2006- Sep. 2006
Responsibili ties
Research Assistant in project “Measurement of Gas
Separation Membranes Transmit tance”
Key Achievements
• At tended the Third Conference of Aseanian
Membrane Society
• Successful communication with national and
i nternational researchers in membrane society
My research experience has led me excel substantially i n
P rofile
academic projects at international levels. I have
experience in : pavement performance, membrane
i mprovement and catalyst development. M y own chemical
engineering background combined w ith a command of
k nowledge on construction materials from Civil
E ngineering ha s left me confident in handling inter-
discipline p roblem t hat requires the reconciliation of
d ifferent disciplines to otherwise common problems.
Mandarin: Excellent writ ten and oral skills
L anguages
English: Excellent writ ten and oral skills
Cantonese: Good listening skills
Dr. Charles Glover
R eferences
Associate Department Head and
Artie McFerrin Department of Chemical Engineering,
Texas A&M University,
College Station, Texas, U.S.A.
Tel:1-979- 845-3389
Email: *-******@****.***
Dr. Tingjie Wang Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering,
Tsinghua University,
Beijing, P.R. China
Tel: 86-10-627*****
Email: ******@****.********.***.**